Saying hi!

So we should just wait until china becomes a workers paradise. they've already gone down that road of lies. And they arrived at human slavery.
God you're pathetic. You can't even click a simple link to read about workers rights so I have to do your work for you. Pathetic. Now this is the last time I'm going to address your question. I've been more than patient with you and now you're spamming. This is the last time I'm going to address your issue and if you don't like the answer than tough shit.


Freedom & Equality

Democratic socialism is a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system. We are dedicated to the abolition of male supremacy and class society, and to the elimination of all forms of oppression, including those based on race, national origin, age, sexual preferences, and disabling conditions.

Production For Use, Not For Profit

In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.

Full Employment

Under welfare capitalism, a reserve pool of people is kept undereducated, under-skilled and unemployed, largely along racial and gender lines, to exert pressure on those who are employed and on organized labor. The employed pay for this knife that capitalism holds to their throats by being taxed to fund welfare programs to maintain the unemployed and their children. In this way the working class is divided against itself; those with jobs and those without are separated by resentment and fear. In socialism, full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work.

Worker & Community Control

Democracy in daily life is the core of our socialism. Public ownership becomes a fraud if decisions are made by distant bureaucrats or authoritarian managers. In socialist society power resides in worker-managed and cooperative enterprises. Community-based cooperatives help provide the flexibility and innovation required in a dynamic socialist economy. Workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions. Worker and community control make it possible to combine life at work, home and in the community into a meaningful whole for adults and children. Girls and boys are encouraged to grow up able to choose freely the shape of their lives and work without gender and racial stereotyping. Children are provided with the care, goods and services, and support that they need, and are protected from abuse.

Ecological Harmony

A socialist society carefully plans its way of life and technology to be a harmonious part of our natural environment. This planning takes place on regional, national, and international levels and covers the production of energy, the use of scarce resources, land-use planning, the prevention of pollution and the preservation of wildlife. The cleanup of the contaminated environment and the creation of a nuclear-free world are among the first tasks of a socialist society.

So we should just wait until china becomes a workers paradise. they've already gone down that road of lies. And they arrived at human slavery.
Basically it's doing profiling. Here's a good link for you-

Well that'll be interesting, having an actual "criminologist" here. I'm usually critiscized at this site for believing in leniency. I really just don't have much retribution in me and don't see the point.

The war on drugs is also idiocy. Putting addicts in jail for having a disease is mind numbingly stupid. And, well, once we get rid of that, we have about half the people in jail that we do now.
So true. There was a really good documentary on the national geographic channel called "Prison Nation" that talks about the over population of prison's and the problems that come with that from gangs to drugs etc. In my criminal justice class we talked about the "war on drugs" and I was happy to hear that everyone in the class was against the whole idea and stuff. Well I'm not an actual Criminologist or anything. It's just the intrest I'm wanting to do in the field. :)

Well that'll be interesting, having an actual "criminologist" here. I'm usually critiscized at this site for believing in leniency. I really just don't have much retribution in me and don't see the point.

The war on drugs is also idiocy. Putting addicts in jail for having a disease is mind numbingly stupid. And, well, once we get rid of that, we have about half the people in jail that we do now.
Just explain how socialism helps free people compete with slaves. I can't read. Splain me it.
She can't. All she can do is parrot a website. Round and round. No original thought, but then again she is a self-described socialist.
God you're pathetic. You can't even click a simple link to read about workers rights so I have to do your work for you. Pathetic. Now this is the last time I'm going to address your question. I've been more than patient with you and now you're spamming. This is the last time I'm going to address your issue and if you don't like the answer than tough shit.


Freedom & Equality

Democratic socialism is a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system. We are dedicated to the abolition of male supremacy and class society, and to the elimination of all forms of oppression, including those based on race, national origin, age, sexual preferences, and disabling conditions.

Production For Use, Not For Profit

In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.

Full Employment

Under welfare capitalism, a reserve pool of people is kept undereducated, under-skilled and unemployed, largely along racial and gender lines, to exert pressure on those who are employed and on organized labor. The employed pay for this knife that capitalism holds to their throats by being taxed to fund welfare programs to maintain the unemployed and their children. In this way the working class is divided against itself; those with jobs and those without are separated by resentment and fear. In socialism, full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work.

Worker & Community Control

Democracy in daily life is the core of our socialism. Public ownership becomes a fraud if decisions are made by distant bureaucrats or authoritarian managers. In socialist society power resides in worker-managed and cooperative enterprises. Community-based cooperatives help provide the flexibility and innovation required in a dynamic socialist economy. Workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions. Worker and community control make it possible to combine life at work, home and in the community into a meaningful whole for adults and children. Girls and boys are encouraged to grow up able to choose freely the shape of their lives and work without gender and racial stereotyping. Children are provided with the care, goods and services, and support that they need, and are protected from abuse.

Ecological Harmony

A socialist society carefully plans its way of life and technology to be a harmonious part of our natural environment. This planning takes place on regional, national, and international levels and covers the production of energy, the use of scarce resources, land-use planning, the prevention of pollution and the preservation of wildlife. The cleanup of the contaminated environment and the creation of a nuclear-free world are among the first tasks of a socialist society.

So in the case of china, are we just hope they improve the conditions of their workers (which will make their products more expensive) so they don't put us all out of work? Is that what we're to do.

As I said. they've gone all the way down this rosy path of lies and arrived at human slavery. You're mentally bankrupt.
Aw more insults from a loser. How sweet! And I parroted the website because I don't have time to type out everything myself and they already have it done. I bet you do the same thing hun all the time. I gave him the link to go on himself and read up on socialism and workers but apparently he is too much of a lazy ass to click on a simple link that'll take him to it and read for himself. I also answered his question by stating that slaves don't exist in socialism but they didn't like the answer I gave so tough shit.

She can't. All she can do is parrot a website. Round and round. No original thought, but then again she is a self-described socialist.
Honey why do you keep using China? China is a COMMUNIST STATE! Communism does not equal socialism! Get that through your head! Did you research the Bolivarian Revolution? Apparently not. You're here to just spam and I'm sick of it. I've answered your question's but you're an ignorant ass and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of repeating myself to a clueless ignorant loser like you.

So in the case of china, are we just hope they improve the conditions of their workers (which will make their products more expensive) so they don't put us all out of work? Is that what we're to do.

As I said. they've gone all the way down this rosy path of lies and arrived at human slavery. You're mentally bankrupt.
Aw more insults from a loser. How sweet! And I parroted the website because I don't have time to type out everything myself and they already have it done. I bet you do the same thing hun all the time. I gave him the link to go on himself and read up on socialism and workers but apparently he is too much of a lazy ass to click on a simple link that'll take him to it and read for himself. I also answered his question by stating that slaves don't exist in socialism but they didn't like the answer I gave so tough shit.
Unless you wrote that web page, then you are not expressing your thoughts on socialism, just parroting others. Simple parroting is the sign of an immature intellect.
And don't you throw your pathetic insults at me until you understand the damn difference between communism and socialism you ignorant fool.

So in the case of china, are we just hope they improve the conditions of their workers (which will make their products more expensive) so they don't put us all out of work? Is that what we're to do.

As I said. they've gone all the way down this rosy path of lies and arrived at human slavery. You're mentally bankrupt.
I already told them my own answers if you've paid attention at all but apparently that wasn't good enough for them. So get over it.

Unless you wrote that web page, then you are not expressing your thoughts on socialism, just parroting others. Simple parroting is the sign of an immature intellect.
Honey why do you keep using China? China is a COMMUNIST STATE! Communism does not equal socialism! Get that through your head! Did you research the Bolivarian Revolution? Apparently not. You're here to just spam and I'm sick of it. I've answered your question's but you're an ignorant ass and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of repeating myself to a clueless ignorant loser like you.

You haven't answered shit.

COmmunism is supposed to be a workers paradise, just like socialism. they're both lies.

SO is your answer that we wait for a SOCIALIST revolution in totalitarians fascist (communist) china? IS that your final answer?
And it might do you some good to read through the whole thread before you spew your shit. I gave them my own answers which wasn't good enough so get over it. I told them the definition of socialism and workers rights and that wasn't good enough. I gave them the website to go to themselves and they're lazy ass so I copied and pasted it here. Get over it and stop spamming my thread.

Unless you wrote that web page, then you are not expressing your thoughts on socialism, just parroting others. Simple parroting is the sign of an immature intellect.
And it might do you some good to read through the whole thread before you spew your shit. I gave them my own answers which wasn't good enough so get over it. I told them the definition of socialism and workers rights and that wasn't good enough. I gave them the website to go to themselves and they're lazy ass so I copied and pasted it here. Get over it and stop spamming my thread.

You have never answered. Are we to wait for china to become "socialist"? Just fucking answer.
Yes I have answered shit dumbass. If you don't read and comprehend what I'm saying than it's not my problem it's yours. Socialism does not equal communism dumbass. They're both lies? The only one lying here is you in your ignorant bliss. I even copied and pasted the answers to your question's about socialism from the official party website and you clearly didn't read it. Again you're just here to spam and be pathetic and I'm tired of your shit. The answers are here in this thread if you want them bad enough but apparently you ignore what doesn't go with your views of both communism and socialism. I didn't start this thread to start a debate on socialism but to introduce myself. Get over it.

You haven't answered shit.

COmmunism is supposed to be a workers paradise, just like socialism. they're both lies.
Hun China is Communist. Not Socialist. Do you know what two plus two equals? And if the people of China want a socialist government than they can have one. I guess you don't like people choosing their own destiny's but you want to choose it for them huh? Typical fascist.

You have never answered. Are we to wait for china to become "socialist"? Just fucking answer.
Yes I have answered shit dumbass. If you don't read and comprehend what I'm saying than it's not my problem it's yours. Socialism does not equal communism dumbass. They're both lies? The only one lying here is you in your ignorant bliss. I even copied and pasted the answers to your question's about socialism from the official party website and you clearly didn't read it. Again you're just here to spam and be pathetic and I'm tired of your shit. The answers are here in this thread if you want them bad enough but apparently you ignore what doesn't go with your views of both communism and socialism. I didn't start this thread to start a debate on socialism but to introduce myself. Get over it.

No you haven't. Are we to wait for china to become socialist and raise up their people instead of treating them like slaves? that seems to be your answer. Is it? Yes or no.
Hun China is Communist. Not Socialist. Do you know what two plus two equals? And if the people of China want a socialist government than they can have one. I guess you don't like people choosing their own destiny's but you want to choose it for them huh? Typical fascist.

SB did you ever start a new job, and there is always one person who gloms onto you? Wants to know everything about you, wants to have lunch, wants to go to the bathroom with you, wants to tell you where everything is? And once you’ve worked a few jobs you learn that this person is invariably the office freak who no one wants to talk to or go to lunch with or have anything to do with, and that is why they glom on the new person, in the hopes of finally having an office friend?
Well, here, the office freak part, is played by Asshat and Battleborne. In other words, no body, and I mean NO-BODY, gives one rat’s behind what these idiots have to say. So when a new person comes, look out because Asshat is going to desperately try and rope them into a pointless argument over slavery or affirmative action, or “the noahides”.