Retroactive threadbans

If you only
They make teenage girls trying to be mean girls look like
This is a "project" for them. They spend hours...I'm sure you have your own little file by now...

Trying to relive high school as the mean girls on anonymous message board...

They use the word All the time, and much worse...She controls Jr. (Jade) and Mason (and all their socks here and on the the now deceased GR)--and all their forum/thread decision making...That's why you got axed from the GR forum (I read the celebration of your "demise") and that's why Yaya got removed the sacred recipe thread (and why so many are banned there). And she cuddled up with her new BFF to seal the deal. lol
The PMs fly in that
Either have patience, tolerance and sympathy for them or use that ignore. All work well...
They'll still follow you around, though;)

I love the smell of butthurt paranoia in the morning. lol
I only do it for people derailing a discussion, otherwise I have an adamant base of bans. I also brought attention to Annie making a sock to re-enter a thread they abused, and I asked they be banned from. Otherwise I'm just fine letting people enter the discussion. Covfefe enjoys my recipe discussion as well, and we like to keep it to that. Yaya is angry, because they think I singled them out.

it is called censorship,the socialist left loves it.
What women?

Yurt, aka YaYa apparently is the type of human being who considers libel and slander to be all in good fun. As far as I can tell, it is something only socially inept losers do!

Since I have free reign now to tell you exactly how I know YaYa is Yurt, I will.

Probably eight years ago, noticing apparently that I lived in California. Yurt pm'd me asking me asking where I was from. I told him a town called Cambria. I actually do not even live there, but just told Yurt I did just as a fake out, because I do not trust rightwingers. So Yurt is the only human being I ever told in my life that I live in Cambria.

Fast forward to when YaYa shows up here, and YaYa thought it would be funny to let slip in a post that he knew I lived in "Cambria". I never told that to anyone but Yurt.

The question to me is, what kind of loser creates a new handle, and then vehemently denies he is Yurt....when it is obvious to everyone that YaYa is Yurt. The relentless denials are freakisly weird and creepy, I tell ya!
Yurt, aka YaYa apparently is the type of human being who considers libel and slander to be all in good fun. As far as I can tell, it is something only socially inept losers do!

Since I have free reign now to tell you exactly how I know YaYa is Yurt, I will.

Probably eight years ago, noticing apparently that I lived in California. Yurt pm'd me asking me asking where I was from. I told him a town called Cambria. I actually do not even live there, but just told Yurt I did just as a fake out, because I do not trust rightwingers. So Yurt is the only human being I ever told in my life that I live in Cambria.

Fast forward to when YaYa shows up here, and YaYa thought it would be funny to let slip in a post that he knew I lived in "Cambria". I never told that to anyone but Yurt.

The question to me is, what kind of loser creates a new handle, and then vehemently denies he is Yurt....when it is obvious to everyone that YaYa is Yurt. It is freakisly weird and creepy, I tell ya!
I guess in hopes of starting fresh, but in order to do that you need to change your personality, use different phrases, words, and habits, very few people can pull it off. They slip up after awhile.
Cypress is a creepy harasser and a liar, as I did no such thing and I have no idea what he told Yurt.

BTW Cyprissy, it was Grind who said this and the truth is am absolute defense to slander or libel you sick freak.

Get over your Yurt obsession, and stop harassing women on internet forums.