Rich people whining about paying taxes

First of all--some of the gay libs on here constantly make gay sexual innuendos at my expense--directed directly at me. I guess that is gay rights on this board. How do you know I am not a minor?

One more time. Stuff about you, or another poster = okay

Stuff about another poster's kid = NOT OKAY. Read the rules.

There is absolutly no mention at all of any kind of statutory rape on this thread from me--or anywhere on this board from me. I apologized to TOPspin for those family remarks of which at the time, I was not even sure if TOP had children. I now know he has children, but I have no idea how old they are, and I have nothing telling me that they are minors. I am under the impressioon now that his children are out of HS.

I don't care what impression you have of the age of his kids, the rules state to leave kids OUT OF YOUR POSTS.

You said you deleted the offensive material in a PM to me--but all I see missing is my apology to Top spin. The offensive material I posted is still there.

I did not say I deleted ANY MATERIAL AT ALL. I said I would delete material if you continued to suggest sex with another poster's child regardless of their age. I also said that in the past with a different battle with two other posters I had to delete their posts because it got to the point where the posts themselves were illegal.

In no way will I let anybody suggest that I support any kind of statutory rape or child abuse--espically a twisted liberial.

I don't care what you with "let" people do so long as you don't bring another poster's children (regardless of age) into a thread where you are describing sexual acts.

Was the thread over the top?--you bet it was. That is why I apologized to Top AFTER I CALLED A TRUCE!!. I can't find that apology (that for all I know you deleted to support your twisted point of statutory rape), but I am the only person that offered a apology at all that I have ever seen on this board--and I mentioned in the post that I am sure TOP has a wonderfull family. I hope TOP got a chance to read it--if not--I will try to repete the apology that I posted. This is my second public appology to Topspin over the same post that is in question.

I have deleted nothing. Do not suggest so again.

TOP, me calling a truce is not good enough for me. I owe you an apology for that post slamming your family. I know you were just jerking my chain, and I tend to pull harder on the chain when I am being messed with. I am very sorry I went over the top with that post, and I am sure you have a wonderfull family.

Now-- just before that point a few posts earlier--I called a truce with top, to end this poor taste of fighting. I think he accepted (I hope), because we were soon civil to eachother before my first apology.

I admitted I was wrong for going over the top and I publically apologized to TOP twice now--now Damocles ows me a public apology for suggesting I ever had any intentions of implying any kind of statutory rape. I will not let anybody make me look like some kind of child abuser--espically a twisted liberial.

I owe you no aplogy for warning you about the rules.

I will bet you folks that Democles does not have the fortitude to owe up to his false accusation against me. If Juan McCain can not apoplgize to Romney, for spreading fals truths just before Florida--I don't see much hope for a liberial to do so. (oh yea--Juan McCain is a liberial)

It is not a false accusation. Read the rules.

Partilarly rule 13 which reads as follows:

13. No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification. It should be particularly attended to, to avoid any and all mention of descriptive encounters with children. It is unacceptable to bring that onto the board in any context. Do not suggest encounters with another poster's child.

I don't care if I hang out on line with a bunch of gay liberials or not--I will leave on my own free will if I don't get a public apology from Democles for aserting that ever had any envolvement with any kind of child abuse or statutroy rape. I will not take those kinds of twisted flat out lies Democles--so lets see that apology, and I will never go over the top like that again, while defending myself or not.

Thank you for never going over the top like that again, it is all I asked. However, you are not going to get an apology from me because I brought the rules of the board to your attention.

If there is no apology--I will leave you guys to play with one another. That is fine with me. It is not a pasion of mine to hang out with a bunch twisted gay liberials that dominate this board. Really--I could care less.

I apologize to you Democles, for posting a "over the top" post to Topspin--but in no way shape or form does it imply underaged children with illegal actions. That is a twisted accusation on your part--and you did it publically.


Thank you for your apology. What it is, is pointing out rule 13 to you. I point it out to you again, publicly.

Now, could it be construed by any person to be descriptive actions on another poster's child? You bet it can.

BTW - You may want to read the rule on PM.
I agree.

I certainly didn't want him to stop flaming. I just want him to leave the families out. I've seen where that goes, and it isn't pretty.

I can see that point--that is why I apologized--to everybody here!

Here is the PM I just sent Topspin.

Read the first paragraph a few times to see the flaw with your rules. If I were 12 years old--you would still condone gay flamming to a minor. That is not the case this time---but I am pretty sure it has been with the amount of gay flaming on this board.

to top

"It looks like Democles has twisted some facts. He is a liberial--what do I expect I guess. He also condones gay flamming upon others--but he has no idea what new members might be a minor either--the guy is a twisted gay liberial--I suspect.

I made a nasty post, while fighting with you on line, about your family. At the time, I don't think I knew you had children. Now I know you do have children, but I am under the impression that they are out of HS. That really does not matter IMO, but I got accused publically by Democles of speaking of statutory rape or some kind of child abuse with underaged children. I am not taking that crap from that twisted liberial--and I let him have it a bit on line in that "rich people and taxes thread" (or something like that).

Anyway man--I did apologize to you twice on line now about that post I posted, and I apologized to Democles and the whole board--but if you did not see it, I wanted to PM you with it to make sure you do.

here is my apology that I put on line twice Top.

"TOP, me calling a truce is not good enough for me. I owe you an apology for that post slamming your family. I know you were just jerking my chain, and I tend to pull harder on the chain when I am being messed with. I am very sorry I went over the top with that post, and I am sure you have a wonderfull family."

Now I really don't have any kind of passion of hanging out with a bunch of gay liberials on line--so if I don't get the apology from Democles that I asked for-----it was cool talking with you (when we became civil to echother for that short amount of time yesterday).

I wish you and your family the best TOP



Sorry Democles--I have to much honor for anyone to accuse me of any kind of child abuse. I don't care if I come here or not--but if you don't apologize to me for accusing me of condoning child abuse--I will have no problem leaving you folks behind and this will be my last post. I do admitt that the post was nasty--but in no way shape or form was any type of child abuse intended or implied.

I did the right thing by owing up to my mistakes--now it is your turn.

Make the liberials proud--will ya?
The libs and their gay flaming are only demonstrating their intellectual paucity. Let them continue to degrade themselves.
If you don't checkmark you are older than a certain age it won't let you auto register without permission from parents. I don't accept the forms, you wouldn't be able to register.

I think the law requires the age limit to be 13. I'll have to check into that.
If you don't checkmark you are older than a certain age it won't let you auto register without permission from parents. I don't accept the forms, you wouldn't be able to register.

I think the law requires the age limit to be 13. I'll have to check into that.

Yeah, you have to be 13 to sign up for anything online.