Russians have ' lowered the bar ' for nuclear weapons usage.


Satire for Sanity
It was inevitable
How does it feel to you to have the lives of you and all your family and friends in the hands of a geriatric dotard who objected to The Russians selling cheap gas to Europe ?


Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia could respond with nuclear weapons if it were attacked with conventional arms in the latest changes to the country’s nuclear doctrine.

In a televised meeting of Russia’s Security Council, Putin on Wednesday announced that under the planned revisions, an attack against the country by a non-nuclear power with the “participation or support of a nuclear power” would be seen as a “joint attack on the Russian Federation”.


Ukraine Troops Report New Kursk Border Breakthrough​

Ukrainian paratroopers fighting in Russia's Kursk region have "broken through" into a new, unspecified section of the Russian border, a Ukrainian brigade said Monday as battles rage on inside Russia and various parts of eastern Ukraine.

Fighters with Ukraine's 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade "have broken through a section of the Russian border," the brigade said in a post to the messaging app Telegram.

"This is the second successful operation to break through the Russian border since the start of the operation in the Kursk region of Russia," the brigade said. The Ukrainian brigade did not specify where along the border fighters had "broken through" or when the reported operation took place.


Ukraine Troops Report New Kursk Border Breakthrough​

Ukrainian paratroopers fighting in Russia's Kursk region have "broken through" into a new, unspecified section of the Russian border, a Ukrainian brigade said Monday as battles rage on inside Russia and various parts of eastern Ukraine.

Fighters with Ukraine's 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade "have broken through a section of the Russian border," the brigade said in a post to the messaging app Telegram.

"This is the second successful operation to break through the Russian border since the start of the operation in the Kursk region of Russia," the brigade said. The Ukrainian brigade did not specify where along the border fighters had "broken through" or when the reported operation took place.

And what do the Russians say, Moses ?

Russian armed forces liberate DPR’s Ukrainsk — top brass

Russia expands category of states subjected to nuclear deterrence

The head of state noted that the modern military and political situation is changing rapidly, and Russia must take it into consideration, including the emergence of new sources of military threats and risks for Russia and its allies

Remember two and a half years ago, when you were cackling with laughter that the notorious dictator Vlad Putin was on the verge of easily overrunning Ukraine?
Not at all. I have always been of the mind that Ukraine would survive and flourish if it had simply complied with Russian demands that it rejected the notion of joining NATO. I hoped that Ukraine would negotiate peacefully. There was no triumphalist ' cackling ' nor support for war. The support for war has always come from you, Moses. Now look what you've done to Ukraine.
Not at all. I have always been of the mind that Ukraine would survive and flourish if it had simply complied with Russian demands that it rejected the notion of joining NATO. I hoped that Ukraine would negotiate peacefully. There was no triumphalist ' cackling ' nor support for war. The support for war has always come from you, Moses. Now look what you've done to Ukraine.
Bullshit. You were cackling with glee when you thought your buddy, the notorious dictator Vlad Putin was going to easily conquer Ukraine.

Ukraine is a sovereign nation that doesn't have to submit to Russia's "demands".
Bullshit. You were cackling with glee when you thought the notorious dictator Vlad Putin was going to easily conquer Ukraine.

Ukraine is a sovereign nation that doesn't have to submit to Russia's "demands".
You're delusional. It must be a Zionist thing.
Why do you choose to be stupid ? Is it some form of intellectual inferiority disorder ?
If you don’t know just say so.
But it was clearly stated in 2020:
In June 2020, Putin signed a decree—the Basic Principles of the Russian Federation’s State Policy in the Domain of Nuclear Deterrencethat specifies two conditions under which Russia would use nuclear weapons. The first is unsurprising: “The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat [emphasis added].

But in the end it doesn’t matter.
Aren’t you getting tired of Putin’s bluffing?