Saying hi!

Once again hun say it with me this time okay? Slaves do not exist in socialism. Everyone is treated fairly. Everyone gets paid the proper wages. The people own the companies etc. Have you ever heard of unions? Have you ever heard of worker rights? You're morally sick dumbass. Maybe if you got off your pathetic loser train and read on socialism I wouldn't still be here repeating myself over and over again. I'm going to post ONE MORE TIME IN BOLD LETTERS what socialism is about with worker rights. That will be the last time. I suggest you read it. Comprehend it. Than get the hell off the subject because this will be the last time I say anything about it.

But slaves exist in china. So are we to wait for china to become socialist?

Socialism is irrelevant. China is committed totalitarian fascism and great disparity. They DON"T BELIEVE in the values of human equality or human dignity.

SO since it's fucked in the head to think china will abandon it's course, tell me how free people compete with slaves.
Aww you've tried to hurt my feelings. How cute. Why don't you stick to asking the same question over and over again even after people have answered that? You're better at it. You surely spend most of your time in this thread. Mmm makes me think you have a crush on me. Sorry but I don't date losers.

They're both deranged and idiotic like you, their mindless advocate.
Freedom & Equality

Democratic socialism is a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system. We are dedicated to the abolition of male supremacy and class society, and to the elimination of all forms of oppression, including those based on race, national origin, age, sexual preferences, and disabling conditions.

Production For Use, Not For Profit

How can it be economically "free" if one is not free to earn a profit? That doesn't make sense. It falls apart right there because you've A.) taken incentives away from people and B.) restricted their right to earn a profit.

I already think its dopey. I'll read the rest later. :kiss2:
Aww you've tried to hurt my feelings. How cute. Why don't you stick to asking the same question over and over again even after people have answered that? You're better at it. You surely spend most of your time in this thread. Mmm makes me think you have a crush on me. Sorry but I don't date losers.

You finally answered it after much haranguing. Your answer is free people deserve to starve if they can't compete with slavery. You have no soul. Good day to you.
I don't live in China. You don't live in China do you Asshat? If you don't live in China than guess what? YOU GET NO FUCKING SAY! Have you ever heard of sovreignty? Apparently not. Get a dictionary and look it up. I already told you dumbass a million times how free people deal with slaves. EVERYONE TRADES! And if China is still making more money oh well.

But slaves exist in china. So are we to wait for china to become socialist?

Socialism is irrelevant. China is committed totalitarian fascism and great disparity. They DON"T BELIEVE in the values of human equality or human dignity.

SO since it's fucked in the head to think china will abandon it's course, tell me how free people compete with slaves.
LOL. You're still trying to insult my intelligence is still hilarious. Again you still think Communism and socialism are the same thing. LOL. I'm a fascist? LOL! Oh hun you truly are pathetic. Get out of here. Bye!

You're pathetic. You fascist little totalitarian human hating homunculus.

I made this thread great by exposing you for the intellectual hack you are.
What the hell are you talking about? I guess you better tell the people of Venezuela that they don't earn money now..... People do earn money in socialism. Duh.

How can it be economically "free" if one is not free to earn a profit? That doesn't make sense. It falls apart right there because you've A.) taken incentives away from people and B.) restricted their right to earn a profit.

I already think its dopey. I'll read the rest later. :kiss2:
The men here aren't too smart Belle. We try and compliment them on their muscles from time to time, to keep them quiet, but other than that we pretty much go about our business and ignore their childish antics.
What the hell are you talking about? I guess you better tell the people of Venezuela that they don't earn money now..... People do earn money in socialism. Duh.

Production for use, not for profit

Its from your post. If you can't produce for profit then you can't be economically free. Socialism in inherently oppressive if its core economic tenet is repressing the ability of man to earn a profit.
The men here aren't too smart Belle. We try and compliment them on their muscles from time to time, to keep them quiet, but other than that we pretty much go about our business and ignore their childish antics.

Well, RJS is in mensa, so he must be pretty smart.
No hun. That's not what I said at all. I take it you didn't read anything I said from it. I guess it is heartless to want people to have free health care, free education up through college eh? Yea that's really souless isn't it? Look at France hun.

You finally answered it after much haranguing. Your answer is free people deserve to starve if they can't compete with slavery. You have no soul. Good day to you.
Well thankfully I don't know any men like that in real life. I'm sick of Asshat's harassment. He still hasn't addressed point by point from the sp website and that says a lot. It says that he isn't interested at all in what I or the socialists have to say about the issue. He just wants to be a jerk and insulting.

The men here aren't too smart Belle. We try and compliment them on their muscles from time to time, to keep them quiet, but other than that we pretty much go about our business and ignore their childish antics.
How convient you left out the rest of it.

In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.

Production for use, not for profit

Its from your post. If you can't produce for profit then you can't be economically free. Socialism in inherently oppressive if its core economic tenet is repressing the ability of man to earn a profit.