Rittenhouse u-turns after saying he won't vote Trump

and one more thing cunt.
most left leaning people I know don't want peoples guns taken away from them , in fact most of them own a few.
all they want is reasonable laws where things like hand guns need to be registered and the owners have a gun permit for them. and registering things like AK 47s and ARs .
Have a nice day you cock sucking asshole.
for one thing I have many and YOU DON'T have the balls to come and get any of them.
and just to let you know there is plenty of ammo to go with them.
and I unlike YOU don't back anybody that wants to take peoples guns away and stomp on their second Amendment rights.
as I said after trump get done taking the left leaning peoples CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS what says he doesn't turn around and starts taking YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AWAY?
I unlike YOU don't want a DICTATOR ,
Have a nice day
Then we're on the same page. Democrats are the only wanna be dictators who have ever mentioned disarming us.

Trump has never wavered.

There are a ton of reasons not to like or vote for Trump so I don't understand why you idiots have to make shit up.

There is just something fundamentally disabling to the brain with TDS. I hope someone comes up with a treatment for it soon.
and one more thing cunt.
most left leaning people I know don't want peoples guns taken away from them , in fact most of them own a few.
all they want is reasonable laws where things like hand guns need to be registered and the owners have a gun permit for them. and registering things like AK 47s and ARs .
Have a nice day you cock sucking asshole.
I don't need a fucking permit asshat. I have the second amendment.

You go ahead and register your stuff dipshit. Let me know how that works out for you later.

Your reasonable laws are going to get us all killed fucktard.

Why are you people so fucking daft? It defies reason how foolish and moronic you are.
I don't need a fucking permit asshat. I have the second amendment.

You go ahead and register your stuff dipshit. Let me know how that works out for you later.

Your reasonable laws are going to get us all killed fucktard.

Why are you people so fucking daft? It defies reason how foolish and moronic you are.
well we are " daft" because we don't like having crazy fuck heads like you running around possibly gong fuck nuts off the wall shooting people up.
and I have a CC license and my pistols ARE all registered.
they are kept in a safe but don't worry come try and get them the 16 ga, and 12 ga shot guns are out and loaded and it only takes seconds to open the safe.
I unlike you I follow the law.
and for your info it wasn't that hard to license and register them.
Have a nice day you fucking asshole.
well we are " daft" because we don't like having crazy fuck heads like you running around possibly gong fuck nuts off the wall shooting people up.
and I have a CC license and my pistols ARE all registered.
they are kept in a safe but don't worry come try and get them the 16 ga, and 12 ga shot guns are out and loaded and it only takes seconds to open the safe.
I unlike you I follow the law.
and for your info it wasn't that hard to license and register them.
Have a nice day you fucking asshole.
Registering and licencing guns is not required in America.

You must live in one of those communist states we plan to jettison with the national divorce.

You sound unhinged. Does your shit state have red flag laws too? You need to be reported.
Registering and licencing guns is not required in America.

You must live in one of those communist states we plan to jettison with the national divorce.

You sound unhinged. Does your shit state have red flag laws too? You need to be reported.
well there is nothing in the second Amendment that says that they can't put laws into effect that you would have to register hand guns and things like AK 47s.
and you sound like an asshole living in one of those red states that depend on money the Federal government takes from those " communist states " that pay billions more in then they get back. and once you " jettison them and have to actually have to pay your way you will be crying , come back come back we need YOUR money
Have a nice day
Conservative campaigner Kyle Rittenhouse has promised to support Donald Trump in November's US election, reversing comments hours earlier that he would vote against him because he was "bad" at protecting gun rights.


MAGAts has gone ugly on him. He lost a lot of folllowers. Time to realize they're in a cult.
So fat murderboy's new career is "conservative campaigner"? For real? Candidates want a killer endorsing them and working for them?

Damn. The GOP truly does have no principles or honor.
Rittenhouse feels he has been betrayed by many of the right wing groups. They collected donations based on his case, and then did absolutely nothing for him. The NRA was the worst, literally refusing to do anything for him.

He realizes apart from the other problems with the reich wing, they are usually a scam.
Why isn't he getting an education and having some sort of job/career other than publicly giving gun barrels blow jobs for a cheering audience?
Then why is it this subject is only being brought up by the Left and Democrats?
His little gunhumping Trumpanzee fanboys had a hissy. They are not "the Left and Democrats."

"Acquitted killer Kyle Rittenhouse announced he would not be supporting Donald Trump’s attempt to return to the White House – but ultimately ended up politically endorsing him anyway after being inundated with vitriolic messages from the former president’s followers.

"The flip-flop by Rittenhouse – who has fashioned himself as a gun rights activist after shooting two people to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during racial justice protests there in 2020 – followed an initial pledge to write in former congressman Ron Paul as his choice on November’s presidential election ballot."
and one more thing cunt.
most left leaning people I know don't want peoples guns taken away from them , in fact most of them own a few.
all they want is reasonable laws where things like hand guns need to be registered and the owners have a gun permit for them. and registering things like AK 47s and ARs .
Have a nice day you cock sucking asshole.
:hand: :hand: :hand:

I'm a Leftie who owns guns. So does my husband. Idiots like "Joe" and Gardner though fall for the NRA propaganda that we all want to confiscate their dick-substitutes and violate the 2A.
:hand: :hand: :hand:

I'm a Leftie who owns guns. So does my husband. Idiots like "Joe" and Gardner though fall for the NRA propaganda that we all want to confiscate their dick-substitutes and violate the 2A.
well as I said everybody I know that is DEM or left leaning has never said all guns should be taken away.
they just want REASONABLE licensing and registration of hand guns and things like AK47s.
and the MAGA morons back Trump and HE IS the one saying "take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later"
and I will ask them again WHO decides when LATER is?
isn't LATER like Tomorrow?
it never comes, it is always today and now it is never later or tomorrow.
YES they are the ones that want to stomp on the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of left leaning people, and at the same time cry that it is the left doing it.
they are a bunch of fucking hypocrites
Have a nice day