Rove Leads the Charge in Painting Obama as 'arrogant'

I want to point out a misconception that has been widely perpetrated for years now.

Karl Rove, contrary to the opinion of many, is not ideological. He believes only those things which poll well, and he would reccommend them unhesitatingly to any candidate he was managing, regardless of their ideological bent.

It was shit luck for the Democrats that Rove wound up working for Republicans, because the man is a capable political strategist. Rove is not Bush, he is not Newt Gingrich.

Rove is a professional whose job was to win elections. He showed Bush how to do that twice on a national level.

There are credible rumors that he is an agnostic or an atheist, and I'm sure that his personal beliefs differ significantly from what he advocates.

Karl Rove is indeed an ideologue of the highest magnitude. He doesn't necessarily do things that poll well, he merely packages his ideological desires into messages that poll well. Having said that, I don't think he cares much about social policy and uses the religious right as tools to achieve his economic policy goals.

Whether he is atheistic or agnostic is completely irrelevant to the question of whether he is ideological.
He doesn't necessarily do things that poll well, he merely packages his ideological desires into messages that poll well.

Agree to an extent, but he would not have risen to where he is today without a degree of professionalism in his recommendations.

Having said that, I don't think he cares much about social policy and uses the religious right as tools to achieve his economic policy goals.

It's pretty clear that he doesn't give a crap about the Religious Right beyond their usefulness in winning elections. I think you might be right that he cares more about economic policy but I still don't believe his opinions would overrule his professional instincts. I'm a diehard libertarian, but if I were a political strategist I would advise my client to assume whatever positions he needed to be victorious.

Epicurus - Look at Rove's biography. From the beginning of his adult life to the present he has worked on Republican campaigns and for Republican causes. He is a Republican ideologue.
yeah since I am a small business owner, have a cement pond and such I was invited into the local in crowd. That bunch is pretty funny, almost as bad as Masons ;)

Ohh wait come to think of it the local Masons tend to also belong to the country club....