Rush Linbaugh calls for riots in Denver


Rush isn't "calling for riots" for the following reasons:

1. His listeners don't even protest, let alone "riot".
2. His statement won't "incite" any riots, in fact, if the left is smart they would realize that riots would be detrimental and wouldn't do that.
3. Singing a silly song has nothing to do with actually wanting a riot.

Now, he may get "miffed" at somebody chastising him. But that still doesn't change that Rush has no power to "call for riots". His audience is simply the wrong one to do that.

Rush isn't "calling for riots" for the following reasons:

1. His listeners don't even protest, let alone "riot".
2. His statement won't "incite" any riots, in fact, if the left is smart they would realize that riots would be detrimental and wouldn't do that.
3. Singing a silly song has nothing to do with actually wanting a riot.

Now, he may get "miffed" at somebody chastising him. But that still doesn't change that Rush has no power to "call for riots". His audience is simply the wrong one to do that.

It won't be Rush listeners, or conservatives, but there may well be riots:
What a crock of shit!

I listen to him one hour a day everyday. Sort of like listening to Tokyo Rose. Need to know what propaganda the enemy is laying out there ;)

It is your party being controlled by Code Pink that is preparing for the 1968 redux...there is a thread in this forum addressing just this...this is right out of the Communist party play book...start a riot then blame the conservatives for your are the Tokyo Rose...moron!
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Rush isn't the first person to raise the idea of riots in Denver come August. Back in February, L. Douglas Wilder (the first Black governor of Virginia and current Mayor of Richmond), predicted on “Face the Nation,” and there are some who believe his statement could be interpreted as actually calling for, riots in the streets if the Clinton campaign were to overturn an Obama lead through the use of Super Delegates. His exact words were: “If the Super Delegates intervene and get in the way of it, and say, ‘Oh, no, we’re going to determine what’s best,’ there will be chaos at the convention…And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch: 2008 will be worse.”

So how about a little faux outrage for Mayor Wilder?

Works everytime....

Hit 'em in the pie-hole with a simple factual quote from one of their own and they run like chicken-shit hypocrites...

They had a lot to say about nothing about Wilder ...
I think Sharpton was "hinting" about trouble in Denver too if Obama loses...
"Limbaugh's comments prompted Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper to say, "Anyone who would call for riots in an American city has clearly lost their bearings..."

replace 'bearings' with 'marbles'

"As I read Mr. Limbaugh's comments about riots at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, they appear to me to be a clear exhortation that those riots are exactly what he wants to happen," Salazar said in a letter to Larsen.

isn't it clear that Limbaugh doesn't understand or believe in democracy?
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"Limbaugh's comments prompted Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper to say, "Anyone who would call for riots in an American city has clearly lost their bearings..."

replace 'bearings' with 'marbles'

"As I read Mr. Limbaugh's comments about riots at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, they appear to me to be a clear exhortation that those riots are exactly what he wants to happen," Salazar said in a letter to Larsen.

isn't it clear that Limbaugh doesn't understand and or believe in democracy?

'Comrade Crash'...take your redux 1968 and shove it up your Pinko Commie ass! Better yet go home...Russia (opp's)I mean the USSR misses you!:321:
Rush Linbaugh calls for riots in Denver

LOL. I've heard this for a few days now, every lefty pundit on the radio is jumping on him like sand on a beach.

Let me get this straight.

Rush Limbaugh, whom extreme-leftists have been insisting for years has little effect on anyone except some group of total right-wing robots nobody seems to be able to find actual examples of, call for riots at by *DEMOCRATS* at the Dem convention in Denver.

And suddenly they are screaming that this will somehow contribute to riots, if any actually happen?
I haven't listened to Limbaugh in years, so I don't know what he did or didn't call for recently. But if he did say riots there would be good for America, he may have a point.

Democrats are spreading more and more socialism at ever turn. Lately they haven't been having much success, but the effort is always there, even if they don't call it that. This would have a very bad effect on our country if they ewere to achieve any success.

Riota at the Dem convention would probably resutl in fewer vote for Dem candidates in November... which, in turn, would have a beneficial effect if fewer Dems were elected. SO in a roundabout way, I can see Limbaugh's point.

He could well be right. Again. :D
The people in Denver better wake up..Riots are going to happen, and it isn't because Rush mentioned them..He's just pointing out what is being publicly advertised around on the Kat posted..

You need to hold your politicians accountable for ignoring who the REAL PROBLEM is going to be...It damn sure isn't Rush..

I wish you all the best..stay safe.
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Wow !

So many people here on this thread are actually hoping for a riot in Denver.

I guess that means there surely will be instigators in Denver at that time.

Its just amazing to me how low some ditto heads will stoop to do the bidding of a drug addled, sex addicted, deaf guy who has a radio show.
Wow !

So many people here on this thread are actually hoping for a riot in Denver.

I guess that means there surely will be instigators in Denver at that time.

Its just amazing to me how low some ditto heads will stoop to do the bidding of a drug addled, sex addicted, deaf guy who has a radio show.

Wow, I've been reading this, who is 'hoping' for riots?