RP Spammers Unite to Win North Carolina County Strawpoll

The fact is, Damo, if anybody thinks Ron Paul would not be as qualified as President than George W. Bush, then I'm GLAD that person is afraid of what he might do as President.
I had a whole group of R's in a county that supported Bush all the way all nodding on the fact that we should never enter war undeclared. It was an amazing sight.
The detest you have for this candidate has been proven to be based on false information distributed by his Neo-Conservative opponents.

But that's okay. We're not really in need of your support anyway.

Paul supporters aren't too keen on reality, but no neoconservative forced Paul to PARTICIPATE with some of the most vile hate groups on the planet ,, try denying that.

And in fact, you're in need of a lot of support .. spam only takes you so far.

Your candidate is going backwards in some polls and is stuck between 0-2% in all scientific polls .. try denying that.

Oh hell yes, you're in need of a lot of support.

That Ron Paul "Revolution" amounts to nothing more than spam and is less than a whimper of a revolution. If he's blowing up on the internet as Paul supporters claim .. where is the money? ... 2.3 million is peanuts, pocket change in a presidential election. Some candidates running for mayor collect more money than that and almost every candidate running for the Senate does. Where is the money?

Howard Dean collected millions from the internet and Obama has collected even more millions than Dean from the internet. Why isn't your "horde" of Paul supporters sending a lot more money? Could it be that they simple aren't there?

Real candidates have thousands of people show up to hear them speak at campaign stops .. sometimes it's tens of thousands. Paul gets a few hundred and if 600 show up Ronbots are rushing to the internet to declare glorious victory.

His racist background, delusional politics, and vapid legislative record have caught up to him and he's already reached his peak of support. People like myself who are actively working against Paul are winning this battle. All we need do is present the facts and evidence and others will make up their own minds.

Low to non-existent poll numbers, measly fundraising, relatively small crowds.

Those are the realities. Perhaps you can claim this is all false as well and hope it goes away .. but just like his racist background .. it won't.
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I had a whole group of R's in a county that supported Bush all the way all nodding on the fact that we should never enter war undeclared. It was an amazing sight.

Maybe republicans can only admit their war was a mistake, in the privacy of a room with other republicans. :cof1:

I've virtually never seen on message boards, republicans who supported the war in the beginning admit they made a mistake. There are maybe one or two posters I'll give credit for admitting it. But, by and large I keep hearing excuses for why the war was "inevitiable" or justified anway. Even knowing what we know now.
Yeah, it just involves talking common sense with people. Most people are not Sean Hannity nutbags who want to steamroll over you and call you unpatriotic.

You just have to figure what's on thier minds. A lady came to me with a Ron Paul flyer and said she didn't understand why he would be against the Patriot Act since it "prevents terrorism". And I told her, frankly, that putting our rights at risk doesn't make us safer.

And she knew the Patriot Act was a mess for regular people, she worked at a bank and had to deal with the real life hassles that come along.

So you would think this would be a hard sell on the surface, but in fact, if you really talk to people about what's at the heart of the issue (not wanting to get blown up!) you can explain in Republican-friendly terms why something like the Patriot Act just don't work.

The Patriot Act IS big government. It's passing a law the congress didn't even read and fully consider and expecting it to be effective. We wouldn't want that if it was related to taxes or spending. It's more bureaucracy to prevent a simple problem about private security and streamlined intelligence.

And I know this won't work with many liberals, but this will definitely work with committed conservatives...if we only had a government that respected private property and our right to keep and bear arms, then we would not have had a government that six months before 9/11 told our airline pilots they could not be armed.

A little bit of the Constitution could have changed our history for the better. So, it's important to let people know that 9/11 didn't change the important things in America forever, and that America can get back to its traditions of liberty and the Constitution and be more free and secure.
"Real candidates have thousands of people show up to hear them speak at campaign stops .."

So does Ron Paul. 1100 people showed up in Greenville, SC. 2000 people showed up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Well over 1000 people showed up and voted in Ames, Iowa.

It's inaccurate to say most candidates have larger audiences. When Ron Paul held his own rally in Iowa after being excluded from a debate, his crowd of 1000 overpowered the other candidates' debate of only 600 audience members.

Frankly, in primary states some candidates will do stump speeches with as little as thirty people, so, that's not exactly true that the other candidates are often drawing more.

"His racist background..." (not true)

"delusional politics..." (doesn't matter what you say on this)

"and vapid legislative record...." (considered by most--even detractors--to be the most principled and pro-Constitution in America)

"have caught up to him and he's already reached his peak of support..." (no, his base of support is growing, and will continue to grow as other conservative GOP candidates drop out).

"People like myself who are actively working against Paul..." (and seemingly working for President Bush who you claim to like better)

"Are winning this battle." (Oh really?)

All we need do is present the facts and evidence and others will make up their own minds." (Well, so far you've only presented non-facts and made up stuff, in the interim, the man has been touring the country with actual facts and solutions to serious problems and has been winning support that way.)


If Ron Paul had the background that you said he did, I would not support him. Fortunately, I know you're desperate to oppose his economic views--seemingly have no strong opinions about the war or you'd at least give credit where credit is due--and thereby want to slander his social views with inaccurate information.

You've already lost in the realm of public opinion and the media. Nobody is saving your magic nuggets of wisdom for a rainy day when they need it, the information you peddle is DISCREDITED.

Myself, a Jew who is no stranger to what bigotry looks like, and my associates in the grassroots effort, from all backgrounds and ethnicities, believe in the optimistic message of the Constitution much more than the dismissive, unhopeful attitude you have repeatedly shown.
Myself, a Jew who is no stranger to what bigotry looks like, and my associates in the grassroots effort, from all backgrounds and ethnicities, believe in the optimistic message of the Constitution much more than the dismissive, unhopeful attitude you have repeatedly shown.

I"ve read bac's posts and links about Paul. I think that if it had involved Jewish people, you'd be less quick to dismiss.

And I don't think that just because you're Jewish, your stamp of "Candidate Not Racist" holds any particularly special water.
That's your opinion. You happen to be wrong because I'm sensitive to those issues and it is central to my political views.

Last night a small portion of my meetup group piled in a mini-van and went down to the Strawpoll. We had two black folks, a Jew and two good old boys cruising down the interstate together.

And that's what the Constitution does to bring people together. We're not interested in the stuff you pulled up from Eric Dondero. It's not true.
That's your opinion. You happen to be wrong because I'm sensitive to those issues and it is central to my political views.

Last night a small portion of my meetup group piled in a mini-van and went down to the Strawpoll. We had two black folks, a Jew and two good old boys cruising down the interstate together.

And that's what the Constitution does to bring people together. We're not interested in the stuff you pulled up from Eric Dondero. It's not true.

Yeah? What I read looked true.
Also it should be noted that some people HAVE been trying to accuse Ron Paul of being Anti-Jewish/Anti-Israel because of his foreign policy views and some of the people who endorse his views.

Most racist movements in the United States sort of have an approach that includes all of the various minority groups, including Jews, and I've always been aware of that.

And yet Ron Paul was one of the few members of Congress to support Israel's right to defend itself against the Iraqi nuclear program in the 80s.
Myself, a Jew who is no stranger to what bigotry looks like, and my associates in the grassroots effort,
QUOTE] HA HA HA, Darla. now I know what got you so miffed at me. this is the first I knew that you were a Jew, and I recall taking up the banner of being Anti-Israel. Now it all makes sense. but I am not anti-jew, only anti (I guess you cold say Zionist) Israel government.
No, it doesn't.

Because I relied on facts about these events and legitimate news sources like the New York Times have discredited those claims.

Also, being that I follow Ron Paul very closely I understand all the nuances of his candidacy and realize that bigotry of any kind is not part of it.
No, it doesn't.

Because I relied on facts about these events and legitimate news sources like the New York Times have discredited those claims.

Also, being that I follow Ron Paul very closely I understand all the nuances of his candidacy and realize that bigotry of any kind is not part of it.

Hooray for me, I'm the only person in the world who relies on facts, and whose ideology doesn't color my feelings about a candidate.

Too bad everyone isn't like me. Who's better than me?
Adam said:
If Ron Paul had the background that you said he did, I would not support him. Fortunately, I know you're desperate to oppose his economic views--seemingly have no strong opinions about the war or you'd at least give credit where credit is due--and thereby want to slander his social views with inaccurate information.

Oh, he does oppose the war, even more strongly than I do. He kind of glossed over that, and I believe made some argument that it didn't matter because Ron Paul had supported the Afghan war.
Oh, he does oppose the war, even more strongly than I do. He kind of glossed over that, and I believe made some argument that it didn't matter because Ron Paul had supported the Afghan war.

Maybe he just figured, BFD? Putin opposed the war too.
