Saying hi!

Well thankfully I don't know any men like that in real life. I'm sick of Asshat's harassment. He still hasn't addressed point by point from the sp website and that says a lot. It says that he isn't interested at all in what I or the socialists have to say about the issue. He just wants to be a jerk and insulting.

Ok asshat is an asshole. When I'm in a bad mood, I abuse him, like a cat, only he squeals louder, so it's more fun. Otherwise I ignore him. Don't let asshat bother you! He thinks he's run everyone off this board and that people are afraid of him, and everyone is a dumbass but he's a genius.

In other words, he's delusional. Seriously.
Gee it's pretty hard to be not senstive when I've been attacked since I've been here.

Try not to be so terribly sensitive. This site can get pretty rowdy and random. Its why its one of the best sites around. We have the best user base, and there's very, very little moderation.
How convient you left out the rest of it.

In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.

The rest of it is fine and utopian and all, but the right for people to earn a profit is a biggie, and if you take that right away, you have an oppressive, tyrannical system.

What If we had all the things in your paragraph above in our economic system, but people didn't have the right to own homes? That would be a biggie, even with all the blue sky utopian business above. It would be tyrannical.
Well I generally try to stand up to people because I don't want to feed into their delusions. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of the harassment. I started this thread to introduce myself and say hi to everyone and now he comes in and ruins it. I didn't start this thread to debate socialism. This place is supposed to be for intro's etc.

Ok asshat is an asshole. When I'm in a bad mood, I abuse him, like a cat, only he squeals louder, so it's more fun. Otherwise I ignore him. Don't let asshat bother you! He thinks he's run everyone off this board and that people are afraid of him, and everyone is a dumbass but he's a genius.

In other words, he's delusional. Seriously.
Well I guess you're ignoring what's going on in Venezuela than....

The rest of it is fine and utopian and all, but the right for people to earn a profit is a biggie, and if you take that right away, you have an oppressive, tyrannical system.

What If we had all the things in your paragraph above in our economic system, but people didn't have the right to own homes? That would be a biggie, even with all the blue sky utopian business above. It would be tyrannical.
Well, you've primarily engaged with the most offensive poster here. Most of us are not this way. You should explore other threads.

I wouldn't call asshat the most offensive poster here, but he's in the top three.

Definitely I would agree about looking at other threads and bailing on asshat. He's a bad first experience. Pity the woman who lost her virginity to him, if one should exist.
Well it's kinda hard when all my time is spent here. And in other threads I've gone to I've been labeled a "troll" and all that too and there's even a whole thread in current events dedicated to me and the only insult is that I'm a socialist.

Well, you've primarily engaged with the most offensive poster here. Most of us are not this way. You should explore other threads.
Once again you're missing the point. The point isn't profits. The point is that workers control everything instead of one or two people. Oh and I also didn't see anything not mentioned about profits did you? Show me where it talks about profits either way. Oh and just because you may disagree with one or two things doesn't mean it's still not socialists. For example I know some socialists who want to do away with boarders but I don't because I respect sovreignty.

Is Venezuela the model that you would like to see this country follow? If they are earning profits there, isn't that contrarian to the socialism you're currently espousing?
Once again you're missing the point. The point isn't profits. The point is that workers control everything instead of one or two people. Oh and I also didn't see anything not mentioned about profits did you? Show me where it talks about profits either way. Oh and just because you may disagree with one or two things doesn't mean it's still not socialists. For example I know some socialists who want to do away with boarders but I don't because I respect sovreignty.

It says right in your link "Production for use, not for profit". That's where it's coming from. If you take away a person's right to earn a profit, you oppress them, and remove a key, fundamental motivation for production itself.

Removing incentives is a large reason why you have economies like Cuba's in the toilet. Regardless of the title of their operational government, take incentive away whether under Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Bosomism, whatever, you cripple the economy and the productivity of the state.
How convient you left out the rest of it.

In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.

I live in a real social democracy (or liberal social democracy) and the costs of providing the necessities of life gets more expensive as the population grows. This equates to higher taxes=less services - for starters.

You would do well to google some of our ex-prime ministers in order to find out how many have been caught with their hand in the pot - greasing the palms of their business buddies. I suppose we could take up voting or something. :eek:
Again the people have a say in this. If they still want to earn profits than so be it. In Venezuela they have a thing called the national referendum where the people vote on federal issues. I believe in Venezuela they still make profits. They also have free education and health care they don't have to pay for since Chavez made the oil profits national and the profits pay for the programs. Of course I couldn't see that happening here. Well Cuba is a Communist state so they're not really a good example. With Communism they believe the government owns everything and only communist party leaders make decisions where as with socialism we believe the people own the government and everything and make the decisions. Again see Venezuela and their national referendum. Try watching the following documentries: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised and War on Democracy. The first one is the best one on Chavez and what he's doing with socialism in Venezuela. The people seem to be for it since he's been president since 1998. Oh and check out I know someone who spent some time in Cuba as a missionary and from what she's said and her own experiences I wouldn't want that type of government at all.

It says right in your link "Production for use, not for profit". That's where it's coming from. If you take away a person's right to earn a profit, you oppress them, and remove a key, fundamental motivation for production itself.

Removing incentives is a large reason why you have economies like Cuba's in the toilet. Regardless of the title of their operational government, take incentive away whether under Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Bosomism, whatever, you cripple the economy and the productivity of the state.
You're officially on ignore. Goodbye. I'm sick of y'alls crap. I came here to talk about politics in a respectful manner and have been treated like crap since I've been here and all because of my politics. Only one person has apologized for treating me like crap and they know who they are. I didn't come here to be harassed for being a socialist by the likes of you. Get over yourself.
Good. Then you won't get to see my rude comments, hun. Heehee.
Again the people have a say in this. If they still want to earn profits than so be it. In Venezuela they have a thing called the national referendum where the people vote on federal issues. I believe in Venezuela they still make profits. They also have free education and health care they don't have to pay for since Chavez made the oil profits national and the profits pay for the programs. Of course I couldn't see that happening here. Well Cuba is a Communist state so they're not really a good example. With Communism they believe the government owns everything and only communist party leaders make decisions where as with socialism we believe the people own the government and everything and make the decisions. Again see Venezuela and their national referendum. Try watching the following documentries: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised and War on Democracy. The first one is the best one on Chavez and what he's doing with socialism in Venezuela. The people seem to be for it since he's been president since 1998. Oh and check out I know someone who spent some time in Cuba as a missionary and from what she's said and her own experiences I wouldn't want that type of government at all.

When the government nationalizes something, it does own that resource. Like oil in Venezuela. And even though they're 'democratically' elected, the present government (Hugo) decides where it's spent. There is the odd chance of something like a vote of no confidence, but it's rare.

Castro provides necessities too. His system is a socialist system, even though he's a dictator - c'est le meme chose.
You should write another smarmy love poem to this "Sophia" gal again.
Sophia is, allegorically, the aged cleaning lady with bad ankles. Some get it, some don't. If you don't, that's OK.