Retroactive threadbans

Of course not. My intelligence is exhibited with my posts. Yours, otoh, is rarer than an honest politician.

As long as someone doesn't don't stalk another poster personally/in real life and post that information here, there, and everywhere... it's all in good fun...Right?:)
Isn't that the joy of internet forums? How sad some just can't seem to understand that....
I think we need a thread for those who understand and don't need more than that....
Smoked pork shoulder (in there now), homemade sauerkraut, collards, hoppin john, cornbread, peach cobbler...and a prime
Lucky New Year's Eve prep has begun!
Yurt, aka YaYa apparently is the type of human being who considers libel and slander to be all in good fun. As far as I can tell, it is something only socially inept losers do!

Since I have free reign now to tell you exactly how I know YaYa is Yurt, I will.

Probably eight years ago, noticing apparently that I lived in California. Yurt pm'd me asking me asking where I was from. I told him a town called Cambria. I actually do not even live there, but just told Yurt I did just as a fake out, because I do not trust rightwingers. So Yurt is the only human being I ever told in my life that I live in Cambria.

Fast forward to when YaYa shows up here, and YaYa thought it would be funny to let slip in a post that he knew I lived in "Cambria". I never told that to anyone but Yurt.

The question to me is, what kind of loser creates a new handle, and then vehemently denies he is Yurt....when it is obvious to everyone that YaYa is Yurt. The relentless denials are freakisly weird and creepy, I tell ya!

.....helplessly triggered.....
So you're spreading unsubstantiated gossip because of grind? Tell us why you think grind is being honest about a poster he dislikes.

I have no reason to distrust him. Do you know of a reason? You seem to automatically want to not believe the information, is that Cypress is on your "side"?

Why do you readily believe anything about Trump that fits your world view? Or anything anti conservative for that matter.
I have no reason to distrust him. Do you know of a reason? You seem to automatically want to not believe the information, is that Cypress is on your "side"?

Why do you readily believe anything about Trump that fits your world view? Or anything anti conservative for that matter.

Yes I distrust him based on things he's said about me and others here. Do you trust him because he's on your side?

Maybe you can point out some things I've posted about trump that are flat-out lies. And back them up with documentation.
Yes I distrust him based on things he's said about me and others here. Do you trust him because he's on your side?

Maybe you can point out some things I've posted about trump that are flat-out lies. And back them up with documentation.

how about your claims about golden showers and Russian blackmail.....and wasn't there something about seventeen intelligence agencies having evidence of Russian collusion?.....