Ronald Reagan was a great man the conservative ilk who think still believe that the bulk of people on Welfare stay on it for their entire lives and drive cadillacs.

Speaking as a conservative ilk, I have seen welfare recipients buy ground chuck with their food stamps because they couldn't use the food stamps to buy dog food... then load their groceries into a nice new Cadillac. I've been so broke in my life, that I mixed packets of ketchup with water to make tomato soup to eat... I've never taken a dime of welfare.

One of the main problems I have with the welfare system, is how it becomes an insidious trap for recipients. Once you are established on welfare, any attempts to pull yourself up or make a better life for yourself, disqualifies you for benefits. It's not a matter of people becoming lazy and dependent on welfare, it's the system which forces them to become lazy and dependent by punishing effort!
Speaking as a conservative ilk, I have seen welfare recipients buy ground chuck with their food stamps because they couldn't use the food stamps to buy dog food... then load their groceries into a nice new Cadillac. I've been so broke in my life, that I mixed packets of ketchup with water to make tomato soup to eat... I've never taken a dime of welfare.

Calling BS on this. I'm betting most of this is an outright lie.
I rest my case.
You just don't appreciate subtle humor.

landlord collecting rent....

I could have started my business from that house--but I started it in a smaller apartment duplex half. Personally--I can't figure out a way of least overhead for a start up business--than a low rent district.

People see a run down home--I see a place to start finding your opportunity, but it all depends on the attitude of the residents.
Ronnie Raygun....Hollywood chicken hawk that sold out his union members to McCarthyism. Who's stewardship did more harm than good to California, and then screwed over the entire country for 8 years with Reaganomics and a lot of posturing and credit taking for an already crumbling Soviet Union.

Don't get me started.
Ronnie Raygun....Hollywood chicken hawk that sold out his union members to McCarthyism. Who's stewardship did more harm than good to California, and then screwed over the entire country for 8 years with Reaganomics and a lot of posturing and credit taking for an already crumbling Soviet Union.

Don't get me started.

I'm with you, buddy. IMO he was the absolute worst thing to happen to this country -- until bush.
Ronnie Raygun....Hollywood chicken hawk that sold out his union members to McCarthyism. Who's stewardship did more harm than good to California, and then screwed over the entire country for 8 years with Reaganomics and a lot of posturing and credit taking for an already crumbling Soviet Union.

Don't get me started.
First let me frame this by saying that I could cast my first vote in 1984. I voted for Mondale.

Yes, the Soviet Union was crumbling, slowly. President Reagan sped that process up, Star Wars, Sgt York, etc forced the Soviets into a spending spree they could not maintain. He also rebuilt a military in this country that one could be proud serving. I know, because I did. He made being a soldier honorable again, after an 11 year old war in Southeast Asia created a malaise that looked difficult to overcome. The 70's were a hard decade on America, between Vietnam and the Recession Americans were finding it hard to be optimistic about things. Reagan changed that. He showed us we had a lot of things to be greatful for and he was a counter for the voices on the left that wanted us to feel guilty about things. Voices that forgot who it was that freed the world just 35 short years before. Was he right about everything, the way so many on the right want to portray him? No. He has Iran Contra on his record which indicates that was a liar at worst or not in control of his own cabinent at best. He also supported some of the most brutal and oppressive regimes in central america, and attempted to put the men who supported Samosa back in power in Nicaragua. But all in all, he was good for america.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ronnie Raygun....Hollywood chicken hawk that sold out his union members to McCarthyism. Who's stewardship did more harm than good to California, and then screwed over the entire country for 8 years with Reaganomics and a lot of posturing and credit taking for an already crumbling Soviet Union.

Don't get me started.

I'm with you, buddy. IMO he was the absolute worst thing to happen to this country -- until bush.

Oh, Reagan is the neocon god...and along with the aid of our alleged "liberal" media, his legend will live on. Thank God for such books as "There You Go Again!:Reagan's Reign of Error", which documents the fantastic amount of Ronnie oft repeated nonsense. The "Great Commuicator" was just playing a role for 8 years...and the country is STILL suffering because of it. I'll never forget watching a news forum hosted by the local network affiliate that had a collection of the top newsmen from the Big Three networks and local newspapers. A college kid stood uup and said, "What's with you people? You guys crawled all over Carter and treated him with the most disrespect any President received from the modern media, yet Reagan pablum feeds you garbage and you just take it"?

Chuck Scarborough replied, "Well, it's what the people want." I spat out my soda! I guess I missed that course in journalism school about polling the public for the popularity of a subject before you do your reporting. :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ronnie Raygun....Hollywood chicken hawk that sold out his union members to McCarthyism. Who's stewardship did more harm than good to California, and then screwed over the entire country for 8 years with Reaganomics and a lot of posturing and credit taking for an already crumbling Soviet Union.

Don't get me started.

First let me frame this by saying that I could cast my first vote in 1984. I voted for Mondale.

Yes, the Soviet Union was crumbling, slowly. President Reagan sped that process up, Star Wars, Sgt York, etc forced the Soviets into a spending spree they could not maintain. He also rebuilt a military in this country that one could be proud serving. I know, because I did. He made being a soldier honorable again, after an 11 year old war in Southeast Asia created a malaise that looked difficult to overcome. The 70's were a hard decade on America, between Vietnam and the Recession Americans were finding it hard to be optimistic about things. Reagan changed that. He showed us we had a lot of things to be greatful for and he was a counter for the voices on the left that wanted us to feel guilty about things. Voices that forgot who it was that freed the world just 35 short years before. Was he right about everything, the way so many on the right want to portray him? No. He has Iran Contra on his record which indicates that was a liar at worst or not in control of his own cabinent at best. He also supported some of the most brutal and oppressive regimes in central america, and attempted to put the men who supported Samosa back in power in Nicaragua. But all in all, he was good for america.

Nope....Star Wars was and is a fucking hasn't worked right since it's inception, and was a moot point since the cruise missle could carry nukes. What all the money went to is a mystery that even the GAO has yet to reveal. And Afghanistan bankrupted the Soviets, not Reagan rhetoric.

Reagan rhetoric didn't do crap for military can thank a fucked up economy that did that. For every volunteer based on pure patriotism, you had about 10 who needed a steady paycheck and a shot at higher education. Hell, I remember articles in Newsweek, the Village Voice, and the NY Times on how the military was complaining about the number of functional illiterates and poorly educated folks signing up, and the time and resources they had to devote to bringing them up to speed.

Yeah, I'm glad you pointed out his record on South America, Iran/Iraq....there was also Grenada, Libya, Noriega, his nod to the evangelical fringe, "trickle-down" economics, his "welfare queen" BS. Sorry to inform you brother, but once you open the window ALL the way, Reagan was nothing more than a feel good movie....and the real world outside the theatre suffered.
This isn’t rocket science. There’s a whole cottage industry devoted to creating a mythological hero out of Raygun.

What else is the rightwing going to do? They don’t have populist heroes, or people that can be broadly and widely admired. Movement conservative ideology is reactionary; it doesn’t have a progressive tradition, it never worked on behalf of the disenfranchised, or to expand rights in to women, or gays in any sustained or substantive way. It doesn’t have a tradition of being on the side of working schmucks. It’s the ideology of status quo, boot straps, and big business. Who else can they mythologize into a populist hero? Strom Thurmond? Jesse Helms? Newt Gingrich? Sarah Palin?

Raygun was an amiable, Hollywood dunce whose lasting legacy is the farce of deregulation theology, corporate-sponsored “free trade”, union-busting and stagnation of the middle class. The S&L meltdown, through Enron, through the meltdown of 2008 can all be traced back to Ronnie’s legacy of deregulation and his simple minded get government out of the way rhetoric.

I kinda dug his efforts at arms control with Gorby. That was cool, and was mildly balls-to-the-wall on his part, because he had to listen to the rightwing complain about him “caving” to the Soviets. Other than that really not much any enlightened person can find to admire in a dude who opposed the civil rights act, joked about welfare queens, engaged in thinly disguised racial-identity politics. His reaction to the HIV breakout was a joke; the doddering old fool obviously felt it was a gay problem, and not an American problem. He was enamored with rightwing dictators, he illegally gave American weapons to Iran, committed constitutional crimes, and he started an illegal war against Nicaragua. WTF did Nicaragua ever do to us, and how did they threaten us? There’s no doubt that Reagan is responsible for the deaths of untold people in Central America. And is there any enlightened Republican left who is really happy that Reagan turned the GOP from a semi-respectable party of moderate business people, to an extremist party run by theocrats, teabaggers, and birthers?

So, what exactly is the great legacy of Ronnie? The economy? He abandoned trickle down economics after it failed in 1982-83, and the economy of the 80s didn’t lift the poor or the working class up. The downfall of the Soviet Union? Ha, laughable. Those fucks collapsed under the failures of their own corrupt system. And because of the containment strategy of seven U.S presidents, including but not limited to Reagan.

Ronnie was a charismatic dunce, and a talented politician, who bested the two worst Democratic nominees of the last 100 years. He pretty much sucked for america.
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Wilson was a penis. He was responsible for more American Deaths than any one else in the history of mankind. He paved to road for WWII. He lied himself into reelection with the slogan "He kept us out of war", full well knowing that we'd be buying body bags by the boat load within a year.

What's with the worship of this pig. He was a piece of shit "Man of Letters" who would have done the world far more good by teaching ceramics than by leading us into war.

You're all idiots.
This isn’t rocket science. There’s a whole cottage industry devoted to creating a mythological hero out of Raygun.

What else is the rightwing going to do? They don’t have populist heroes, or people that can be broadly and widely admired. Movement conservative ideology is reactionary; it doesn’t have a progressive tradition, it never worked on behalf of the disenfranchised, or to expand rights in to women, or gays in any sustained or substantive way. It doesn’t have a tradition of being on the side of working schmucks. It’s the ideology of status quo, boot straps, and big business. Who else can they mythologize into a populist hero? Strom Thurmond? Jesse Helms? Newt Gingrich? Sarah Palin?

Raygun was an amiable, Hollywood dunce whose lasting legacy is the farce of deregulation theology, corporate-sponsored “free trade”, union-busting and stagnation of the middle class. The S&L meltdown, through Enron, through the meltdown of 2008 can all be traced back to Ronnie’s legacy of deregulation and his simple minded get government out of the way rhetoric.

I kinda dug his efforts at arms control with Gorby. That was cool, and was mildly balls-to-the-wall on his part, because he had to listen to the rightwing complain about him “caving” to the Soviets. Other than that really not much any enlightened person can find to admire in a dude who opposed the civil rights act, joked about welfare queens, engaged in thinly disguised racial-identity politics. His reaction to the HIV breakout was a joke; the doddering old fool obviously felt it was a gay problem, and not an American problem. He was enamored with rightwing dictators, he illegally gave American weapons to Iran, committed constitutional crimes, and he started an illegal war against Nicaragua. WTF did Nicaragua ever do to us, and how did they threaten us? There’s no doubt that Reagan is responsible for the deaths of untold people in Central America. And is there any enlightened Republican left who is really happy that Reagan turned the GOP from a semi-respectable party of moderate business people, to an extremist party run by theocrats, teabaggers, and birthers?

So, what exactly is the great legacy of Ronnie? The economy? He abandoned trickle down economics after it failed in 1982-83, and the economy of the 80s didn’t lift the poor or the working class up. The downfall of the Soviet Union? Ha, laughable. Those fucks collapsed under the failures of their own corrupt system. And because of the containment strategy of seven U.S presidents, including but not limited to Reagan.

Ronnie was a charismatic dunce, and a talented politician, who bested the two worst Democratic nominees of the last 100 years. He pretty much sucked for america.
