Right-Wing Authoritarianism.

Right-wing authoritarians are highly generally punitive of what they believe is deviant behavior that violates their moral conceptions. According to Altemeyer, this is because of belief in their moral superiority and their concern for “moral disintegration.”

Three factors: authoritarian submission, conventionalism, and authoritarian aggression.
sounds like vaccine mandate advocates.
derp derp

the state is a monopoly. That is axiomatic. make no mistake - you can't have a state without authority, but power corrupts

conservatives understand this dynamic more than libtards do, just not to the degree libertarians understand the slippery slope of authoritarianism

I am much more concerned with left wing authoritarians. They prevent us from even voting with our feet as they nationalize everything
derp derp

the state is a monopoly. That is axiomatic. make no mistake - you can't have a state without authority

conservatives understand this dynamic more than libtards do, just not to the degree libertarians understand the slippery slope of authoritarianism

I am much more concerned with left wing authoritarians. They prevent us from even voting with our feet as they nationalize everything
derp derp

You are a fucking moron.
The Authoritarian Character structure, according to Maslow, consisted of the following:

1) Viewing the world as a “dog eat dog” one. “Your gain is my loss.” Zero sum reasoning 2) Believing that kindness is weakness 3) Exhibiting sado-masochistic tendencies 4) Containing intra-psychic conflicts and a sense of guilt that generates hostility 5) Manifesting a rigidity of thought
The Authoritarian Character structure, according to Maslow, consisted of the following:

1) Viewing the world as a “dog eat dog” one. “Your gain is my loss.” Zero sum reasoning 2) Believing that kindness is weakness 3) Exhibiting sado-masochistic tendencies 4) Containing intra-psychic conflicts and a sense of guilt that generates hostility 5) Manifesting a rigidity of thought
"the rich are consuming all the resources"
Right-wing authoritarians are highly generally punitive of what they believe is deviant behavior that violates their moral conceptions. According to Altemeyer, this is because of belief in their moral superiority and their concern for “moral disintegration.”

Three factors: authoritarian submission, conventionalism, and authoritarian aggression.
Just the usual drivel from some academic or another. They might as well have published a paper on dog rape culture or radical feminism plagerizing Mein Kampf. Wait... That's been done.

The fascist personality thinks everyone is entitled to their opinions. But further, that no standard of truth can be made to evaluate opinions that are false.
Thus the authoritarian thinks posting a picture is the same as making an argument. Again, that mere opinion is the only truth.
The fascist personality thinks everyone is entitled to their opinions. But further, that no standard of truth can be made to evaluate opinions that are false.
My position on this isn't opinion. It is empirically derived and measurable. That's the problem with the positions of the radical Left. They're subjective opinion and nothing more. My standard on what is Left and Right is measurable and repeatable, at least in coarse terms, yours isn't.
So you provide a source that talks about authoritarianism and a big-time leader, and cannot see how that hits Trump perfectly. Trump is the Fascist. The government providing healthcare during a pandemic is the opposite of that.
you said providing - but the correct term was forcing.

they forced the care, and forced people to not say bad things about the care
So you provide a source that talks about authoritarianism and a big-time leader, and cannot see how that hits Trump perfectly. Trump is the Fascist. The government providing healthcare during a pandemic is the opposite of that.
The right wing: Caring for people is fascism.

Each axis can be given a quantitive measure from say 0 to 10 if you want, or some other scale, but it is repeatable and accurate in labeling a political system.