Sad news: E man is gone.

A valuable lesson to take away from the interwebs and from political message boards. There is a lot of lying, deception, fabricating, and defamation being indulged in by subhumans with no conscience.

I have frequently posed the question, what is the point of lying on the internet to people you do not know and will never meet? What is to be gained? I have never heard a reasonable explanation even after many years of asking the question.
At this point, I have to to leave it up to the mental health counselors to sort out, because I assume mental illness is involved!


You can be who ever you want to be on the internet.

In this case they lied to promote the conservative agenda and used a fake “Black woman”:to do it. They would have been more believable had they used diamond and silk.

You can be who ever you want to be on the internet.

In this case they lied to promote the conservative agenda and used a fake “Black woman”:to do it. They would have been more believable had they used diamond and silk.

I guess that is what you resort to doing if you do not think your ideas have merit on their own standing. So we are bascially talking people with no scruples and who are entirely comfortable lying their assess off.

You have to have a complete lack of self-respect to engage in that kind of deception and lying. .

Unfortunately, taught me that this kind of behaviour is more common that normal, well-adjusted people would think.
I have frequently posed the question, what is the point of lying on the internet to people you do not know and will never meet? What is to be gained? I have never heard a reasonable explanation even after many years of asking the question.
At this point, I have to to leave it up to the mental health counselors to sort out, because I assume mental illness is involved!
Most definitely....and some serious insecurities.
I guess that is what you resort to doing if you do not think your ideas have merit on their own standing. So we are bascially talking people with no scruples and who are entirely comfortable lying their assess off.

You have to have a complete lack of self-respect to engage in that kind of deception and lying. .

Unfortunately, taught me that this kind of behaviour is more common that normal, well-adjusted people would think.


I kept telling eman it wasn’t a real woman. I think he enjoyed the fantasy.

You can be who ever you want to be on the internet.

In this case they lied to promote the conservative agenda and used a fake “Black woman”:to do it. They would have been more believable had they used diamond and silk.
But did you notice how much detail she put into the stories about Roatan and Garifuna, etc.? I mean, it seemed real to me. And my radar about sock puppets is pretty spot on, usually. I always had a knack for sussing them out.
But did you notice how much detail she put into the stories about Roatan and Garifuna, etc.? I mean, it seemed real to me. And my radar about sock puppets is pretty spot on, usually. I always had a knack for sussing them out.

You can look up anything on the internet.

But Don’t let me stop you from believing it. To each is own.
You can look up anything on the internet.

But Don’t let me stop you from believing it. To each is own.
No, no but there was a lot of either knowledge or thought put into the character to the point it seemed real to me. Usually, people with socks kind of do it half ass. That seemed real, but again, I'm a sucker. Have been since I was born.
No, no but there was a lot of either knowledge or thought put into the character to the point it seemed real to me. Usually, people with socks kind of do it half ass. That seemed real, but again, I'm a sucker. Have been since I was born.

Think about it...who really shares that much info about themselves on a political message board. Posting pictures of half naked young girls but not of herself. It should have been banned
No, no but there was a lot of either knowledge or thought put into the character to the point it seemed real to me. Usually, people with socks kind of do it half ass. That seemed real, but again, I'm a sucker. Have been since I was born.

I did not believe her @ first either, & was quite skeptical for a while but I fully trust Sailor & Merc on it....

+ there were other things that seemed to reinforce who she said she was..
You make a good point....

I will say this, shedid little to nothing to try & have ppl believe her, like her etc... I think she only shared "a lot" w/ a few, most of the picts I can recall, ppl dancing etc, :dunno: who is who?? Any of them, none of them her, her family etc?? :dunno:

I could be wrong, but IMHO a lot of the stuff like that she posted was done, @ least in part, to piss some folks off, perhaps rub their noses in it a bit...

But in the end who really cares if she was who she said or not, no harm to foul, que sera sera.........
If you're talking about that "woman" who was from the islands......that was no real woman.

Wasn't a real woman.

it was rastaqueen or something.

It had a fake picture of a Black woman and degraded Blacks like it was a slave master.

I remember one of the mods verifying it wasn't a real woman.

It use to post pictures of young, half naked, Black girls and claim it was a dance instructor.

That person wasn't real.

I always thought it was old merc shrugging shoulders .

You can’t be surprised someone lies on the internet. It was posing as a conservative Black woman married to a white man repeating every republican conservative stereotype about Black people and it didn’t even live here.

I still think it was old merc.

Why would I waste my time creating an alter ego?

Think what you want: Boobyq.

Me thinks it was the POF profile that I told her about and she busted yer chops.

BTW: I don't hate Black Women, I date them.

I guess yer really BAC, (Black Coal Feller)… lol

Carry on now

If you're talking about that "woman" who was from the islands......that was no real woman.

Wasn't a real woman.

it was rastaqueen or something.

It had a fake picture of a Black woman and degraded Blacks like it was a slave master.

I remember one of the mods verifying it wasn't a real woman.

It use to post pictures of young, half naked, Black girls and claim it was a dance instructor.

That person wasn't real.

I would have never thought that but I am pretty damn gullible, so that doesn't mean much.

I'm not Rasta Uman: Mint. That said, if you think I am... it really doesn't matter.
If you're talking about that "woman" who was from the islands......that was no real woman.

Wasn't a real woman.

it was rastaqueen or something.

It had a fake picture of a Black woman and degraded Blacks like it was a slave master.

I remember one of the mods verifying it wasn't a real woman.

It use to post pictures of young, half naked, Black girls and claim it was a dance instructor.

That person wasn't real.

I will be freaked if that happens.

Why would you be freaked: Mint?

I emailed RU and told her about this thread and she came back and said that Boobyq was claiming she and I were the same person, so she did read the thread.

I don't care what you think I guess ya are kinda gullible. burp...
No, no but there was a lot of either knowledge or thought put into the character to the point it seemed real to me. Usually, people with socks kind of do it half ass. That seemed real, but again, I'm a sucker. Have been since I was born.

If you believe Boobyq you are a sucker. burp...