Rush Linbaugh calls for riots in Denver

LOL. I've heard this for a few days now, every lefty pundit on the radio is jumping on him like sand on a beach.
Again Damo it is ALL the right can really hope for right now. They support Hillary because they don't want to run against Obama. They support riots because they want the Dems to look chaotic. Denver needs to issue a statement saying that anyone rioting will be jailed and bond will not be set until the end of the Convention. That will take care of it.
Again Damo it is ALL the right can really hope for right now. They support Hillary because they don't want to run against Obama. They support riots because they want the Dems to look chaotic. Denver needs to issue a statement saying that anyone rioting will be jailed and bond will not be set until the end of the Convention. That will take care of it.
It isn't. But repeating it may make you believe that.

The reality is, Rush did his regular thing. He made a joke about something that Jesse Jackson warned might happen if the "vote were overturned".
I listened to him yesterday take a call from a listner who chastised him for saying he wanted 1968 all over again because it would make us look bad in the eyes of the world (which is so much bullshit) and Rush got irrate saying the only thing that mattered was defeating the left. That if you could not convince the left their ideas were wrong then you needed to create chaos in their party so other people would not vote for them. He was truly miffed at the caller that chastised him. Rush is not just joking. He wants chaos in Denver. If you KNEW that your party's ideas were better you wouldn't think you needed chaos in Denver. But keep telling yourself he is joking, MAYBE it will help you believe it.
I don't know what the Rush is thinking, even if Republicans wanted this, it'd take a serious retard to broadcast it all across America. I haven't listened to him in awhile.
I don't know what the Rush is thinking, even if Republicans wanted this, it'd take a serious retard to broadcast it all across America. I haven't listened to him in awhile.
I listen to him one hour a day everyday. Sort of like listening to Tokyo Rose. Need to know what propaganda the enemy is laying out there ;)
In all seriousness, I'd love to see riots in denver, not to make democrats look bad, but just to scare the holy bejesus out of the socialist/liberal california transplants.
Rush isn't the first person to raise the idea of riots in Denver come August. Back in February, L. Douglas Wilder (the first Black governor of Virginia and current Mayor of Richmond), predicted on “Face the Nation,” and there are some who believe his statement could be interpreted as actually calling for, riots in the streets if the Clinton campaign were to overturn an Obama lead through the use of Super Delegates. His exact words were: “If the Super Delegates intervene and get in the way of it, and say, ‘Oh, no, we’re going to determine what’s best,’ there will be chaos at the convention…And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch: 2008 will be worse.”

So how about a little faux outrage for Mayor Wilder?
There seems to be a difference here -- one is predicting unrest in response to an outcome whereas the other is advocating riots in order to disrupt the proceedings.
So you are saying that "there are some who believe his statement could be interpreted as actually calling for, riots in the streets" and they get this from him saying "there will be chaos at the convention…And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch: 2008 will be worse.” Then those "some" are some kind of stupid. That is all.

So you are saying that "there are some who believe his statement could be interpreted as actually calling for, riots in the streets" and they get this from him saying "there will be chaos at the convention…And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch: 2008 will be worse.” Then those "some" are some kind of stupid. That is all.

we have been down this road already...Redux 1968...:321: you Commie enabler!
So you are saying that "there are some who believe his statement could be interpreted as actually calling for, riots in the streets" and they get this from him saying "there will be chaos at the convention…And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch: 2008 will be worse.” Then those "some" are some kind of stupid. That is all.

I tend to agree with you, Soc.

I would also say that, based on the comments attributed to Rush in the article and what can best be described as his "schtick," the same could be said of those who believe that Dimbaugh is calling for riots come August.

According to the article his comment was, "Riots in Denver, the Democrat Convention would see to it that we don't elect Democrats," The article also said that he then went on to say that's the best thing that could happen to the country. It also mentioned that Limbaugh cited Al Sharpton, saying the Barack Obama supporter threatened superdelegates that "there's going to be trouble" if the presidency is taken from Obama.

Now, I don't listen to Limbaugh, but, based on reading the article, I can't see where he is calling for riots. He seems to want them to happen (I have trouble believing anyone could want riots, but I don't know Rush) but he does not seem to be inciting them anymore than Wilder or Sharpton.
I listened to him yesterday take a call from a listner who chastised him for saying he wanted 1968 all over again because it would make us look bad in the eyes of the world (which is so much bullshit) and Rush got irrate saying the only thing that mattered was defeating the left. That if you could not convince the left their ideas were wrong then you needed to create chaos in their party so other people would not vote for them. He was truly miffed at the caller that chastised him. Rush is not just joking. He wants chaos in Denver. If you KNEW that your party's ideas were better you wouldn't think you needed chaos in Denver. But keep telling yourself he is joking, MAYBE it will help you believe it.
LOL. Rush is not my party.

Rush is an old man who steps over the line making jokes all the time. This was one of them.