Rule 12b

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cancel2 2022

I was banned for trangressing rule 12b, which I indeed did do, albeit inadvertently. I wrote something about Buckly, fully intending to type jail, obviously mispelt it. A combination of being in a crowded place, alcohol and predictive text changed it to juvie instead. To be honest, I had no idea what that even meant until I was banned and discovered that it is US slang for a young offenders institution.

Anyway to cut a long story short, it will teach me to be more bloody careful in future. So may I say that I sincerely apologise to the board, I would also like to thank Damo and the mods for their leniency and understanding.

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I was banned for trangressing rule 12b, which I indeed did do, albeit inadvertently. I wrote something about Buckly, fully intending to type jail, obviously mispelt it. A combination of being in a crowded place, alcohol and predictive text changed it to juvie instead. To be honest, I had no idea what that even meant until I was banned and discovered that it is US slang for a young offenders institution.

Anyway to cut a long story short, it will teach me to be more bloody careful in future. So may I say that I sincerely apologise to the board, I would also like to thank Damo and the mods for their leniency and understanding.


Check your E-Mail.
Rana must have pissed her panties with delight to have banned Tom. Then she must have pissed her panties with anger after being overruled.
Rana must have pissed her panties with delight to have banned Tom. Then she must have pissed her panties with anger after being overruled.

I know I'm going to catch a lot of grief, when I "question" a decision.
But I question them, not because I agree with the person; but because I believe the decision was heavy handed.

There are some so obvious, that there is no way to defend them; because most of the time it's so blatant that all one can do, is read it and move on.
So an update

Tom emailed the mod team and pleaded he was ignorant of a certain term he used when he violated rule 12b.

To be clear, Tom did in fact violate the rule, but he claims unintentionally.

After discussing it, the mod team has given him the benefit of the doubt and has thus unbanned him.

For his end tom somewhere on the forum, deep and hidden away where no one will see, has accepted responsibility for his banning.

Issue is over.

You're astute Grind, this thread is really deep and hidden where no one will see.

I know I'm going to catch a lot of grief, when I "question" a decision.
But I question them, not because I agree with the person; but because I believe the decision was heavy handed.

There are some so obvious, that there is no way to defend them; because most of the time it's so blatant that all one can do, is read it and move on.

your questioning had zero to do with anything. Tom violated the rule. He admits that himself in the OP. Us mods decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake on his end.
your questioning had zero to do with anything. Tom violated the rule. He admits that himself in the OP. Us mods decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake on his end.

And I was right about the initial decision being only Rana and Billy.

Btw, how much does a Boston pizza cost to ship to the Big Island? The pizza here sucks.
which big island


well boston pizza isn't really a thing.

i think you're fucked. I hear they only put pineapple on pizza there.

well boston pizza isn't really a thing.

i think you're fucked. I hear they only put pineapple on pizza there.

Nah, they put everything like the mainland, it just doesn't taste as good. Longboard's is the best though, but wouldn't hold up to the best mainland pizza.

As to Boston, my cousin lives, I think 30 miles or so from there, and he always raves about the pizza. So next time I talk to him, I'll tell he is full of cowpie.
your questioning had zero to do with anything. Tom violated the rule. He admits that himself in the OP. Us mods decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake on his end.

YEAH, YEAH, YEAH; but your comment has nothing to do with what I've posted, so stop thinking it's all about you. :D
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