Ron Paul Concerns

Then next time be specific. If you put it as "the nation of Islam" than it looks like you're saying Islam is a nation. If you put it the way you did than it's obvious what you're talking about and it's an organization or a group or something. See what I mean? But none the less Islam is still a religion so it's probably some religious group similar to AIPAC. Democrats get money from them too. So do conservatives.
I didn't post it. I just read it, your answer, and informed you of what they were talking about. It didn't "seem like" he was trying to say all of Islam is a nation. It seemed that he was saying that the Nation of Islam is a racist group that gives money to other candidates.

Have you ever heard of "Your rights end where mine begin"? And we already have a law against that. It's already a criminal defense. Nice try though.

It's called the 'Miranda warning'...'You have the right to remain silent-anything you say can and will be used against you'... Please exercise your right Southern Comfort...:cof1:
Yeah he was. You also might want to pick up the book "No god but God." I can't remember the authors name right now but it's about Islam which includes the orgins and whatnot. Very highly recommended.

You're simply ignorant of the truth about the "religion of peace". Educate your stupid self.
Ok where is the post today from the Paulites to tell me how spectacular he did on Meet the Press today? He was so totally out of his element, he has no specifics, he knows so little about the things he thinks need to change, and he insured that his district got billions of dollars in federal funds that he said Louisana should not get after Katrina because the federal government should NOT be in the business of bailing out people that live on low lying coastal areas.
No hun. Read it again. I said that King was high is a reasoning for why he was acting differently than the other people with him and not as cooperating.
And you're missing the whole point of the article. There's a lot more there with the article than just talking about King and the riots. He also talks about other bullshit crap like he gives some example of a white woman complimenting a black child on how cute they are and claims the black child said she hated the white woman. :rolleyes: Of course he doesn't give any citations or anything for this claim. I'm just supposed to believe him. Read the rest of the article. Or here's the part I'm talking about:

<The criminals who terrorize our cities--in riots and on every
non-riot day--are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are.
As children, they are trained to hate whites, to believe that white
oppression is responsible for all black ills, to "fight the power," and to
steal and loot as much money from the white enemy as possible. Anything is
justified against "The Man." And "The Woman.' A lady I know recently saw a
black couple in the supermarket with a cute little girl, three years old or
so. My friend waved to the tiny child, who scowled, stuck out her tongue,
and said (somewhat tautologically): "I hate you, white honkey." And the
parents were indulgent. Is any white child taught to hate in this way? I've
never heard of it. If a white child made such a remark to a black woman,
the parents would stop it with a reprimand or a spank. >

Here is where he insults the intelligence of the black population:

< Indeed, it is shocking to consider the uniformity of opinion among
blacks in this country. Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5%
of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market,
individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action. I know
many who fall into this group personally and they deserve credit--not as
representatives of a racial group, but as decent people. They are,
however, outnumbered. Of black males in Washington, D.C, between the ages
of 18 and 35, 42% are charged with a crime or are serving a sentence,
reports the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives. The Center
also reports that 70% of all black men in Washington are arrested before
they reach the age of 35, and 85% are arrested at some point in their
lives. Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the "criminal
justice system," I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males
in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. >

So because the people polled don't agree with his political views they're somehow not intelligent. Yeah, that's not racist (sarcasm).

You can read the rest of it yourself. I'm not holding my breath though.

Just the fact that you thing being high IMPROVES kings case indicates your trouble in processing basic information.
Again not the way he had it typed. English 101.

I didn't post it. I just read it, your answer, and informed you of what they were talking about. It didn't "seem like" he was trying to say all of Islam is a nation. It seemed that he was saying that the Nation of Islam is a racist group that gives money to other candidates.
Uh what I said is not the Miranda Rights. What I said is a phrase I've heard ever since I was a kid. The Miranda rights is something entirley different hun. Criminal Justice 101. No I'm not going to exercise my right. I do have a thing called the first amendment. Maybe you've heard of it? And you can give up your Miranda rights as well. So fuck off.

It's called the 'Miranda warning'...'You have the right to remain silent-anything you say can and will be used against you'... Please exercise your right Southern Comfort...:cof1:
Ok where is the post today from the Paulites to tell me how spectacular he did on Meet the Press today? He was so totally out of his element, he has no specifics, he knows so little about the things he thinks need to change, and he insured that his district got billions of dollars in federal funds that he said Louisana should not get after Katrina because the federal government should NOT be in the business of bailing out people that live on low lying coastal areas.

Is there a video link to Ron Paul's performance on MTP?
No hun. I'm not. You're talking about yourself again. Apparently you do that an awful lot from just the short time I've been here thus far. You've been brainwashed too much. Religion 101 hun. Oh and also Muhammad didn't even intend for their to be a religion either. He just preached that there is one God and He should be followed and got the Qu'ran from Gabriel.

You're simply ignorant of the truth about the "religion of peace". Educate your stupid self.
Ok where is the post today from the Paulites to tell me how spectacular he did on Meet the Press today? He was so totally out of his element, he has no specifics, he knows so little about the things he thinks need to change, and he insured that his district got billions of dollars in federal funds that he said Louisana should not get after Katrina because the federal government should NOT be in the business of bailing out people that live on low lying coastal areas.

So you like your lies specific eh? Interesting. Anyone can make up a bunch of numbers. His candor is refreshing. In reality, a president is not a dictator and his policies are really seldomly completely his own.
And from the review I read of him on there he also said Iran had no army. LOL. Here is Iran's military from 2006-

Ok where is the post today from the Paulites to tell me how spectacular he did on Meet the Press today? He was so totally out of his element, he has no specifics, he knows so little about the things he thinks need to change, and he insured that his district got billions of dollars in federal funds that he said Louisana should not get after Katrina because the federal government should NOT be in the business of bailing out people that live on low lying coastal areas.
So you like your lies specific eh? Interesting. Anyone can make up a bunch of numbers. His candor is refreshing. In reality, a president is not a dictator and his policies are really seldomly completely his own.
Yeah that is what I look for in a Job interview. I want the interviewee to not know much of anything about the job he is applying for. He tells me he wants to pull ALL US troops home but he doesn't know shit about it. He tells me he is going to dismantle the Income tax but doesn't know shit about it. He tells me that the fed has no business providing flood relief for the people of Louisiana after Katrina but he doesn't have a problem with South Texas, where he is the congressman, getting billions of dollars a year in the exact same relief. Listen to him talk about placing earmarks for billions of dollars for his district and then say that he later voted against the very earmarks he proposed. He was completely out of his element.
And of course if it was the 110th Congress when he put up the earmarks than he knew he would get it anyways since he has an (r) after his name so he could easily had voted against it. :rolleyes: If he really didn't believe in all that than why did he put up the earmarks?

Yeah that is what I look for in a Job interview. I want the interviewee to not know much of anything about the job he is applying for. He tells me he wants to pull ALL US troops home but he doesn't know shit about it. He tells me he is going to dismantle the Income tax but doesn't know shit about it. He tells me that the fed has no business providing flood relief for the people of Louisiana after Katrina but he doesn't have a problem with South Texas, where he is the congressman, getting billions of dollars a year in the exact same relief. Listen to him talk about placing earmarks for billions of dollars for his district and then say that he later voted against the very earmarks he proposed. He was completely out of his element.