Right-Wing Authoritarianism.

Good thing I totally ignored them hum?
I made the wrong call, I took took two death jabs, even I after all that I have seen...after all that I have been through.....massively underestimated how rotted out America has become.

People who would abuse the entire population claiming pandemic, with a bug that humans created in a lab in part with American funding and training, are some of the worst people that have ever lived. We are getting to "That one is not all skin and bones, he must be stealing food....kill him"
On the other hand many who did not take the death jabs were essentially murdered in the hospitals through the withholding of appropriate care. Those who took the jabs were also not treated correctly, but there was a strong sense that those who refused to comply with the Regimes demands had forfeited the right to care.
Like I said, keep up the good work. Waves bye
Long version:
