Russians have ' lowered the bar ' for nuclear weapons usage.

Ukraine has invaded and now occupies Russian territory. Why hasn’t Putin used his nukes?
My grapevine is in consensus that this was a trap set by the Russians, to devastating effect...has so far removed almost 20k Ukrainian/NATO from the battlefield and tons of armour.
Russia did not remotely have enough troops to take Kiev, the mission was to get Kiev's attention, which it did as we know by Istanbul .
Wow they sure lost a lot of tanks, helicopters and casualties just to get their attention. Well it worked. They got Kiev's attention.
So you agree it was a feint?
Wow they sure lost a lot of tanks, helicopters and casualties just to get their attention. Well it worked. They got Kiev's attention.
So you agree it was a feint?
It was the message "We are serious about this, you will do what must be done".

At the time NATO had built Ukraine into the second most powerful Army in Europe after Turkey...of which the Russians were well aware.....that Russia took a beating at the front of the SMO was not a shock to anyone.
Only in the dying West.
No way to know what goes on in other countries' militaries unless one serves in them. I was a contractor w/ the Army 30 years ago. It was unbelievably corrupt. I also did contract work w/ the A.F. at two different bases in the 90's. Seems pretty up and up to me back them.
No way to know what goes on in other countries' militaries unless one serves in them. I was a contractor w/ the Army 30 years ago. It was unbelievably corrupt. I also did contract work w/ the A.F. at two different bases in the 90's. Seems pretty up and up to me back them.
We cant know everything about other peoples and other places.....but if we have a quality grapevine we can now a lot. A lot of why the West is dying is corruption, which extends to our militaries....the rest of the world seeing this continually confronts the problem.....the Chinese and the Russians have in recent years carried out massive anti-corruption programs in their militaries....the Iranians have at least since the Saddam days been very vigilant against corruption.
We cant know everything about other peoples and other places.....but if we have a quality grapevine we can now a lot. A lot of why the West is dying is corruption, which extends to our militaries....the rest of the world seeing this continually confronts the problem.....the Chinese and the Russians have in recent years carried out massive anti-corruption programs in their militaries....the Iranians have at least since the Saddam days been very vigilant against corruption.
The command chief of the 81st Training Wing at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi was removed from his leadership role this week following an internal investigation into the senior noncommissioned officer, according to the Air Force.

Chief Master Sgt. Michael Venning was removed from his position on Monday
Earlier this month, the commander of the 28th Force Support Squadron at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota was fired from his leadership role. In August, the 28th Operations Group commander at Ellsworth was also removed from his command.
The command chief of the 81st Training Wing at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi was removed from his leadership role this week following an internal investigation into the senior noncommissioned officer, according to the Air Force.

Chief Master Sgt. Michael Venning was removed from his position on Monday
Earlier this month, the commander of the 28th Force Support Squadron at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota was fired from his leadership role. In August, the 28th Operations Group commander at Ellsworth was also removed from his command.
Notice how we are not told what he did wrong, which is a good sign that this is WOKE related.

You have completely failed to argue your case....yet again.
Somebody on my grapevine said that the Russians and the Chinese have concluded that only pain will get through to the administrators of the American Empire, which is a really bad turn of events re WW3.

IT’S THUNDERBOLT TIMEMedvedev Unplugged does know his Latin. But then Russian educational standards are in a class by itself, as I never cease to learn here in Moscow. Commenting on the update of Russia’s nuclear doctrine, Medvedev noted, “This change in our country’s guidelines for using nuclear weapons, in and of itself, may cool the ardor of those of our opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation. As for the dim-witted, only the Roman maxim remains: caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare …”All of us who studied Latin know that comes straight from Horace’s Odes. And it goes straight to the point: thunder out of the sky reminds everyone that Jupiter rules. Medvedev’s metaphor is a beauty: the only way the “dim-witted” - Hegemonic and the vassal swamp - will learn is when the Russian Jupiter releases a thunderbolt.
If you don’t know just say so.
But it was clearly stated in 2020:
In June 2020, Putin signed a decree—the Basic Principles of the Russian Federation’s State Policy in the Domain of Nuclear Deterrencethat specifies two conditions under which Russia would use nuclear weapons. The first is unsurprising: “The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat [emphasis added].

But in the end it doesn’t matter.
Aren’t you getting tired of Putin’s bluffing?
So the bar has been lowered, dumbass, as the thread title states. I repeat;
' Why do you choose to be stupid ? Is it some form of intellectual inferiority disorder ?'

Add it to your nonsense;

These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
" There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
" There were WMD in Iraq "
"There is no "weaponization of the dollar"
"Covid does not kill ."
"It is not possible to have a variant of a variant. "(Subvariants do not exist )

Dumbass or troll ?
