Saying hi!

In order to be effective, a criminologist must clearly and concisely explain in their own words. This is a poor career choice for you.
Thanks Darla. I gave them plenty of answers for their question's from both myself and from the official party website. I've done what I was to do and if they can't handle the answers and how I answered than that's their problem. If they want more answers than google is their new best friend because I started this thread to introduce myself and say hi to everyone and not to be harassed over and over again with the same question's I've already answered. So now that I know this anything further dealing with the same subjects I'm just not going to answer. So that's to you Asshat and Battleborne. I've tried being nice and patient but there's only so many times I can keep answering the same question in so many words.

SB did you ever start a new job, and there is always one person who gloms onto you? Wants to know everything about you, wants to have lunch, wants to go to the bathroom with you, wants to tell you where everything is? And once you’ve worked a few jobs you learn that this person is invariably the office freak who no one wants to talk to or go to lunch with or have anything to do with, and that is why they glom on the new person, in the hopes of finally having an office friend?
Well, here, the office freak part, is played by Asshat and Battleborne. In other words, no body, and I mean NO-BODY, gives one rat’s behind what these idiots have to say. So when a new person comes, look out because Asshat is going to desperately try and rope them into a pointless argument over slavery or affirmative action, or “the noahides”.
Hun just because you don't accept my answers doesn't mean I haven't done this. Also this is a message board not doing a job. I come here to enjoy myself but you and Asshat seem to be ruining that for me and I don't give a damn what you think about my career choice. It's what I'm passionate about and I don't need your damn approval because I didn't seek it. Get over yourself.

In order to be effective, a criminologist must clearly and concisely explain in their own words. This is a poor career choice for you.
SB did you ever start a new job, and there is always one person who gloms onto you? Wants to know everything about you, wants to have lunch, wants to go to the bathroom with you, wants to tell you where everything is? And once you’ve worked a few jobs you learn that this person is invariably the office freak who no one wants to talk to or go to lunch with or have anything to do with, and that is why they glom on the new person, in the hopes of finally having an office friend?
Well, here, the office freak part, is played by Asshat and Battleborne. In other words, no body, and I mean NO-BODY, gives one rat’s behind what these idiots have to say. So when a new person comes, look out because Asshat is going to desperately try and rope them into a pointless argument over slavery or affirmative action, or “the ********”.

Nooooooooooooo! Don't mention the "pelts of the father of Ham, Shem and Japheth" or we're in for it!
Hun just because you don't accept my answers doesn't mean I haven't done this. Also this is a message board not doing a job. I come here to enjoy myself but you and Asshat seem to be ruining that for me and I don't give a damn what you think about my career choice. It's what I'm passionate about and I don't need your damn approval because I didn't seek it. Get over yourself.
Sorry, Hun, not trying to run you off.
SB did you ever start a new job, and there is always one person who gloms onto you? Wants to know everything about you, wants to have lunch, wants to go to the bathroom with you, wants to tell you where everything is? And once you’ve worked a few jobs you learn that this person is invariably the office freak who no one wants to talk to or go to lunch with or have anything to do with, and that is why they glom on the new person, in the hopes of finally having an office friend?
Well, here, the office freak part, is played by Asshat and Battleborne. In other words, no body, and I mean NO-BODY, gives one rat’s behind what these idiots have to say. So when a new person comes, look out because Asshat is going to desperately try and rope them into a pointless argument over slavery or affirmative action, or “the noahides”.

It's not pointless. it's very revealing that her brain actually shuts down when trying to deal with certain issues.

She seems to be saying we will be able to compete with chinese workers when china becomes socialist, but she will neither confirm nor deny my interpretation of her grunts and whistles.
Hun just because you don't accept my answers doesn't mean I haven't done this. Also this is a message board not doing a job. I come here to enjoy myself but you and Asshat seem to be ruining that for me and I don't give a damn what you think about my career choice. It's what I'm passionate about and I don't need your damn approval because I didn't seek it. Get over yourself.
You seem to be holding your own. It doesn't get worse.
Thanks Darla. I gave them plenty of answers for their question's from both myself and from the official party website. I've done what I was to do and if they can't handle the answers and how I answered than that's their problem. If they want more answers than google is their new best friend because I started this thread to introduce myself and say hi to everyone and not to be harassed over and over again with the same question's I've already answered. So now that I know this anything further dealing with the same subjects I'm just not going to answer. So that's to you Asshat and Battleborne. I've tried being nice and patient but there's only so many times I can keep answering the same question in so many words.

Definitely stop answering asshat on this thread, because he will never stop. Check out other threads, it's a good board. If you get stuck in this thread with Asshat you will never know that. :)
Definitely stop answering asshat on this thread, because he will never stop. Check out other threads, it's a good board. If you get stuck in this thread with Asshat you will never know that. :)

Yes. When you have no coherent answer and have complete brain freeze, and cannot confirm what you're saying. Bow out. Good strategy. I agree.
Thank you beefy.

Stating things plainly causes her skin to burn for some reason. maybe because when put plainly it sounds idiotic.
Let's see... Channeling Belle....

Pathetic loser.
Get over yourself
too bad you don't like my answers
here's a website
you can't read
It's really so great to see that darla is actually absorbing my information. maybe one day she'll do an ounce of research herself and discover it's all actually true.
It's really so great to see that darla is actually absorbing my information. maybe one day she'll do an ounce of research herself and discover it's all actually true.

Yeah, I'd have to do at least an ounce before I was f'd up enough to think anything you said was true.
Yeah, I'd have to do at least an ounce before I was f'd up enough to think anything you said was true.

But see, things are true or not true regardless of your thoughts. It's just a matter of aligning your brain with reality, which you choose not to do. Truth is not just what you want to think it is. Are you aware of that?