Retroactive threadbans

GR is pretty much non-existent. An angry vile post here, an angry vile post there. But it's been abandoned.
(They banned PostModernProphet for using the c-word...I think that's just hilarious because those two use it All the time around here. Two sets of rules...somethings never change...)

Just as I thought Toxic cunt can't stay away from GR.
Where we post is none of your business Toxic WAQ
I only do it for people derailing a discussion, otherwise I have an adamant base of bans. I also brought attention to Annie making a sock to re-enter a thread they abused, and I asked they be banned from. Otherwise I'm just fine letting people enter the discussion. Covfefe enjoys my recipe discussion as well, and we like to keep it to that. Yaya is angry, because they think I singled them out.

You actually singled out Domer more than once with your multiple warnings to which he ignored . Strangely, though I received no warning from you, I was banned after a mere two or three posts RESPONDING to Domer.

You'll be outed soon enough sock puppet.
I see that whiny-ass ball-less wonder Yaya retroactively banned me from his whiny-ass pity party Thread ban lament.... because I asked Jade to look into having him removed from Jade's Recipe Exchange thread for derailing and refusing to stop fighting with other ppl. Hahahahaha.

Please don't take this as a request to remove said whiny-ass little putz's Owl Removal pleas. Just wanted to publicly mock the little weiner and his tender butthurtz. lol

So when you get me thread banned.... You're all full of balls?

I find the irony rich you whining about being thread banned while causing mine.

So when you get me thread banned.... You're all full of balls?

I find the irony rich you whining about being thread banned while causing mine.


I didn't whine at all, my dear little twatmuffin. I merely pointed out that you were such a tender snowflake that you banned me from yours, much to my entertainment, for merely suggesting to Jade (who is a guy btw not a female) that he request your removal. Since you left, we're back to discussing the OP -- foodies. Even Domer! We don't miss you.

Keep it up... you're a great toy!
I didn't whine at all, my dear little twatmuffin. I merely pointed out that you were such a tender snowflake that you banned me from yours, much to my entertainment, for merely suggesting to Jade (who is a guy btw not a female) that he request your removal. Since you left, we're back to discussing the OP -- foodies. Even Domer! We don't miss you.

Keep it up... you're a great toy!

Yaya even banned Domer from the recipe ban discussion, using what they won't stop complaining about. :palm:
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I didn't whine at all, my dear little twatmuffin. I merely pointed out that you were such a tender snowflake that you banned me from yours, much to my entertainment, for merely suggesting to Jade (who is a guy btw not a female) that he request your removal. Since you left, we're back to discussing the OP -- foodies. Even Domer! We don't miss you.

Keep it up... you're a great toy!

At least you admit to being a two faced pout puss. You're all for Domer derailing her thread, but ZOMG, I respond to Domer and I'm the one who gets the thread ban.


You're not at Amazon or what ever fungus you crawled out from stinky poo. Your stink don't pass here.
nor will I be've already gotten all your Christmas presents......

Who cares whether you go or stay. Does anyone actually read your barely legible English on a regular basis?
Does anyone actually like. or care to be friends with a belligerent illiterate who roams message boards calling women "cunts"?
The cool people here, the reputable people here. have the respect and even friendship of other forum members.

You do not strike me as the type of poster that inspires respect, loyalty, or friendship. Whether you post here or not, I imagine your life is punishment enough.
At least you admit to being a two faced pout puss. You're all for Domer derailing her thread, but ZOMG, I respond to Domer and I'm the one who gets the thread ban.

You're not at Amazon or what ever fungus you crawled out from stinky poo. Your stink don't pass here.

1. Jade is not a "her." How stupid are you that you can't read what I said?
2. Domer derailed nothing. Domer was posting on that thread long before you showed up waving your vienna sausage around like a samurai sword.
3. Wasn't my thread so go whine to the OP about being thread-banned. Weiner.
4. Have a nice night, you idiot. lol
Who cares whether you go or stay. Does anyone actually read your barely legible English on a regular basis?
Does anyone actually like. or care to be friends with a belligerent illiterate who roams message boards calling women "cunts"?
The cool people here, the reputable people here. have the respect and even friendship of other forum members.

You do not strike me as the type of poster that inspires respect, loyalty, or friendship. Whether you post here or not, I imagine your life is punishment enough.

Says the harasser of women.

How many restraining orders do you have against you?
1. Jade is not a "her." How stupid are you that you can't read what I said?
2. Domer derailed nothing. Domer was posting on that thread long before you showed up waving your vienna sausage around like a samurai sword.
3. Wasn't my thread so go whine to the OP about being thread-banned. Weiner.
4. Have a nice night, you idiot. lol

If Domer wasn't derailing the thread, why was he warned more than once?

You're not smart enough for JPP. Maybe that bullshit logic flew at Amazon, but try harder and maybe Jaded will pet you extra hard tonight. I bet she likes it when you purr.
Who cares whether you go or stay.
my posting or not posting must mean something to both you and Jade since you both remember to thread ban me when you start threads....
with a belligerent illiterate who roams message boards calling women "cunts"?
/shrugs.....hey I already apologized.......when I called you a cunt I had no idea you were a woman....

The cool people here, the reputable people here. have the respect and even friendship of other forum members. think you're one of the cool people?.....

You do not strike me as the type of poster that inspires respect from assholes.
I know, right?.....
1. Jade is not a "her." How stupid are you that you can't read what I said?
2. Domer derailed nothing. Domer was posting on that thread long before you showed up waving your vienna sausage around like a samurai sword.
3. Wasn't my thread so go whine to the OP about being thread-banned. Weiner.
4. Have a nice night, you idiot. lol

lol....vienna sausage, weiner, you probably even like Desh's favorite, fuck stick.......but you think folks are degenerates for saying cunt........
1. Jade is not a "her." How stupid are you that you can't read what I said?
2. Domer derailed nothing. Domer was posting on that thread long before you showed up waving your vienna sausage around like a samurai sword.
3. Wasn't my thread so go whine to the OP about being thread-banned. Weiner.
4. Have a nice night, you idiot. lol

Domer, and Shape Shifter started bickering a bit, because of a snarky remark about a grill. Some people don't always see people are joking, and that's why I always give the proper markings. I addressed it, and didn't see much else.