Russia Finally Slips Up

It is? Why have they not been pushed out of the Ukraine? For all of our talk they're still there. Why? I'll tell you why, because they're winning.

They were eventually pushed out of Eastern Europe without a shot being fired . They were simply outspent. Took years though.
They were eventually pushed out of Eastern Europe without a shot being fired . They were simply outspent. Took years though.

That's not what I asked you. Stop being a fucking pussy and answer the question I asked. I'll give you a few minutes to go grab your balls out of your wife's purse.
That's not what I asked you. Stop being a fucking pussy and answer the question I asked. I'll give you a few minutes to go grab your balls out of your wife's purse.
The war isn’t finished. You can define winning in different ways. The Allies didn’t win The Great War or WWII in nine months
Vietnam sure didn’t win “The American War” in nine months. In fact they never even won a battle yet they won.
Way too early to say who’s winning.
Russia is winning by inflicting a lot of pain. Ukraine is winning by liberating territory previously lost.
Depends on how one defines winning, doesn’t it?
The war isn’t finished. You can define winning in different ways. The Allies didn’t win The Great War or WWII in nine months
Vietnam sure didn’t win “The American War” in nine months. In fact they never even won a battle yet they won.
Way too early to say who’s winning.
Russia is winning by inflicting a lot of pain. Ukraine is winning by liberating territory previously lost.
Depends on how one defines winning, doesn’t it?

So your answer is to say they're both winning? You and Nordberg need to start hanging out, you can call it the retard group.

Your original point was that Russia was losing, I challenged you on that, now you say they're both winning. Stick to checkers, that's more your speed.
This is the fourth time you have failed to answer the very simple question I asked.

What do you mean "keep up?"
Keep spending resources indefinitely, keep using half-hearted conscripts fighting a motivated army, the populace in general has lukewarm support for the war, no real allies except for an impotent Belarus. the objectives for Russia have clearly changed and keep changing. There’s a lot going against them.

Sure, they might “win”, but even that isn’t defined. then of course this isn’t a war to win. It’s just a special operation, isn’t it?
Putin could claim he only wanted to inflict a lot of misery on Uk and declare mission accomplished tomorrow.
Now answer this… where did I say Russia was losing?
You won’t. I understand.
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