RP Spammers Unite to Win North Carolina County Strawpoll

Adam Weinberg

Goldwater Republican
A small victory for Ron Paul here in North Carolina came this evening when activists (including me) "spammed" the Gaston County GOP Executive Committee meeting, which held a Presidential preference strawpoll.

I am happy to report to you that voting for Ron Paul in any capacity feels pretty damn good. Especially since Ron Paul won with over 30% of the vote from the gathering of 41 activists, county party executives and local elected officials.

Coming in a close second was Fred Thompson. Newt Gingrich was included on the ballot, though he is not currently running. "Top Tier" candidates McCain, Giuliani and Romney lagged near the latter half or bottom of the pack.

I don't remember at the moment the exact totals, but as soon as I find them I'll include them. The party promised to issue a press release related to the event and the results.


This is their website, which will hopefully post this information soon.

Prior to the vote, the audience heard from North Carolina Gubernatorial candidate Bill Graham, who really looks like a Republican version of John Edwards!

Afterward, I talked with some of the losing candidates' supporters and got them up to speed on Ron Paul's candidacy, and really made some headway in building bridges with traditional GOP voters...which is too important to neglect!

Afterward, memembers of our Triad Area meetup group stopped at Waffle House on the way home in Salisbury, NC and basically used the restaurant as campaign headquarters for an hour...talking about Ron Paul with every single customer. Very positive responses all-around.

It was a good night here for Ron Paul activism in general.
A small victory for Ron Paul here in North Carolina came this evening when activists (including me) "spammed" the Gaston County GOP Executive Committee meeting, which held a Presidential preference strawpoll.

I am happy to report to you that voting for Ron Paul in any capacity feels pretty damn good. Especially since Ron Paul won with over 30% of the vote from the gathering of 41 activists, county party executives and local elected officials.

Coming in a close second was Fred Thompson. Newt Gingrich was included on the ballot, though he is not currently running. "Top Tier" candidates McCain, Giuliani and Romney lagged near the latter half or bottom of the pack.

I don't remember at the moment the exact totals, but as soon as I find them I'll include them. The party promised to issue a press release related to the event and the results.


This is their website, which will hopefully post this information soon.

Prior to the vote, the audience heard from North Carolina Gubernatorial candidate Bill Graham, who really looks like a Republican version of John Edwards!

Afterward, I talked with some of the losing candidates' supporters and got them up to speed on Ron Paul's candidacy, and really made some headway in building bridges with traditional GOP voters...which is too important to neglect!

Afterward, memembers of our Triad Area meetup group stopped at Waffle House on the way home in Salisbury, NC and basically used the restaurant as campaign headquarters for an hour...talking about Ron Paul with every single customer. Very positive responses all-around.

It was a good night here for Ron Paul activism in general.

Good deal Adam. Every little bit helps I guess. I just wish these straw polls were actual indicators of which way the wind was blowing. The Iowa straw poll costs $35 per vote, thus rendering it completely meaningless, except for the fact that Romney can claim some sort of victory.

How does the Winston/Salem deal work?
RP spamming jokes work on the whole web because there's no shortage of people who say this movement is made up of fake internet robots.

Just go to your local Meetup and you'll find that out.

If you don't have a local Meetup...start one.
You know Adam, we could really use your smarts around here more often.

That being said, I'm not a robot, and I'd give my vote to Paul, given the chance.
The Strawpoll wasn't in Winston-Salem, it was in Gastonia, which is a small city West of Charlotte very close to the border with South Carolina.

This poll was very informal, and obviously, very small. But it was still a useful exercise for activism.
RP spamming jokes work on the whole web because there's no shortage of people who say this movement is made up of fake internet robots.

Just go to your local Meetup and you'll find that out. snip

Ditto. Just make sure you don't make the mistake I did. Make sure to go the the right meetup.com meeting.

Make sure you go to the Ron Paul meetup. NOT the Ru Paul meetup.

You know - the famous transvestite Ru Paul?

I was very uncomfortable in my flannel shirt and blue jeans, at that meetup of cross dressing Ru Paul fans.
Ditto. Just make sure you don't make the mistake I did. Make sure to go the the right meetup.com meeting.

Make sure you go to the Ron Paul meetup. NOT the Ru Paul meetup.

You know - the famous transvestite Ru Paul?

I was very uncomfortable in my flannel shirt and blue jeans, at that meetup of cross dressing Ru Paul fans.

Cypress, you geek, this sounds like something Ornot would say. lol
Here comes the cold water ...

This is meaningless and changes nothing.

Always good to see and hear politically active people getting involved .. but with regards to Ron Paul .. he's a delusional pipedream and the one guy who is more dangerously insane and less of a human than George Bush.

No matter how fervently Paul supporters believe him to be the messiah, America is NEVER going to adapt his policies nor elect anyone as president who has the associations that he has.

Nor will America EVER adapt libertarian myopic-no-applicable-real-world beliefs.

I applaud the political spirit but I detest the candidate.
Here comes the cold water ...

This is meaningless and changes nothing.

Always good to see and hear politically active people getting involved .. but with regards to Ron Paul .. he's a delusional pipedream and the one guy who is more dangerously insane and less of a human than George Bush.

No matter how fervently Paul supporters believe him to be the messiah, America is NEVER going to adapt his policies nor elect anyone as president who has the associations that he has.

Nor will America EVER adapt libertarian myopic-no-applicable-real-world beliefs.

I applaud the political spirit but I detest the candidate.


Hear, hear!
What? I think he should have more exposure and it makes me jealous?

"ditto head" is a snarky expression, which, you used directed at me, and I think it's because you're jealous that you don't have any of your own dittoheads, unless you count BB when he was trying to get into your pants.
"ditto head" is a snarky expression, which, you used directed at me, and I think it's because you're jealous that you don't have any of your own dittoheads, unless you count BB when he was trying to get into your pants.
LOL. Right. "ditto-head" is not snarky when used in a certain group who self-describe themselves that way. I was making a little joke based on two posts of "ditto" and "QFT" and suggesting that he get his own radio show.

You just want to pick a fight, you like the make-up sessions....

The detest you have for this candidate has been proven to be based on false information distributed by his Neo-Conservative opponents.

But that's okay. We're not really in need of your support anyway.
LOL. Right. "ditto-head" is not snarky when used in a certain group who self-describe themselves that way. I was making a little joke based on two posts of "ditto" and "QFT" and suggesting that he get his own radio show.

You just want to pick a fight, you like the make-up sessions....



The detest you have for this candidate has been proven to be based on false information distributed by his Neo-Conservative opponents.

But that's okay. We're not really in need of your support anyway.
QFT. (Yup, Adam should have his own too.)

It doesn't matter, BAC is very socialistic in many of his opinions and will continue to reserve a special hatred of libertarians as a whole.
The fact is, Damo, if anybody thinks Ron Paul would not be as qualified as President than George W. Bush, then I'm GLAD that person is afraid of what he might do as President.