Sanford Used Taxpayer Funds for Tryst

what is wrong with you people....i am solely talking about using public funds for a personal trip. i have NEVER compared the reasons for the personal trip. to claim so is outright dishonest and smacks of nothing more than hack meadowmuffins.

Don't call anyone else a hack.

Ever. Again.

It's one of those pot/kettle things... there some constitutional rule against it?

Not everything has to be uncostitutional or unlawful for it to be dishonorable.

admit it, sanford took a personal trip on the public dime, and as you rightly point out, presidents do it all the time.

It's not the same thing. In one case, the personal trip is reasonable, in the other it isn't. No comparison.
Nixon once flew on a commercial airliner to "save fuel". However, Air Force One had to follow behind because of emergencies. So, it was pretty much one of the biggest publicity stunts in history. If a war breaks out and the president had to wait on a normal flight delay to get back to Washington, it would be a tragedy. And it's unreasonable to ask them to take no personal flights.

Sanford does not have the security or emergency concerns that the president did. He flew on a commercial airliner. He just did it on the public dime. You can't compare the two.

i thought obama did not take airforce one to NY, i read somewhere that he took 3 smaller planes and had the media come along...
Not everything has to be uncostitutional or unlawful for it to be dishonorable.

It's not the same thing. In one case, the personal trip is reasonable, in the other it isn't. No comparison.

again, obama did not take airforce one to NY for his one night date....

you're only griping because of the morality of the use of funds....if he took his wife and kids, you wouldn't say boo.
Don't call anyone else a hack.

Ever. Again.

It's one of those pot/kettle things...

why don't you actually rationally explain your points instead of belittling yourself with nothing but stupid posts....

as i said, i'm all ears, if i am incorrect, explain how. i've never been above admitting i'm wrong. you have the floor, you might want to think about wasting it with banal meadowmuffins like the above, here is your chance to prove me wrong.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Let me get this straight......some neocon yahoo is trying to lump the President of the United States taking a personal excursion with family and a security contingency together with a hypocritical bible thumping governor who disappears without telling anyone to cheat on his wife out of the country, yet he charges the state for it?

Jeezus, these people have lost their minds ever since they got whupped the 2008 elections.

what is wrong with you people....i am solely talking about using public funds for a personal trip. i have NEVER compared the reasons for the personal trip. to claim so is outright dishonest and smacks of nothing more than hack meadowmuffins.

All one has to do is click back to the first page of this thread to see that it was YOU who introduced a comparison of Obama to Sanford

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Sanford Used Taxpayer Funds for Tryst[/ame]

The comparison is totally Sanford went to great lengths to hide the reasons for his trip. He was using public funds for an illicit venture....period. Obama did no such thing.

You can't deny what's in print of the recorded posts. My original assessment stands.
All one has to do is click back to the first page of this thread to see that it was YOU who introduced a comparison of Obama to Sanford

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Sanford Used Taxpayer Funds for Tryst

The comparison is totally Sanford went to great lengths to hide the reasons for his trip. He was using public funds for an illicit venture....period. Obama did no such thing.

You can't deny what's in print of the recorded posts. My original assessment stands.

yes, you proved exactly what i said, i compared the trip're falsely making it into something the OP and the title of this very thread....:pke:

you're full of meadowmuffins....
yes, you proved exactly what i said, i compared the trip're falsely making it into something the OP and the title of this very thread....:pke:

you're full of meadowmuffins....

Pay attention......there is NO comparison between a Gov. who DID NOT inform his staff where he was going and then went out of the country to cheat on his wife on the States dime, to a President who visits a US city with his family while having the entire event nationally covered by the media which is allowed under the rules (similar things done by every past President in my lifetime). What you did was the same knee jerk reaction all neocons have when one of their potential political stars gets caught with his pants try to insinuate, implicate or associate Obama to try and balance out the negative press.

The posts show you going to great lengths to make Sanford's blunder negligible by associating it with fail at every turn. Don't try to cop an innocent plea now, because the evidence betrays you.

I suggest you take some Pepto-bismal, as you seem obsessed with "meadow muffins"....that might clear your thinking.
Pay attention......there is NO comparison between a Gov. who DID NOT inform his staff where he was going and then went out of the country to cheat on his wife on the States dime, to a President who visits a US city with his family while having the entire event nationally covered by the media which is allowed under the rules (similar things done by every past President in my lifetime). What you did was the same knee jerk reaction all neocons have when one of their potential political stars gets caught with his pants try to insinuate, implicate or associate Obama to try and balance out the negative press.

The posts show you going to great lengths to make Sanford's blunder negligible by associating it with fail at every turn. Don't try to cop an innocent plea now, because the evidence betrays you.

I suggest you take some Pepto-bismal, as you seem obsessed with "meadow muffins"....that might clear your thinking.

you again fail to understand. given your end thoughts, i am not surprised. you're a political hack that when handed the truth, ignores it, and goes right back to your argument, as if i never said it wasn't about what you claim....and then you tell me to take tummy medicine.....

your post is nothing but empty talking points with a weak attempt at insulting to make yourself look better. you don't fool me, and the only people you fool are those who are hacks like you.

nice try, but i suggest you read and take time to comprehend what i am talking about..... they just need to put words into action and start impeachment proceedings (assuming they have such).
Just an FYI. People who use the darker themes will have a hard time reading your posts. It's not a real problem, they can just highlight them and see the posts, but expect some to complain about the difficulty.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Pay attention......there is NO comparison between a Gov. who DID NOT inform his staff where he was going and then went out of the country to cheat on his wife on the States dime, to a President who visits a US city with his family while having the entire event nationally covered by the media which is allowed under the rules (similar things done by every past President in my lifetime). What you did was the same knee jerk reaction all neocons have when one of their potential political stars gets caught with his pants try to insinuate, implicate or associate Obama to try and balance out the negative press.

The posts show you going to great lengths to make Sanford's blunder negligible by associating it with fail at every turn. Don't try to cop an innocent plea now, because the evidence betrays you.

I suggest you take some Pepto-bismal, as you seem obsessed with "meadow muffins"....that might clear your thinking.

you again fail to understand. You're not penning Shakespeare here... you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness. The chronology of the post shows your deny it is just absurd. given your end thoughts, i am not surprised. Of course not....because you're incapable of understanding true sarcasm or a quick turn of a phrase. To dumb it down for you....I'm mocking your childish "meadowmuffins" retort. you're a political hack that when handed the truth, ignores it, and goes right back to your argument, as if i never said it wasn't about what you claim Let's see, YOU make some assinine attempt to compare Sanford's illegal blunder to Obama's legitmacy, and when I point out the logical flaw in your reasoning, you whine "political hack"...either you're delusional, insipidly stubborn or truly ignorant of what determines a "hack". You only handed out your OPINION, and your opinion is NOT necessarily a conclusive truth....neocon parrots have a hard time dealing with that....and then you tell me to take tummy medicine..... Again, you just don't understand when someone is mocking you...I suggest you get an adult to explain it to you....I just don't have the patience.

your post is nothing but empty talking points with a weak attempt at insulting to make yourself look better. you don't fool me, and the only people you fool are those who are hacks like you. A lot of bluff and bluster to try and deflect the fact that I deconstructed your silly contention using simple logic. No one is trying to "fool" you....just educate you.

nice try, but i suggest you read and take time to comprehend what i am talking about.....

My, are delusional....Like I said, you're not penning Shakespeare. When all is said and done, you're just another willfully ignorant neocon parrot who thinks childish repetition and your opinion is a substitute for facts and logic. Having exposed you as such, I see no reason to waste any more time on you. You may have the last, predictable word. Adios!