RNC demands networks yank McCain ad

Funny, SF isn’t bothered by what 100 years in Iraq, under any circumstances, would cost. But bring up any kind of health care plan, and you better run! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!?

I guess SF has subscribed to the Iraq for dummies theory of “Once McCain gets in, Iraq is only gonna cost us one dollar and fifty cents a day. And you can’t beat that anywhere!”

Yepper, better to go in debt killing than saving.
The Rnc is not only talking about them misquoting McCain, but they are showing two of our soldiers being blown up by an IED..

But go figure..it's not ok to use a preachers spoken words in a ad..
But it's just fine and dandy for the Democrats to use our troops being blown up for their ads..

What they hell would you expect from the party....who supports the troops..:mad:
Funny, SF isn’t bothered by what 100 years in Iraq, under any circumstances, would cost. But bring up any kind of health care plan, and you better run! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!?

I guess SF has subscribed to the Iraq for dummies theory of “Once McCain gets in, Iraq is only gonna cost us one dollar and fifty cents a day. And you can’t beat that anywhere!”

A military base in Iraq isn't going to cost any more than a military base in Germany provided conditions are the same. But that is a very unlikely scenario you twit and yet another example of how idiots like you continue to twist things into their warped view of the world.

Never did I say a damn thing anywhere close to "Once McCain gets in, Iraq will only cost $1.50 a day." That is simply more of your "I hate the murderous troops so much that I cannot think straight" line of "reasoning".

Why not go out spit on a few and then go kill a few unborn kids for shits and giggles? Perhaps that will help you release all of that hostility you are holding on to.
The Rnc is not only talking about them misquoting McCain, but they are showing two of our soldiers being blown up by an IED..

But go figure..it's not ok to use a preachers spoken words in a ad..
But it's just fine and dandy for the Democrats to use our troops being blown up for their ads..

What they hell would you expect from the party....who supports the troops..:mad:

Yeah, it’d be different if they used firefighter’s coffins being carried out of the towers.

Does it offend you to discover that people are actually dying in Iraq? Or does it just offend you that voters might find out?
I watched it and notice the part about as long as we are not being killed or injured, but then he went on about how violent and volitile the area is.

McSameold, is talking out both sides of his ass.
And he got caught and called on it. Case closed.


It's not as if this is the first dumb ass thing he's said or done.
But McCain's position is that he wants to keep troops fighting the war until no more troops are killed and then he'd be fine if we had a base in Iraq as we do Japan. The problem is the first part of the formulation, which could be indefinite.

Regardless, another aspect of the bullshit about Korea and Japan, is that nobody seems to have noticed that McCain filp-flopped on this point too. He specifically rejected the prospect of US troops maintaining a presence in Iraq along the German or Korean model just s few years ago.

When the guy is all over the map with his positions on matters of importance I don't understand how it is possible to misrepresent his position. Which one?
And no one will point out to McCain that at this point after the single largest conflagration in world history Japan and Germany were both peaceful places where none of the citizens of that country continued to blow US soldiers up and otherwise kill them. Doesn't matter to McCain.
How long before we get to the "As long as Americans are not being wounded, harmed, or killed" part?

What are his plans if US troops are still being killed 10 years from now?

How much longer can the US Treasury sustain trillons of dollars flowing to a useless war?

How much longer can the US military sustain this level of engagement before it and our troops completely collapses .. without a draft?

These are critical questions for which neither McCain or anybody who supports the war have no answers.
And therein lies the rub. We are not going to leave Iraq until it is calm and stable, but once it is calm and stable we are not going to leave Iraq. As long as we are there, Iraq is going to remain unstable. And McCain and the republicans say nothing about how long we are going to give Iraq to become calm and stable. The mission was accomplished 5 years ago day after tomorrow, so said the sign on the Lincoln. Well how much longer do we have to wait? Don't tell me war supporters, until the job is done. but it was done. Rightwingers are willing to suffer death by a thousand cuts, I am not. Republicans are willing to continue shoving back the milestones that Iraq MUST meet. Most of US aren't. McCain hasn't said it out right, but his message is the same as Cheney's who cares if the majority of Americans want the US out of Iraq. They don't work for you. So who the fuck cares?
Someone here said that as soon as McCain took office, Iraqi’s would just stop firing on our troops, and then the occupation would only cost a dollar and fifty cents a day. I think it was SF, but don’t quote me on it.
Someone here said that as soon as McCain took office, Iraqi’s would just stop firing on our troops, and then the occupation would only cost a dollar and fifty cents a day. I think it was SF, but don’t quote me on it.
Well the dollar is still dropoing, but it should be under $5 per day


Hey I just realized my chicken made it to the icon list :clink:
RNC demands networks yank McCain ad

Mon Apr 28, 7:10 PM ET

MIAMI - The Republican National Committee demanded Monday that television networks stop running a television ad by the Democratic Party that falsely suggests John McCain wants a 100-year war in Iraq.

The ad says President Bush has talked about staying in Iraq for 50 years, then plays a clip of McCain saying, "Maybe 100. That'd be fine with me."

The announcer then says: "If all he offers is more of the same, is John McCain the right choice for America's future?"

Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan said the ad deliberately distorts what McCain, the likely GOP presidential nominee, said.

The committee's chief counsel, Sean Cairncross, said he sent letters Monday to NBC, CNN and MSNBC insisting that they stop airing the commercial.


Good lord, what a bunch of cry babies
Yep they will be using trial lawyers and judicial activisism next.

I haven't read through the thread, but I imagine SF is trotting out his lame ass bullsh*t about how McCain thinks we can stay there and somehow, magically, the iraqis will just stop shooting at us. "Just like Germany and Japan!!!".

What a crock of sh*t.
I haven't read through the thread, but I imagine SF is trotting out his lame ass bullsh*t about how McCain thinks we can stay there and somehow, magically, the iraqis will just stop shooting at us. "Just like Germany and Japan!!!".

What a crock of sh*t.

yeah for $1.75/day or somesuch figure.
SF how many years would the islamofascists have to occupy the USA before we became pacified ?

Tell you what, why don't you and the other two stooges show me one instance where I made any such claim. Just one.

You idiots are so full of yourselves it is pathetic. All it takes is one of you lemmings to utter something idiotic and the other parrots begin spouting off the same crap.

Good to see our resident stalker boy is back at his normal game. Whose leg does he try to hump next?
I haven't read through the thread, but I imagine SF is trotting out his lame ass bullsh*t about how McCain thinks we can stay there and somehow, magically, the iraqis will just stop shooting at us. "Just like Germany and Japan!!!".

What a crock of sh*t.

Isn't it about time you learned that stalking is bad? How many people must you creep out with your pathetic bullshit Gumby? You would think you would learn... but obviously they haven't spoon fed that lesson to you at moveon.org.