Ron Paul Polls Better Among African Americans than Other Republicans

They've understood the horrors of government gone evil more than anyone. Us white people have been living in a bubble, specificially designed to get our guard down.
There must be different levels of a lobotomized brain, surely there must be.

I ask because I wonder what level of a lobotomized brain would one have to actually have to believe that 30% of black voters would vote for Ron Paul. Surely there must be some levels of a lobotomized brain that wouldn't fall for that bullshit in the face of all that is obvious.

Could it be that all lobotomized brains are that dumb?

Should be studied.
There must be different levels of a lobotomized brain, surely there must be.

I ask because I wonder what level of a lobotomized brain would one have to actually have to believe that 30% of black voters would vote for Ron Paul. Surely there must be some levels of a lobotomized brain that wouldn't fall for that bullshit in the face of all that is obvious.

Could it be that all lobotomized brains are that dumb?

Should be studied.

Are you now arguing that the "scientific polls" are invalid?

You're right, look at all the threads for Paul here. He is obviously going to win!
Are you now arguing that the "scientific polls" are invalid?

You're right, look at all the threads for Paul here. He is obviously going to win!

No, what I'm saying is this poll cannot be validated. However, if you show me 10 polls that say the same thing and which is also demonstrated in society and makes logic sense, then I would accept the poll as vaild.

In the case of Ron Paul, ALL scientific polls say the very same thing .. he hovers between 0-5% in national polls and his average is 2.5% .. and there is nothing in society that demonstrates anything different.

However, to believe that 30% of black voters would vote for him against Obama, the first black candidate with a serious chance to win, or Clinton, the wife of the so-called "first black president" without further validation requires unplugging one's brain.

Show me other polls that state this.

Here's one taken by black pollsters of black opinions ..

There are others from the black community and all say the same thing.

""Indeed, as diverse as Paul's supporters may be in other ways, they are almost all white. Of the several hundred supporters at the Cranberry rally, only a half-dozen were African American.

And Paul's seeming indifference to crises in Africa, as well as the rest of the world, may make it hard for him to attract many more in the future. Paul supports withdrawing from the United Nations and opposes not just war but any government intervention overseas -- even for humanitarian purposes in places such as Darfur (he was the only Congressman to oppose the Darfur divestment act), where ethnic conflict has displaced millions of Sudanese."

Somewhere between 85-90% of black voters are going to vote for the democratic ticket in '08, and if Obama is on it, that may be as high as 95%.

What evidence have you seen that would make you believe that 30% of black voters are going to vote for any republican, including the one who has given the finger to civil rights legislation, Rosa Parks, and the issues in Africa?

Name the black politician or communtiy leader who backs Ron Paul.

Post the favorable black press on Ron Paul .. and I'll post you some seriously unfavorable black press about him.

Speaking of "favorable" .. did you know that Paul has the LOWEST favorablity rating (14%) of ALL the candidates regardless of political party .. according to Rasmussen? Tracking/Favorables/RepublicanPresidentialCandidates.htm

Perhaps you should go check out their site and see what they say about Paul. How about this ..

Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday (today) shows a very tight race for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Rudy Giuliani is now supported by 21% while Fred Thompson is the top choice for 19%. Seventeen percent (17%) are undecided while John McCain moves into third place among the candidates with at 14% of the vote. Mitt Romney’s support is back down to 12%, Mike Huckabee reaches double digits for the first time at 10%, and Ron Paul earns the vote from 3%.


In Rasmussen's match-ups of candidates, they don't even mention Ron Paul, nor is he even mentioned in their article on national polls.

Not only is Paul not supported by 30% off black voters, many of whom know what he is, but he isn't supported by 30% of women, regardless of race. Nearly all of his support comes from white men who also made up 81.5% of his campaign donors in the last quarter.

This is laughable and I've been emailing this to friends as it makes for good water cooler conversation.
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Your the one always claiming the "scientific polls" are beyond question. The data is based on several polls and they tend to indicate that Paul does better among blacks than the other repubs. Of course he will not beat the other dems among AA. Never said he would and neither does the link. But you never let facts interrupt your strawmenj constructions, so I will be a good sport and play along again...

Yay, President Ron Paul will beat Obama among African Americans!

I have seen plenty of blacks, asians and hispanics at his rallys. I was quite surprised by it.
Your the one always claiming the "scientific polls" are beyond question. The data is based on several polls and they tend to indicate that Paul does better among blacks than the other repubs. Of course he will not beat the other dems among AA. Never said he would and neither does the link. But you never let facts interrupt your strawmenj constructions, so I will be a good sport and play along again...

Yay, President Ron Paul will beat Obama among African Americans!

I have seen plenty of blacks, asians and hispanics at his rallys. I was quite surprised by it.

You avoided all the questions I asked in my post clearly because you had no answer and you have no evidence of this claim.

AND this "data" comes from ONE pollster doing preference polling commissioned by several candidates.

"Rasmussen Reports conducted preference polls for Ron Paul between October 12 and 14. Preference polls for Rudy Giuliani were conducted October 8 through 9 and 15 through 16, and for Mitt Romney and John McCain between October 10 and 11 and 17 through 18."

I'd imagine that "plenty of blacks" might constitute 2 in your world.

Let's see .. how many do you see in this shot?


How about here ...


Am I missing something?


This is in New York .. and the last time I checked it was full of black people .. just not here ..


HEY .. I found one ..


Perhaps he's the "plenty" you mentioned

Even better news .. Ron Paul winning the Black vote in New Hampshire

"Paul wins the biggest chunk of the black vote, 22.2 percent, topping Mitt Romney's 18.5 percent. One problem: There aren't very many black New Hampshire Republicans. Only 27 were sampled in this poll, and Paul won six of them. Hey, he gets bragging rights."

Did he actually "win the black vote" or did he just get 6 black republicans to vote for him? I'm betting there are a lot more than 27 blacks in New Hampshire and they ain't (eb} voting for Ron Paul.

By the way ..


Maybe those 6 are in the back.

You avoided all the questions I asked in my post clearly because you had no answer and you have no evidence of this claim.

Yes, Rasmussen Reports proves that Paul can beat Obama among AAs!

You're about as thick as they come.

I reviewed your post to see what questions you thought you asked. Gave the finger to Rosa Parks, what a fucking shmuck you are. Yeah, he gave the finger to Pope John Paul and Ronald Reagan too, I guess. You have the intellectual depth and clarity of a kiddie pool.
Even better news .. Ron Paul winning the Black vote in New Hampshire

"Paul wins the biggest chunk of the black vote, 22.2 percent, topping Mitt Romney's 18.5 percent. One problem: There aren't very many black New Hampshire Republicans. Only 27 were sampled in this poll, and Paul won six of them. Hey, he gets bragging rights."

Did he actually "win the black vote" or did he just get 6 black republicans to vote for him? I'm betting there are a lot more than 27 blacks in New Hampshire and they ain't (eb} voting for Ron Paul.

By the way ..


Maybe those 6 are in the back.


The Rasmussen poll was not Repubs only.

Dude, this was posted tongue in cheek. It's almost sad to see you make an ass out of yourself over it, trying to spin it, when it aint really all that helpful for Paul in the first place. Oooh Paul might only get his ass kicked 70-30 against a Dem among AAs.

Like I said, you are as thick as they come.

Still he will beat Obama head to head among AAs cause he's got soul.
Ron Paul symbolizes all that I love and hate. It still makes my dick hard when I see him thrash "Republican" candidates.

The so-called "Republican" candidates cannot match him. He rips them to shreds.
That said, I actually LIKE almost all of the major candidates running for the Democratic ticket, and a few running as Republicans.

Only Biden IMPRESSES me.
The Rasmussen poll was not Repubs only.

Dude, this was posted tongue in cheek. It's almost sad to see you make an ass out of yourself over it, trying to spin it, when it aint really all that helpful for Paul in the first place. Oooh Paul might only get his ass kicked 70-30 against a Dem among AAs.

Like I said, you are as thick as they come.

Still he will beat Obama head to head among AAs cause he's got soul.

Haven't you noticed .. I simply LOVE discrediting the Paul bullshit, and the Paul campaign released a press release touting this bullshit that was not tongue-in-cheek but rather a foolish attempt to distance this clown from his racist and unintelligent leanings.

Frankly, you didn't post it as tongue-in-cheek either, but given that you have no answers to my demonstration of how mindlessly silly this is, now you run for cover.

Maybe next time you should post shit like this in the satire/comic book section and we can all have a good laugh together instead of me just laughing at yet you and another dumb ass attempt to make your failure of a candidate credible.
Yes, Rasmussen Reports proves that Paul can beat Obama among AAs!

You're about as thick as they come.

I reviewed your post to see what questions you thought you asked. Gave the finger to Rosa Parks, what a fucking shmuck you are. Yeah, he gave the finger to Pope John Paul and Ronald Reagan too, I guess. You have the intellectual depth and clarity of a kiddie pool.

And you have the sincerity of a donut .. but you post some really fun and laughable shit though.

And no, you don't have answers to a goddamn thing .. perhaps you missed these so I'll repeat ...

Somewhere between 85-90% of black voters are going to vote for the democratic ticket in '08, and if Obama is on it, that may be as high as 95% .. so where does your "30%" come from?

What evidence have you seen that would make you believe that 30% of black voters are going to vote for any republican, including the one who has given the finger to civil rights legislation, Rosa Parks, and the issues in Africa?
Self-explanatory, where is your evidence, ANY evidence outside of one flawed poll?

Name the black politician or communtiy leader who backs Ron Paul.
Do you need clarification on this question?

Post the favorable black press on Ron Paul .. and I'll post you some seriously unfavorable black press about him.

No answers, no intelligence, so you waste time attacking me when you could be countering with facts, that is if you had any.

I'm cool with that.

I've had much fun spanking that ass on this .. got anymore Ron Paul wisdom? .. 'cause you can count on me to rip that bullshit apart. :cool:

Glad you're here.