Ron Paul Concerns

Lol when a good right handed punch lands, always come back with a clintonian Jab :)
such a partisan hack :)

No, a hack would be someone who completely misses the point because his blinders are on.

Clinton, quite painfully obviously is not a racist. Neither is Paul.

You however, are a hack. Nothing wrong with it, Carville is a hack, WRL's a hack, SR's a hack, and Ann Coulter's a hack. You're in good company, don't resist! Accept, and all will improve. :clink:
Well I guess pointing out that he's racist might do that to you eh? Not my problem. I'm going by his own words and actions. Don't point to me hun. I'm not the one who said those things or takes money from Nazi wannabe's but won't accept a phone call from a Jewish reporter. :rolleyes:

I think my IQ just slipped a few points reading over this last bit of dialogue. Thanks a lot, SouthernBelle! :(
I guess you've never read Ron Paul's so-called "we the people" act have you? Still claiming he isn't a racist while he's happily taking money from loser Nazi wannabe's. Pathetic. It's quite funny you talking about other people and blinders. LOL.

No, a hack would be someone who completely misses the point because his blinders are on.

Clinton, quite painfully obviously is not a racist. Neither is Paul.

You however, are a hack. Nothing wrong with it, Carville is a hack, WRL's a hack, SR's a hack, and Ann Coulter's a hack. You're in good company, don't resist! Accept, and all will improve. :clink:
Well I guess pointing out that he's racist might do that to you eh? Not my problem. I'm going by his own words and actions. Don't point to me hun. I'm not the one who said those things or takes money from Nazi wannabe's but won't accept a phone call from a Jewish reporter. :rolleyes:

And dems take money from the nation of islam, which teaches that white people are devils. Your double standard is showing, hun.
The nation of Islam? Uh hun Islam isn't a nation. It's a religion. Doy. And try reading up on it sometime. When Muhammad and his followers took over Mecca they didn't kill anyone or put anyone as slaves but when the Christian's did like a 100 or so years earlier they did. Muhammad was a very peaceful person. You mean like Mitt Romney and the Mormons teach about what they think why people are black? :rolleyes:

And dems take money from the nation of islam, which teaches that white people are devils. Your double standard is showing, hun.
Uh yeah hun I do. I do everytime I go to church on Sunday's and when other people go their worship places. I even know people who worship in their homes (pagans,wiccans). And again hun if someone wanted to someday out law a religious practice that would be against the law.

And you have no idea what it means to have a right to the free exercise of your religion.
Uh yeah hun I do. I do everytime I go to church on Sunday's and when other people go their worship places. I even know people who worship in their homes (pagans,wiccans). And again hun if someone wanted to someday out law a religious practice that would be against the law.

what if the religious practice involved human sacrifice? Would that be protected?
Uh yeah hun I do. I do everytime I go to church on Sunday's and when other people go their worship places. I even know people who worship in their homes (pagans,wiccans). And again hun if someone wanted to someday out law a religious practice that would be against the law.
Yet you tell me that a person cannot use their moral compass to make law. That they should be disallowed that same?

You do not understand what it means, or refuse to recognize that right in others.
The nation of Islam? Uh hun Islam isn't a nation. It's a religion. Doy. And try reading up on it sometime. When Muhammad and his followers took over Mecca they didn't kill anyone or put anyone as slaves but when the Christian's did like a 100 or so years earlier they did. Muhammad was a very peaceful person. You mean like Mitt Romney and the Mormons teach about what they think why people are black? :rolleyes:
You don't know what the "Nation of Islam" is? Wow. Um... I don't know what to say.

Google is your friend. It is an organization in the US, just an FYI.
Here's what Ron Paul wrote about the LA Riots after the event with Rodney King-

He said blacks are taught to hate whites but I've known black people for years and never once had they hated me but quite the opposite. Rodney King also wasn't just drunk but he was very high from what I remember. We talked about this briefly in my criminal justice class this last term and my professor reminded everyone he was also high. So that's probably why King acted differently than the other people who were with him. Mr. Paul seems to have forgotten that. If I was writing an article on the King riots I would've looked into drug usage whether he was black or white. He also does the old Bush/Cheney route and claims that Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters were "pro-terrorists" because they disagreed with his side of the issue. Maybe that's where Bush/Cheney got the idea from. This article oozes with racism. Read it for y'alls selves.
SB, you're completely ignorant of both "the Nation of Islam" and regular islam. It was never peaceful
Mohammed's decision to relocate his new movement from Mecca to Medina presented an economic challenge. He had to find a method of supporting himself and his followers that would also provide an adequate base to finance the ever-increasing demands of the Muslim movement. The traditional method for acquiring wealth among the Arabs at the time was attacking other tribes and seizing their possessions. Muslims living in Medina found no easier way than doing that. They started to make raids (Ghaswa) on other tribes and passing caravans.

The first raid was called an-Nakhla. Muslims, led by Abdullah bin Jahsh, waited in ambush near a place called an-Nakhla and took the passing Qorayshite caravan by surprise. Muslims killed the leader of the caravan and captured two men and the entire cargo goods.

The turning point in Mohammed's life, however, was the raid against Badr. Muslims were able to kill dozens of Meccans and take scores of prisoners and much booty. On their way back to Medina some of those prisoners were put to death. One of them was a man name Uqbah bin abi Muait. Before his execution Uqbah pleaded with Mohammed saying, "Who, then, will take care of my little girl?" Mohammed answered, "Hell-fire."

After that, a confident Mohammed starting moving against his enemies in a series of attacks that resulted in the elimination of Jewish tribes and the assassination of certain individuals for the slightest offense. The assassination of Kaab ibn al-Ashraf, of the Jewish tribe Banu al-Nodair, was prompted by Kaab showing sympathy for the Qorayshites, and then when he returned to Mecca he recited amorous poetry to Muslim women. Mohammed was enraged and asked for volunteers to rid him of ibn al-Ashraf. Those who volunteered asked for permission to lie in order to lure him out of his house at night into a remote area where they were able to kill him.

A poetess named Asmaa bint Marwan was ordered to be killed for uttering a few verses of poetry against Mohammed. A Muslim assassin, acting on Mohammed's orders, crept at night into the women's bed while her suckling baby was attached to her breast. The man plucked the baby from her breast and then plunged his sword into her abdomen. Later, the killer, fearing the consequences of his crime, asked Mohammed, "Will there be any danger to me on her account?" Mohammed answered, "Two goats will not butt each other about her."

There were many other outrageous assassinations ordered by Mohammed. Abu Afak, an old man of 120 years of age was murdered for composing poetry critical of the Prophet. Another brutal assassination was against an aged women by the name of Umm Kirfa. They tied her legs to camels which were then driven in opposite directions. The poor woman was split into two pieces.

The reality of the Muslim assassin's brutality is punctuated by their practice of cutting off the heads of victims and bringing them to Mohammed. As the killers came into view carrying with them the evidence of Allah's victory over the enemies of Mohammed, a jubilant Mohammed would cry, "Allaho Akbar," (God is great)!

The list of these horrendous acts is too long, much is too repulsive to mention. What has been cited should be sufficient to say about the man that Muslims describe as the "prophet of peace and mercy"!

The essential problem is that the fruit of Mohammed's legacy exists today. As Muslims get deeper into Islam, they simply try to follow in the footsteps of their prime example. Can one still wonder why so much violence is committed, around the world, in the name of Islam?
Here's what Ron Paul wrote about the LA Riots after the event with Rodney King-

He said blacks are taught to hate whites but I've known black people for years and never once had they hated me but quite the opposite. Rodney King also wasn't just drunk but he was very high from what I remember. We talked about this briefly in my criminal justice class this last term and my professor reminded everyone he was also high. So that's probably why King acted differently than the other people who were with him. Mr. Paul seems to have forgotten that. If I was writing an article on the King riots I would've looked into drug usage whether he was black or white. He also does the old Bush/Cheney route and claims that Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters were "pro-terrorists" because they disagreed with his side of the issue. Maybe that's where Bush/Cheney got the idea from. This article oozes with racism. Read it for y'alls selves.

Just the fact that you thing being high IMPROVES kings case indicates your trouble in processing basic information.
Then next time be specific. If you put it as "the nation of Islam" than it looks like you're saying Islam is a nation. If you put it the way you did than it's obvious what you're talking about and it's an organization or a group or something. See what I mean? But none the less Islam is still a religion so it's probably some religious group similar to AIPAC. Democrats get money from them too. So do conservatives.

You don't know what the "Nation of Islam" is? Wow. Um... I don't know what to say.

Google is your friend. It is an organization in the US, just an FYI.
Then next time be specific. If you put it as "the nation of Islam" than it looks like you're saying Islam is a nation. If you put it the way you did than it's obvious what you're talking about and it's an organization or a group or something. See what I mean? But none the less Islam is still a religion so it's probably some religious group similar to AIPAC. Democrats get money from them too. So do conservatives.

LOL. It is similar to AIPAC. She's right for once. LOL.
Then next time be specific. If you put it as "the nation of Islam" than it looks like you're saying Islam is a nation. If you put it the way you did than it's obvious what you're talking about and it's an organization or a group or something. See what I mean? But none the less Islam is still a religion so it's probably some religious group similar to AIPAC. Democrats get money from them too. So do conservatives.

Have you heard of Malcom X?
Yeah he was. You also might want to pick up the book "No god but God." I can't remember the authors name right now but it's about Islam which includes the orgins and whatnot. Very highly recommended.

SB, you're completely ignorant of both "the Nation of Islam" and regular islam. It was never peaceful