Sanford Used Taxpayer Funds for Tryst

Sanford Used Taxpayer Funds for Tryst

COLUMBIA, S.C. (June 26) - South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford admits he used taxpayer money to see his mistress in Argentina and plans to repay the cash.

His own private taxpayer funded stimulus fund.

He should repay it. That should not however mean he gets a pass. He like ALL politicians (which would include dems like Clinton and Edward's as well) should be removed from office for misuse of power.
He should repay it. That should not however mean he gets a pass. He like ALL politicians (which would include dems like Clinton and Edward's as well) should be removed from office for misuse of power.

Yeah he should repay it. Freaking politicians thinking that public money is their own. F*ck Sanford and I liked him.
Jeez, that took you only 10 seconds to continue stalking. I can't read what you write so don't respond after me. Go stalk someone else.
Yeah he should repay it. Freaking politicians thinking that public money is their own. F*ck Sanford and I liked him.

I like his politics, but his character shows him to be a weak man who cannot stand by his own principles. His politcial positions are principled ideals just as much as his moral ones are.
and you care....obama used taxpayer funds for a date in NY, you didn't care then

They all did it.

...such use of taxpayer funds for private travel by the first family is typical; former President George W. Bush, for example, reportedly used Air Force One for trips to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, which he reportedly visited 77 times over the course of his eight years in office.
They all did it.

...such use of taxpayer funds for private travel by the first family is typical; former President George W. Bush, for example, reportedly used Air Force One for trips to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, which he reportedly visited 77 times over the course of his eight years in office.

That's not unreasonable though. The president has to take the Air Force One due to security concerns, and although it is expensive, do really want to force him to refrain from ever taking a vacation during the presidency because he has to take the Air Force One? It wouldn't be good for the American public at all to have a constantly stressed president.

Taking the Air Force One down to Argentina to bone your ex-marital lover, however, would be an entirely different matter.
That's not unreasonable though. The president has to take the Air Force One due to security concerns, and although it is expensive, do really want to force him to refrain from ever taking a vacation during the presidency because he has to take the Air Force One? It wouldn't be good for the American public at all to have a constantly stressed president.

Taking the Air Force One down to Argentina to bone your ex-marital lover, however, would be an entirely different matter.

how so? if he can take a flight to NY for a quick date...why not to another country....maybe he relieves stress that way, or is it only the morality of the trip that bothrers you?
how so? if he can take a flight to NY for a quick date...why not to another country....maybe he relieves stress that way, or is it only the morality of the trip that bothrers you?

How the hell do you think Bush got to Crawford?

Whining about trivial shit doesn't help you, it hurts you.
how so? if he can take a flight to NY for a quick date...why not to another country....maybe he relieves stress that way, or is it only the morality of the trip that bothrers you?

Jesus Waldo Christ. We have the most important bill before the house today in our lifetime and all we can talk about is Jackson and Sanford. Sheeeeesh!