RP Spammers Unite to Win North Carolina County Strawpoll

The difference, my brother, is that I'm every bit as much of a fan, believer, and supporter of what they say as you think they are of mine. I even like some of the things you say.

But there are some of us who not only share a political perspective, we also share a spirituality. In fact, if you don't have spirituality, then you couldn't possibly share our political perspective. That's why we seem strange to strict capitalists.

We not only share political perspectives, and spirituality, but intellect is required to join this cluib.

I like to call us "people with brains."

Do you know where the country is today? ... The same place people with brains were 7 years ago. It took the American people 7 years to catch up.

Bush .. we told you he was an idiot 7 years ago
War on Iraq .. we told you it was based on lies and it would end in failure 5 years ago.
Saddam and WMD .. anyone who fell for that is stupid.
Saddam and 9/11 .. Stupid

I could go on .. but you get the point .. we're smart people .. it's a collective. :)
You took it too seriously too. Wow. It's been one of those days.

Since you don't know me I'll give you some perspective. I was against the war in Iraq and believe that if we followed the constitution and worked for declaration that the Senate never would have voted for that one. I am against fighting "wars" on splinter groups because it gives them too much power in the minds of Americans and believe that responding this way it gives them a validity they never would have among the people with which they live.

But heck, whatever floats your boat, you can assume all sorts of stuff about me, it doesn't mean you are correct in your assumptions. It just means that you don't even wish to agree with people who are in agreement with you if they belong to a different "ideology".

Anyway, your "collective" still argues that they shouldn't have done it for "this or that reason", for me, the reason has always been the same, we should actually use the protections written into that wonderful document that created this nation.
I think a dem is going to move our navy away from Iran.

I hope you're right. I don't expect Clinton to do that, especially based on her foreign policy history.

I feel the same way about a candidate claiming "I'll remove every last soldier on my first day" as I do about Kucinich claiming on his first day he will cancel NAFTA.

Well, fortunately, Ron Paul and for that matter Kucinich haven't said (I was going to post a correction that I forgot to mention him) they'd get us out in a day. But they have said they would get us out. Which when you really get down to it, only Richardson has said as well.

There are such things as repercussions in this world, and the 80% of Americans who cheered on the neocons as they invaded Iraq can start tasting some.

The repurcussions are because we went, not because we leave.

And as a liberal, not electing a radical libertarian isn't a matter of me "feeling good' adam, (and I find you as condescending as ever).

I didn't mean it as condescension, and I don't ever expect you to vote or support Ron Paul. I do expect the truth to be known on this issue and as it relates to his candidacy. I was placing Ron Paul in front of the alternative, which is the George W. Bush foreign and domestic policy (which BAC thinks is better) or a half-assed Democratic response (which you are free to think is better if you're willing to take the chance).

My ideology is mine, like yours is yours. I find yours to be just as morally inferior as you believe mine to be.

I don't have an ideology. I have an idea about where the truth lies in this election about what needs to change, and it's with the most forthright, straight-talking candidate in the race...Ron Paul.
When did Paul "swithch to" the Republican party? He ran for president as a libertarian - sure. But he's pretty much always ran on the Republican line.

Parties don't represent ideologies anyway. There's no reason anyone should have any loyalty to any party.

He's always been a republican? Shoot, there goes what respect I did have for him. I've driven people crazy for suggesting the LP is just an offshoot or proxy for the GOP. I wonder if you'll get attacked?

yeah, I went to Paul's website. Outside of a pretty good sense of what america's foreign policy should be, its devoid of any substantive content.

Unless you consider lowering taxes, no healthcare policy to speak of, letting americans pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, and being obsessed with property rights to be important and correct issues in america today.

Oh, and he's also pro-life, aka anti-Roe v Wade. Which bugs the crap out of me.
Cy said:
He's always been a republican? Shoot, there goes what respect I did have for him. I've driven people crazy for suggesting the LP is just an offshoot or proxy for the GOP. I wonder if you'll get attacked?

OOOHhh! I knew you were just waiting to say it, right after I posted that.

But you were right. He does have basically no loyalty to the Republican party. Or any other party. Don't see how it's a negative.

Cy said:
yeah, I went to Paul's website. Outside of a pretty good sense of what america's foreign policy should be, its devoid of any substantive content.

Unless you consider lowering taxes, no healthcare policy to speak of, letting americans pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, and being obsessed wit property rights to be important and correct issues in america today.

Oh, and he's also pro-life, aka anti-Roe v Wade. Which bugs the crap out of me.

I hope you're right. I don't expect Clinton to do that, especially based on her foreign policy history.

Well, fortunately, Ron Paul and for that matter Kucinich haven't said (I was going to post a correction that I forgot to mention him) they'd get us out in a day. But they have said they would get us out. Which when you really get down to it, only Richardson has said as well.

The repurcussions are because we went, not because we leave.

I didn't mean it as condescension, and I don't ever expect you to vote or support Ron Paul. I do expect the truth to be known on this issue and as it relates to his candidacy. I was placing Ron Paul in front of the alternative, which is the George W. Bush foreign and domestic policy (which BAC thinks is better) or a half-assed Democratic response (which you are free to think is better if you're willing to take the chance).

I don't have an ideology. I have an idea about where the truth lies in this election about what needs to change, and it's with the most forthright, straight-talking candidate in the race...Ron Paul.

OOOHhh! I knew you were just waiting to say it, right after I posted that.

But you were right. He does have basically no loyalty to the Republican party. Or any other party. Don't see how it's a negative.

I have yet to see anything remarkable about Ron Paul, he seems to be a misplaced farmhand to me.
I'm going to enjoy this.

"Real candidates have thousands of people show up to hear them speak at campaign stops .."

So does Ron Paul. 1100 people showed up in Greenville, SC. 2000 people showed up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Well over 1000 people showed up and voted in Ames, Iowa.

It's inaccurate to say most candidates have larger audiences. When Ron Paul held his own rally in Iowa after being excluded from a debate, his crowd of 1000 overpowered the other candidates' debate of only 600 audience members.

Frankly, in primary states some candidates will do stump speeches with as little as thirty people, so, that's not exactly true that the other candidates are often drawing more.

Obama draws 10,000 to California rally

I could go on with other candidates if you like.

"His racist background..." (not true)

You might want to shut your eyes real tight here in hopes that it will just go away.

Neo-Confederate movement

Please name the neo-con that forced your candidate to attend a gathering of racists who are supportive of violence against gays and Lesbians, are openly racist and openly advocate a division of the United States of America .. just like Paul. "Why do we need the federal government? There's no Cold War and no Communist threat. Many other nations are breaking into smaller and smaller pieces. The centralization of power in Washington occurred in a different time. Why not think about getting rid of the federal government, returning to the system of our Founders, and breaking up the United States into smaller government units?"

Break America up into nation-states????

Do a bit of research on the Political Cesspool where Paul has been a guest many times. It's the radio program for the White Citizens Council ... you'll find him listed under P, right above Prussian Blue, the white supremacist teenage singing duo.

Did Eric Dondero force your candidate to be a frequent guest on a white nationalist radio show? .. Or maybe that wasn't actually Ron Paul appearing. Perhaps it was an "aide", a "ghostwriter". a ghost.

The ONLY congressperson to get a 100% rating from John Birch Society.

Go check out his connections to these people ....

Stormfront White Nationalist Community - Is Ron Paul the One

Lake Jackson News: Clear Media Conspiracy Against Ron Paul

Heritage Front

Vanguard News Network, Larry Pratt, Chris Somcox, Council on Conservative Citizens, David Duke, and many others.

You'll notice that I didn't get into the newsletter evidence because you'll just deny it .. even though I have proof .. but let's see how easy you slide away from his participation with hate groups.

"delusional politics..." (doesn't matter what you say on this)

Good move on your part because your logic would be destroyed. They are myopic dreams with no applicable real world application. Don't think so .. try it.

"and vapid legislative record...." (considered by most--even detractors--to be the most principled and pro-Constitution in America)

That just means that you listen to jingles but don't know much about substance. I bet I know his legislative record better than you do. He's the most ineffectual Member of Congress. With all his years in Congress, doesn't chair a Commission, Committee, or Sub-Committee. .. Do you know anything about Congress .. I do. Do you know about HR 1146 .. I do.

"have caught up to him and he's already reached his peak of support..." (no, his base of support is growing, and will continue to grow as other conservative GOP candidates drop out).

Prove that. I don't mean in MySpace hits. I'm talking about real serious politics. He's going backwards is some scirntific polls. Don't believe that? .. He is down from his all-time record high of .. 3% .. back down to 2% or 0% in ALL the polls .. REAL polls.

Where's the money?

"People like myself who are actively working against Paul..." (and seemingly working for President Bush who you claim to like better)

I'm a liberal. I'm one of those people who told you Bush was an idiot before the rest of America figured it out. And because someone might say Hitler seemed better than Satan .. doesn't mean they like Hitler.

I used the Bush analogy as comparison to the scum of the bottom .. and said Paul would be worse than that. Doesn't mean I like scum.

"Are winning this battle." (Oh really?)

Really. Sorry, it's that reality thing that keeps getting in your way.

All we need do is present the facts and evidence and others will make up their own minds." (Well, so far you've only presented non-facts and made up stuff, in the interim, the man has been touring the country with actual facts and solutions to serious problems and has been winning support that way.)

I respect your right to have an opinion.

If Ron Paul had the background that you said he did, I would not support him.

With all due respect, I don't believe that. I would think more of Paul supporters if they just came out and said they don't give a damn about Paul's racist beliefs. Just say you aren't black or hispanic so why should you care?

I doubt if you'll do anything with that information than what you have ben doing .. simply reject it.

Fortunately, I know you're desperate to oppose his economic views--seemingly have no strong opinions about the war or you'd at least give credit where credit is due--and thereby want to slander his social views with inaccurate information.

You've already lost in the realm of public opinion and the media. Nobody is saving your magic nuggets of wisdom for a rainy day when they need it, the information you peddle is DISCREDITED.

Myself, a Jew who is no stranger to what bigotry looks like, and my associates in the grassroots effort, from all backgrounds and ethnicities, believe in the optimistic message of the Constitution much more than the dismissive, unhopeful attitude you have repeatedly shown.

Keep the day job. Psychology is not your bag.

I oppose his economic views because they've been historically proven to be an absolute failure. The lassiez-fare system that "free marketism" is based on has itself never been fully realized, not even in France where it was born, and attempts at it have failed .. thus today EVERY industrialized nation opperates on a mixed economy. Lassiez-fare thinking and the hording of gold, another stupid Paul idea, led to the Great Depression.

I am an antiwar liberal who has been against this mnidless war before it even started .. AND .. has been part of the media, political, and grassroots movement against it .. sometimes, an intergral part.

About those "magic nuggets" .. wrong again. Don't know how, do ya'.

Please, save the speech about bigotry.

And save that bullshit about "optimistic message of the Constitution." I don't look for solutions to today's society 200 years in the past to a document that was written by and for white men only. The Constitution was great beginnings but if you know anything about it's history then you'd know that even Jefferson didn't want to ratify it unless it was modified or including what became the Bill of Rights. I believe in a living Constitution that adapts to modern society.

Feel free to challange any of this or debate about his politics, economic perspective, or racist history .. or not.
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I would say "Hear, hear" but Damo would be all over me again.

Great post BAC, and I did already go to your links on the racism, and I do not see how anyone can say that it's made up. That's just denial. You don't want to believe something, so you don't believe it.
You took it too seriously too. Wow. It's been one of those days.

Since you don't know me I'll give you some perspective. I was against the war in Iraq and believe that if we followed the constitution and worked for declaration that the Senate never would have voted for that one. I am against fighting "wars" on splinter groups because it gives them too much power in the minds of Americans and believe that responding this way it gives them a validity they never would have among the people with which they live.

But heck, whatever floats your boat, you can assume all sorts of stuff about me, it doesn't mean you are correct in your assumptions. It just means that you don't even wish to agree with people who are in agreement with you if they belong to a different "ideology".

Anyway, your "collective" still argues that they shouldn't have done it for "this or that reason", for me, the reason has always been the same, we should actually use the protections written into that wonderful document that created this nation.

NAw, you took that too seriously and absolutely NONE of that was directed to you or your perspective personally.

I was having fun.

Of course that reliance solely on "that wonderful document", needs some work. :)
I would say "Hear, hear" but Damo would be all over me again.

Great post BAC, and I did already go to your links on the racism, and I do not see how anyone can say that it's made up. That's just denial. You don't want to believe something, so you don't believe it.

Don't worry about Damo, he's just jealous. :cool:

I'm waiting for Mr. Weinberg to explain how anyone running for president can have this in his background and expect to actually BE the president.

I'm waiting for him to tell me this has been DISPROVED
Don't worry about Damo, he's just jealous. :cool:

I'm waiting for Mr. Weinberg to explain how anyone running for president can have this in his background and expect to actually BE the president.

I'm waiting for him to tell me this has been DISPROVED

I think that there is such a dearth of leadership in this country, and has been for long enough, that many of us are feeling the all too human need for some kind of hero. And that leads us to sometimes glorify a person, to the point that, we block out any negative info, insisting that it "can't be true". I think that it would be very difficult for me to look at information that showed Gore for instance, to be a racist. But I would hope that I could look at it, and face it just the same.

About Damo...oh, I so know it! ;)