Saying hi!

Here's a little example from the SP website-

THE SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control -- a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community.
Socialism is not mere government ownership, a welfare state, or a repressive bureaucracy. Socialism is a new social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production and community residents control their neighborhoods, homes, and schools. The production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. Socialism produces a constantly renewed future by not plundering the resources of the earth.
Under capitalist and "Communist" states, people have little control over fundamental areas of their lives. The capitalist system forces workers to sell their abilities and skills to the few who own the workplaces, profit from these workers' labor, and use the government to maintain their privileged position. Under "Communist" states, decisions are made by Communist Party officials, the bureaucracy and the military. The inevitable product of each system is a class society with gross inequality of privileges, a draining of the productive wealth and goods of the society into military purposes, environmental pollution, and war in which workers are compelled to fight other workers.
People across the world need to cast off the systems which oppress them, and build a new world fit for all humanity. Democratic revolutions are needed to dissolve the power now exercised by the few who control great wealth and the government. By revolution we mean a radical and fundamental change in the structure and quality of economic, political, and personal relations. The building of socialism requires widespread understanding and participation, and will not be achieved by an elite working "on behalf of" the people. The working class is in a key and central position to fight back against the ruling capitalist class and its power. The working class is the major force worldwide that can lead the way to a socialist future – to a real radical democracy from below.

Radical democracy is the cornerstone not only of our socialism, but also of our strategy. Here are the main features of each:

No. Cuba is Communism. Look more towards Venezuela. Communism believes the government owns everything where as socialism believes the people own the government. Check out Also Socialist party usa website.
Well if you don't do it again than apologize accepted. I'm a feminist but I'm not a stick up your butt feminist so name's don't really bother me that much especially from someone I don't really know.

And full of piss and vinegar! Sorry I called you that name before. I was just trying to be cool. That was over the line. I generally like to be cordial to those I decimate online.
I believe in a fair trade program where EVERYONE gets to trade and not just people we like or don't like. I also don't like the Marshall plan either. If a country's people want to go in a direction we don't like oh well. Not our problem. Where it concerns not having globalization I think that's impossible. Again with a John Kerry reference but when you said that this quote from him fits it perfectly: "We are a part of the world not just a country." We're not only citizen's of the United States but we're citizen's of Earth. We should want to work with other people and be involved in the international community. And your idea of personal freedom might not match someone else's. What are you politically? I'm a socialist so I have different opinions on freedom and liberty than you might. So you're not going to trade with me because I'm a socialist? Oh the horror! I already know about the World Bank thanks. I asked about IMF.

You don't like the Marshall plan?

Isn't that kind of old? And haven't you already been disproven by history anyway?
Well with me personally as long as I have a nice bed to sleep in and a roof over my head and clothes on my back and a nice hot meal than I'm happy. Everything else is luxury.

Thus, you're a socialist. And in socialism, that's all anyone would have.

I've been to Cuba, they all have exactly that, and they detest it.
I dunno.

You're not a conservative and your from the south and you like to play video games. Are you a Christian? If not, then good.

However, you don't like free trade. I'm sorry, I just can't accept anyone who doesn't like free trade. :nono:

I can be a socialist though.
Just because it doesn't work in history doesn't mean it can't work in the future. And yes the Marshall plan is old but kinda still around with the whole "we'll trade with people we like" sort of deal. That's basically what the Marshall plan was in my opinion.

You don't like the Marshall plan?

Isn't that kind of old? And haven't you already been disproven by history anyway?
Just because it doesn't work in history doesn't mean it can't work in the future. And yes the Marshall plan is old but kinda still around with the whole "we'll trade with people we like" sort of deal. That's basically what the Marshall plan was in my opinion.

A destroyed, third world Europe wouldn't be the best thing for America. The Marshall plan was probably one of the most succesful government programs of all time.
Well I'm for fair trade so yea. I think everyone should be able to trade. Pick up the book "Take This Job and Ship It" by Senator Bryon Drogan. Excellent read about trade. And you shouldn't be something if you don't really believe in it.

I dunno.

You're not a conservative and your from the south and you like to play video games. Are you a Christian? If not, then good.

However, you don't like free trade. I'm sorry, I just can't accept anyone who doesn't like free trade. :nono:

I can be a socialist though.
I dunno Beefy. I think my pickup lines need a little work.

"Will you marry me", yeah, that's my best one. Do you think it makes people believe I'm desperate?
Oh sorry I didn't answer your question about being a Christian. I am one but I'm more of a Christian spiritualist. I'm very involved in the spirit world and all that. So I have some rather interesting beliefs. The best thing about the south is the food. Mmm now I'm getting hungry.

I dunno.

You're not a conservative and your from the south and you like to play video games. Are you a Christian? If not, then good.

However, you don't like free trade. I'm sorry, I just can't accept anyone who doesn't like free trade. :nono:

I can be a socialist though.
Oh sorry I didn't answer your question about being a Christian. I am one but I'm more of a Christian spiritualist. I'm very involved in the spirit world and all that. So I have some rather interesting beliefs. The best thing about the south is the food. Mmm now I'm getting hungry.

I hate red beans and rice. :o
Well I guess the point is that I don't need all the capitalistic stuff from Ipods to computers and the rest to be happy. I can live without it if I had to however though since I have it than I'm happy and grateful and all that. But yea Cuba is a sucky situation and I feel bad for the people there. I have a family friend who went there as a missionary once and from her experiences and my research on it for a class once it sucks. You can't even open your windows to enjoy the beautiful day. That's just stupid and crap. But Communism and socialism are two different things and have totally different outlooks of the government. I would rather live in Venezuela than Cuba.

Thus, you're a socialist. And in socialism, that's all anyone would have.

I've been to Cuba, they all have exactly that, and they detest it.
You didn't need the Marshall Plan to help Europe. Personally I think it was crap and a cover for just helping people who we liked at the time and kissed our asses etc. Maybe if we helped Germany out after WWI Hitler wouldn't have been so successful. Of course it's easy to wonder "what if" after all of it happened right?

A destroyed, third world Europe wouldn't be the best thing for America. The Marshall plan was probably one of the most succesful government programs of all time.