Ron Paul Polls Better Among African Americans than Other Republicans

No, what I'm saying is this poll cannot be validated. However, if you show me 10 polls that say the same thing and which is also demonstrated in society and makes logic sense, then I would accept the poll as vaild.

In the case of Ron Paul, ALL scientific polls say the very same thing .. he hovers between 0-5% in national polls and his average is 2.5% .. and there is nothing in society that demonstrates anything different.

However, to believe that 30% of black voters would vote for him against Obama, the first black candidate with a serious chance to win, or Clinton, the wife of the so-called "first black president" without further validation requires unplugging one's brain.

Show me other polls that state this.

Here's one taken by black pollsters of black opinions ..

There are others from the black community and all say the same thing.

""Indeed, as diverse as Paul's supporters may be in other ways, they are almost all white. Of the several hundred supporters at the Cranberry rally, only a half-dozen were African American.

And Paul's seeming indifference to crises in Africa, as well as the rest of the world, may make it hard for him to attract many more in the future. Paul supports withdrawing from the United Nations and opposes not just war but any government intervention overseas -- even for humanitarian purposes in places such as Darfur (he was the only Congressman to oppose the Darfur divestment act), where ethnic conflict has displaced millions of Sudanese."

Somewhere between 85-90% of black voters are going to vote for the democratic ticket in '08, and if Obama is on it, that may be as high as 95%.

What evidence have you seen that would make you believe that 30% of black voters are going to vote for any republican, including the one who has given the finger to civil rights legislation, Rosa Parks, and the issues in Africa?

Name the black politician or communtiy leader who backs Ron Paul.

Post the favorable black press on Ron Paul .. and I'll post you some seriously unfavorable black press about him.

Speaking of "favorable" .. did you know that Paul has the LOWEST favorablity rating (14%) of ALL the candidates regardless of political party .. according to Rasmussen? Tracking/Favorables/RepublicanPresidentialCandidates.htm

Perhaps you should go check out their site and see what they say about Paul. How about this ..


In Rasmussen's match-ups of candidates, they don't even mention Ron Paul, nor is he even mentioned in their article on national polls.

Not only is Paul not supported by 30% off black voters, many of whom know what he is, but he isn't supported by 30% of women, regardless of race. Nearly all of his support comes from white men who also made up 81.5% of his campaign donors in the last quarter.

This is laughable and I've been emailing this to friends as it makes for good water cooler conversation.

It seems like you are having a problem with reality. Go take it up with reality. No way a scientific poll is off by more than 10%. Ever. Maybe once in history. But it's not going to drop for 30% to 0.0000001% like you seem to believe.
I've got it. They must have oversampled Republican African-Americans in general, and amongst Republicans Ron Paul would obviously do the best because at this stage he's generally percieved as the most liberal.