Saying hi!

They still have a thing called the National Assembly (aka Congress) and a Constitution. He can't just do whatever he wants. Uh no hun. Castro is a Communist. Once again huge difference. Look at Venezuela not Cuba.

When the government nationalizes something, it does own that resource. Like oil in Venezuela. And even though they're 'democratically' elected, the present government (Hugo) decides where it's spent. There is the odd chance of something like a vote of no confidence, but it's rare.

Castro provides necessities too. His system is a socialist system, even though he's a dictator - c'est le meme chose.
Than you're pathetic if you spend all your time doing nothing but rude comments towards posters and close your mind. If the mods aren't going to do anything about it than I'm ignoring it. Go ruin someone else's thread.

Actually, I don't know how you two got off on the wrong foot, but Trog is a very good contributor to the board, very smart and cool.
She's more of a socialist in the European sense than in the Marxist sense. And there's a big difference there.

I really like the European meanings better than the American meanings of political ideologies, to be honest. Our two party single member district system has squashed out the meanings of the terms "liberal", "Conservative", and all those other things, leaving them but bland shadows of what they were before.

There are social Democrats in Europe, who believe in a free market supplemanted by welfare. And then there are socialists, who are a bit more extreme, beleiving that basic industries should be operated by the government and everyone should be guaranteed employment.

Neither philosophy is liberal. Liberalism in Europe means the free market. I don't know how the term got mutated in America. There are social liberals, who are in between social Democrats and free liberals, but they aren't like our Democrats anyway.
Apparently not since he's spent most of his time in this thread just insulting me. So gee I guess that would have something to do with it eh?

Actually, I don't know how you two got off on the wrong foot, but Trog is a very good contributor to the board, very smart and cool.
I dunno, European socialists really shouldn't even call themselves that. They still do basically believe in a free market. I don't think I've ever heard one actually advocate that the government own everything.
Right. I don't consider myself a Marxist in honesty. I guess my views are socialist but more democratic socialism than anything. I do disagree with a few things with the SP website. Such as wanting to get rid of the CIA and FBI for example. I don't want to do that. I also don't want to get rid of boarders because I respect soverignty. I'm glad someone here understands.

She's more of a socialist in the European sense than in the Marxist sense. And there's a big difference there.

I really like the European meanings better than the American meanings of political ideologies, to be honest. Our two party single member district system has squashed out the meanings of the terms "liberal", "Conservative", and all those other things, leaving them but bland shadows of what they were before.

There are social Democrats in Europe, who believe in a free market supplemanted by welfare. And then there are socialists, who are a bit more extreme, beleiving that basic industries should be operated by the government and everyone should be guaranteed employment.

Neither philosophy is liberal. Liberalism in Europe means the free market. I don't know how the term got mutated in America. There are social liberals, who are in between social Democrats and free liberals, but they aren't like our Democrats anyway.
If the government owns everything that's communism. Socialists believe the people own everything (including the government).

I dunno, European socialists really shouldn't even call themselves that. They still do basically believe in a free market. I don't think I've ever heard one actually advocate that the government own everything.
Than you're pathetic if you spend all your time doing nothing but rude comments towards posters and close your mind. If the mods aren't going to do anything about it than I'm ignoring it. Go ruin someone else's thread.
I'm actually a fairly decent guy. In our 'conversation," who was the first to launch an ad hominem? (Clue: not me.)
They still have a thing called the National Assembly (aka Congress) and a Constitution. He can't just do whatever he wants. Uh no hun. Castro is a Communist. Once again huge difference. Look at Venezuela not Cuba.

Yes. There is such a thing as the National Assembly, who, incidently just passed the Enabling Act - valid for the next 18 months.

I'm also making a comparison. Or is it not permitted to look at two governmental systems, their institutions and leaders in order to make a valid comparison?
If the government owns everything that's communism. Socialists believe the people own everything (including the government).

Would it make a difference to you if a communist leader was democratically elected? Or would you STILL argue that socialism and communism are different. Like totally?
Ok asshat is an asshole. When I'm in a bad mood, I abuse him, like a cat, only he squeals louder, so it's more fun. Otherwise I ignore him. Don't let asshat bother you! He thinks he's run everyone off this board and that people are afraid of him, and everyone is a dumbass but he's a genius.

In other words, he's delusional. Seriously.

I beat your ignorant ass on every front, deluded code pink moron.
They still have a thing called the National Assembly (aka Congress) and a Constitution. He can't just do whatever he wants. Uh no hun. Castro is a Communist. Once again huge difference. Look at Venezuela not Cuba.

Do you believe a congress can be intimidated by a murderous thug? OR paid off to support a dictator? Do you understand the concept of lies and corruption or are you completely naive?
Yes. There is such a thing as the National Assembly, who, incidently just passed the Enabling Act - valid for the next 18 months.

I'm also making a comparison. Or is it not permitted to look at two governmental systems, their institutions and leaders in order to make a valid comparison?

The referendum to establish the enabling act never passed.

Chavez already had one passed before in 2000 - it lasted a year and he barely used it until it was almost expired. It's not an uncommon thing in Venezulan politics to pass enabling acts. It's been done 4 times under various presidents and it's never lead to a dictatorship.
Right. I don't consider myself a Marxist in honesty. I guess my views are socialist but more democratic socialism than anything. I do disagree with a few things with the SP website. Such as wanting to get rid of the CIA and FBI for example. I don't want to do that. I also don't want to get rid of boarders because I respect soverignty. I'm glad someone here understands.

Naw, I'd get rid of the CIA, FBI, and the border agency. Useless government bloat, it is.
How convient you left out the rest of it.

In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.
Except we know that in application it never works in such a fashion as this utopic description implies. That a truly socialistic government is, in application, totalitarian. In almost every case they have gone down to the minutiae such as your religious beliefs and thoughts, including "reeducation" if you do not consistently follow the tenets espoused by the leadership.

They become owners, the elite, living large while the populations desperately stand in line hoping that this time they get some lettuce before they run out as they go home to use magazines in the bathroom because the new toilet paper won't be produced for another ten-day...

Believe me, while at DLI in Monterey, each of the teachers had another horror story. Unless you were one of the rich, usually getting that way through illegal activity, you went dry. The black markets flourish...

Socialism at such a level does not breed success, but it does give us a huge insight into the human animal and how it functions.
He posted a photo he used to use as an avatar to add brevity to a thread that seemed to be getting tense. Beefs is good people and is not trying to insult you.

Yeah, thanks pal. I think she's still getting used to the "culture" of the board so to speak, and she spoke out, and that's all cool with me. Perhaps I could have been more subdued in my approach anyhow.