Ron Paul's sorry ass legislative record in Congress, Part 1

LOL, well at least you enjoy it.

What I don't get is you don't want to go back to the past but you a self admitted socialist.

"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."

Thomas Sowell
Again, therein lies the truth about many of his supporters. The facts will be right in their faces and they'll deny it. Stringfield calls posting Pauls own legislative record a "smear", a "lie" and something concocted by Paul "haters."

They will say things that simply boggle the mind, even when the evidence is so glaring that it's intellectually impossible not to see it.

You are, again, lying. I did not call simply posting his record a smear or a lie. I called it a lie and smear for the remark that he does not support your right to burn a flag. That is untrue and I have shown, conclusively, that is. Ron Paul does not support bans on flag burning. Yet you persist in the distortion and faill to acknowledge your error. That makes it a lie.
Most of acadamia supported Socialism and Communism until it failed miserably.
Also, I wouldn't get my political economy advice from Einstien the same as I wouldn't want Friedman to explain physics to me.
Again, therein lies the truth about many of his supporters. The facts will be right in their faces and they'll deny it. Stringfield calls posting Pauls own legislative record a "smear", a "lie" and something concocted by Paul "haters."

Or we'll rationalize and say Paul's desire for the seperation of education and state will never happen even if he is the leader of the country. It's nice to have seperation of powers, about the only thing Paul can do towards education is get rid of No Child Left Behind. Congress won't allow him to dismantle the Dept. Of Education, they won't vote in favor of a budget with deep cuts funding education, and Paul's extreme stance on Education CAN BE beneficial when he is working with Congress.

They will say things that simply boggle the mind, even when the evidence is so glaring that it's intellectually impossible not to see it.

Here's an example: That keyboard isn't real that you are typing on.
I think the biggest threat Paul poses is exposing the fed and the banks. Also, he'd have large power over the military. Honestly, I'd be afraid for his life if he somehow won.
Most of acadamia supported Socialism and Communism until it failed miserably.
Also, I wouldn't get my political economy advice from Einstien the same as I wouldn't want Friedman to explain physics to me.

I think that no govt will long last without some socialism being involved.
I can't speak for Darla, but as for me, I do it because I enjoy it.

I do it because there are Ron Paul threads posted almost daily which offers me the golden opportunity to post the truth of what he is.

I do it because of the danger to this nation he and all the knucklehead thought he represents poses to what has been accomplished. I have no intent of watching my children and grandchildren grow up in the past.

Sure, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of even coming close to the nomination .. but frankly, I'd do it even if he wasn't running for president .. I'd do it if his ass was dead.

I have a 14 year-old grandson, who is athletic, big, and can run real fast. If you suggest that 13 year-old black males, and only 13 year-old black males, should be treated as adults because they can run real fast, and you say, or have said in your newsletter, that blacks are "terrorists and barbarians who can be identified by the color of their skin", shouldn't you also expect that I would absolutely enjoy exposing what kind of fucked up individual you are?

Shouldn't that be expected?

When this bastard dies .. the party is at my house.

Ron Paul '08!!!!!!!!
Why Socialism, by Albert Einstein

Would he be "intellectual" enough for you an Sowell?

Why do you always post that? Einsteing was operating WAAYY out of his area of expertise, giving opinion, not fact. The fact that Einstein wrote something doesn't make it intelligent. Einstein said a lot of stupid stuff in his day, and only had a few revolutionary theories.

I mean, Einstein's political opinion is worth just about as much as if he wrote a novel.
Why do you always post that? Einsteing was operating WAAYY out of his area of expertise, giving opinion, not fact. The fact that Einstein wrote something doesn't make it intelligent. Einstein said a lot of stupid stuff in his day, and only had a few revolutionary theories.

I mean, Einstein's political opinion is worth just about as much as if he wrote a novel.

How many here have degrees in politics .. yet voice opinions outside of their expertise.

Does having expertise in politics ensure sane thought on politics?

Do you agree with everything Thomas Sowell thought? .. I sure as hell don't.

I post it because it is the opinion of one of the great intellectuals in modern times. Why would should the thoughts of intellectuals be out of line?

I posted it in response to a dumb ass .. in my opinion .. quote from Sowell.

If you believe that intellectuals will fuck things up, they you must be pleased as hell with George Bush, the icon of anti-intellectualism.
You are, again, lying. I did not call simply posting his record a smear or a lie. I called it a lie and smear for the remark that he does not support your right to burn a flag. That is untrue and I have shown, conclusively, that is. Ron Paul does not support bans on flag burning. Yet you persist in the distortion and faill to acknowledge your error. That makes it a lie.

Yeah .. maybe an "aide" or a "ghostwriter" wrote Paul's bill to crimanlize flag-burning and Paul was "on vacation" and didn't notice that a bill had been offered in his name.

Let me guess ... "these just weren't my words."

Most of acadamia supported Socialism and Communism until it failed miserably.
Also, I wouldn't get my political economy advice from Einstien the same as I wouldn't want Friedman to explain physics to me.

If I'm reading you right .. you're a conservative, perhaps a republican .. are you suggesting that I should get political advice from where you get yours ???? .. After all these years of absolute conservative failure at every fucking thing???

And my god how capitalism is just doing so damn well today .. such wonder.
Hey bac, what's deceptive about the term "partial birth abortion"? This is where the baby's body is out (partially born) and then the doctor reaches in with a knife and scrambles the babies brain.
So in conclusion - who knows where the fuck RP stands because he allegedly doesn't even support his own bills.