Russia Finally Slips Up

I'll take what I need. Preppers have it all stored up for me.


Possible difficulty?
Russians grow their own food and hunt for their meat. Americans are codependent on $30 trillion of debt. What will you do when the grocery store shelves are empty?
Every Russian grows their own food? That's absolutely unbelievable.
Again...U.S grocery store shelves are fine.

Russia? Not so much.
Every Russian grows their own food? That's absolutely unbelievable.
Again...U.S grocery store shelves are fine.

Russia? Not so much.
The old Soviet bloc would give you more food and a better apartment if you snitched on family or friends opposed to government. Not that much different than our media feeding us bullcrap on everything from covid to our proxy war in Ukraine. Legacy media is well paid to lie while journalist reporting the truth are imprisoned or killed. What are you willing to say or do to keep your job?
Lavrov made the admission at his annual news conference in Moscow, during which he also accused the U.S. and the military alliance NATO of playing a direct role in the war.
Lavrov made the admission at his annual news conference in Moscow, during which he also accused the U.S. and the military alliance NATO of playing a direct role in the war.

An indirect defeat for NATO would be good for the world's security.
Unlike debt fat Americans, the Russian people will fight for their survival.

So will Ukrainepeople. People fight hard to protect their families and homeland. Soldiers sent to fight neighbors are wondering why they're there. Few are stupid enough to believe they are fighting Nazis. The Russian soldiers are saying they are very poorly trained and equipped. They want to know why they are there.