Rittenhouse u-turns after saying he won't vote Trump

Have you ever seen this guy do interviews? He comes off as inauthentic, as ideologically possessed....as if he is playing a game or a role.
I saw him during the trial. It was enough to see he was a loon then and I'm sure nothing has changed since.
Aww, widdle Kyle ... the former symbol of MAGA/Alt-Right resistance to the onslaught of DIE, BLM, illegal immigrants, Gay grooming, etc., etc. The 17 yr. old teen who bravely traveled across state lines to grab a gun (illegally) and run into the fray of a riotous reaction to the fatal shooting of a local man with pending warrants. No one asked for Widdle Kyle's presence, as he walked passed cops brandishing his rifle in his quasi-camo get up pretending to have EMT training (he didn't). A encounter/scuffle ensued with some rioters which resulted in Widdle Kyle shooting and killing 2 men. The trial essentially let him off scot free DESPITE the illegality of his being a non resident and minor walking around in public with a open carry weapon (all illegal). No video showed what actually transpired prior to the shooting and only Widdle Kyle's testimony was available (as dead men tell no tales).

Well, Widdle Kyle had his 15 minutes, then kind of faded from the MSM view .... and the potential gravy train of being a media icon for the fringe right wing.

Now 21 yr. old Widdle Kyle is just another working class schmoe, so he makes announcements to try to regain his infamy (and possibly turn a profit at it).

Ahh, the MAGA/Alt-Right crowd .... you support your hero committing manslaughter then toss him into the bin of obscurity....much like how Cheeto Jeezus can give lip service about the Jan. 6th yahoos bagged and tagged, but nary any $$ or lawyers to their situation.

Truly a fascinating train wreck to watch for a bit.
Aww, widdle Kyle ... the former symbol of MAGA/Alt-Right resistance to the onslaught of DIE, BLM, illegal immigrants, Gay grooming, etc., etc. The 17 yr. old teen who bravely traveled across state lines to grab a gun (illegally) and run into the fray of a riotous reaction to the fatal shooting of a local man with pending warrants. No one asked for Widdle Kyle's presence, as he walked passed cops brandishing his rifle in his quasi-camo get up pretending to have EMT training (he didn't). A encounter/scuffle ensued with some rioters which resulted in Widdle Kyle shooting and killing 2 men. The trial essentially let him off scot free DESPITE the illegality of his being a non resident and minor walking around in public with a open carry weapon (all illegal). No video showed what actually transpired prior to the shooting and only Widdle Kyle's testimony was available (as dead men tell no tales).

Well, Widdle Kyle had his 15 minutes, then kind of faded from the MSM view .... and the potential gravy train of being a media icon for the fringe right wing.

Now 21 yr. old Widdle Kyle is just another working class schmoe, so he makes announcements to try to regain his infamy (and possibly turn a profit at it).

Ahh, the MAGA/Alt-Right crowd .... you support your hero committing manslaughter then toss him into the bin of obscurity....much like how Cheeto Jeezus can give lip service about the Jan. 6th yahoos bagged and tagged, but nary any $$ or lawyers to their situation.

Truly a fascinating train wreck to watch for a bit.
Kyle lived in a nearby state. He heard about the demonstration, got his rifle and drove there. He was going hunting.
It is a half hour drive....I can spend a half hour getting to the other side of my town (Legally three cities but they are all connected....functionally this is one city).
Why isn't he getting an education and having some sort of job/career other than publicly giving gun barrels blow jobs for a cheering audience?
Rittenhouse was not smart, and he was a bully. That is a combination that makes it very difficult for him to get an education.
Rittenhouse was not smart, and he was a bully. That is a combination that makes it very difficult for him to get an education.
Remember Parkland survivor David Hogg? When he embarked on his gun safety activist career, one of our busybody posters here nattered for months about how he should give that up and go to college and make something of himself. He did; he graduated from Harvard last year. Interestingly, our busybody hasn't said a single peep about Rittenhouse making something of himself.

It would appear that the good guys on the Left have people like Hogg, while the Reichwing gets the uneducated gunhumping stooges like the fat murder boy and crazy J6 shaman. It's not a coincidence.
Remember Parkland survivor David Hogg? When he embarked on his gun safety activist career, one of our busybody posters here nattered for months about how he should give that up and go to college and make something of himself. He did; he graduated from Harvard last year. Interestingly, our busybody hasn't said a single peep about Rittenhouse making something of himself.

It would appear that the good guys on the Left have people like Hogg, while the Reichwing gets the uneducated gunhumping stooges like the fat murder boy and crazy J6 shaman. It's not a coincidence.
If you disagree with the alt right, they go after you. They do not accept polite disagreement. It is too the point they are talking about executing people who fail to endorse trump.
If you disagree with the alt right, they go after you. They do not accept polite disagreement. It is too the point they are talking about executing people who fail to endorse trump.
Some are violent but for the most part they are impotent, angry, disappointed, bitter losers who can only whine and bitch and embrace the Prince of Grievance -- their #MalignantMessiah Trump. They're not at all interested in hope and unity and a positive and strong America future. The rest of us are though, and that is what Harris is promoting. That is why she will win.
Remember Parkland survivor David Hogg? When he embarked on his gun safety activist career, one of our busybody posters here nattered for months about how he should give that up and go to college and make something of himself. He did; he graduated from Harvard last year. Interestingly, our busybody hasn't said a single peep about Rittenhouse making something of himself.

It would appear that the good guys on the Left have people like Hogg, while the Reichwing gets the uneducated gunhumping stooges like the fat murder boy and crazy J6 shaman. It's not a coincidence.
:hand: Bravo! Well said!