Retroactive threadbans

Domer, and Shape Shifter started bickering a bit, because of a snarky remark about a grill. Some people don't always see people are joking, and that's why I always give the proper markings. I addressed it, and didn't see much else.

And you ban me for merely replying to Domers snark, with snark. He also continued after you banned me.

Your lies don't fly here little dragon.
And you ban me for merely replying to Domers snark, with snark. He also continued after you banned me.

Your lies don't fly here little dragon.

You must excuse him, he has PMS (and many, many other ailments).
lol....vienna sausage, weiner, you probably even like Desh's favorite, fuck stick.......but you think folks are degenerates for saying cunt........
They use the word All the time, and much worse...She controls Jr. (Jade) and Mason (and all their socks here and on the the now deceased GR)--and all their forum/thread decision making...That's why you got axed from the GR forum (I read the celebration of your "demise") and that's why Yaya got removed the sacred recipe thread (and why so many are banned there). And she cuddled up with her new BFF to seal the deal. lol
The PMs fly in that
Either have patience, tolerance and sympathy for them or use that ignore. All work well...
They'll still follow you around, though;)
1. Jade is not a "her." How stupid are you that you can't read what I said?
2. Domer derailed nothing. Domer was posting on that thread long before you showed up waving your vienna sausage around like a samurai sword.
3. Wasn't my thread so go whine to the OP about being thread-banned. Weiner.
4. Have a nice night, you idiot. lol
You should stop being so nice to Yurt. You will spoil him.
Who cares whether you go or stay. Does anyone actually read your barely legible English on a regular basis?
Does anyone actually like. or care to be friends with a belligerent illiterate who roams message boards calling women "cunts"?
The cool people here, the reputable people here. have the respect and even friendship of other forum members.

You do not strike me as the type of poster that inspires respect, loyalty, or friendship. Whether you post here or not, I imagine your life is punishment enough.
That’s not true. Grind is cool but no one respects or likes him. Not even Damo.
At least you admit to being a two faced pout puss. You're all for Domer derailing her thread, but ZOMG, I respond to Domer and I'm the one who gets the thread ban.


You're not at Amazon or what ever fungus you crawled out from stinky poo. Your stink don't pass here.
Give it up Yurt. You’re not going to beat “twatmuffin”.

That’s even better than when someone called you an “intellectual colostomy”.
And you ban me for merely replying to Domers snark, with snark. He also continued after you banned me.

Your lies don't fly here little dragon.
Oh for Christ’s sakes Yurt quit your whining!

Here! Here’s 50 cents. Go downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face.
What's left of the :village: of the banned deserves every criticism and complaint they get...
They beg for it, after all...and work hard at it....
They use the word All the time, and much worse...She controls Jr. (Jade) and Mason (and all their socks here and on the the now deceased GR)--and all their forum/thread decision making...That's why you got axed from the GR forum (I read the celebration of your "demise") and that's why Yaya got removed the sacred recipe thread (and why so many are banned there). And she cuddled up with her new BFF to seal the deal. lol
The PMs fly in that
Either have patience, tolerance and sympathy for them or use that ignore. All work well...
They'll still follow you around, though;)

They sound like teenage girls trying to be the mean girls
They sound like teenage girls trying to be the mean girls
If you only
They make teenage girls trying to be mean girls look like
This is a "project" for them. They spend hours...I'm sure you have your own little file by now...
Oh, ok...that's not good...
I've always disliked USC pretty intensely, but I almost felt sorry for them last night.
Meh it happens most times USC loses. Last time he passed out for two days in a garbage dumpster. Wackos Post USC loss drunk posts are epic.

I didn’t feel sorry for them at all. We should have scored 70 more points.