Saying hi!

If the government owns everything that's communism. Socialists believe the people own everything (including the government).
You keep saying that. Socialism is a form of government. Communism usually comes in smaller forms like the Kibbutz, or Communes in the US.
Yeah, thanks pal. I think she's still getting used to the "culture" of the board so to speak, and she spoke out, and that's all cool with me. Perhaps I could have been more subdued in my approach anyhow.
Well, she's getting hammered with the hard questions right from the start. The give and take can get to people.

I've been to boards where it would have been far worse than this. I am always amazed that even the "worst" here seems to be better than I see on some of the boards with heavier moderation.
Thanks Darla. I gave them plenty of answers for their question's from both myself and from the official party website. I've done what I was to do and if they can't handle the answers and how I answered than that's their problem. If they want more answers than google is their new best friend because I started this thread to introduce myself and say hi to everyone and not to be harassed over and over again with the same question's I've already answered. So now that I know this anything further dealing with the same subjects I'm just not going to answer. So that's to you Asshat and Battleborne. I've tried being nice and patient but there's only so many times I can keep answering the same question in so many words.


First, welcome to the board, dont think we have chatted before. I would like to know, in a socialist society as you have described, what is the incentive for a person to work? to progress? to be creative?.... if they know everything is going to be given to them?
Uh if the government owns everything that's not socialism. That's called Communism. Please people for all things holy learn the damn differences.

I dunno, European socialists really shouldn't even call themselves that. They still do basically believe in a free market. I don't think I've ever heard one actually advocate that the government own everything.
Hun I'm talking about the National Assembly which is 70% on Chavez's side for most things. He also has a Constitution and a Supreme Court. Get a damn clue. Valid comparison? LOL. Not at all. Chavez hasn't killed anyone and he's been president since 1998. Chavez also respects the people who voted down his last reform amendments and has followed their Constitution to a tee. Have you ever read it? Might wanna do that before you make a pathetic non-existant "comparison." Chavez is improving everyone's lives in Venezuela: including those who hate him. Imagine that! So take your fucked up "comparison" somewhere else.

Yes. There is such a thing as the National Assembly, who, incidently just passed the Enabling Act - valid for the next 18 months.

I'm also making a comparison. Or is it not permitted to look at two governmental systems, their institutions and leaders in order to make a valid comparison?
Because they are different idiot. Communism believes that the government owns everything and only communist official party members have a say in what happens where as with socialism we believe the people own the government and have the say. Please learn the damn differences: like totally because you look like an idiot. And if the people vote in Communist government's that's democracy in action baby like totally. I'm sick of repeating myself about the differences. If you don't know the differences than try READING!

Would it make a difference to you if a communist leader was democratically elected? Or would you STILL argue that socialism and communism are different. Like totally?
Uh if the government owns everything that's not socialism. That's called Communism. Please people for all things holy learn the damn differences.

Communism and socialist mean the same thing SouthernBelle. Originally the movement called itself socialist, then some people preferred communism. Marx preferred Communism, but there were also moderates who preferred the term communism. Over the years the radicals parties started calling them communists, and the newly developing democratic movement started to call itself socialist to diffrentiate. But there've been communist parties in Italy, for instance, that were much mores simialar to parties that would call themselves socialist. That's the case with the American Communist party too.

The difference between socialism and communism isn't that in one the government owns everything and in the other it doesn't. There have been socialists who called for a single state to own everything and redistribute it. That's why the Soviet Union was called "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics".

Classicly, the Socialists wanted the government to own everything, and the Communists wanted everyone to live in individual communes. Neither one had any provisions for personal property. Classicly they just wanted all personal property abolished. The modern Democratic socialists and communists realized how impractical this was and moderated.
OH OH bad move...........

Hun I'm talking about the National Assembly which is 70% on Chavez's side for most things. He also has a Constitution and a Supreme Court. Get a damn clue. Valid comparison? LOL. Not at all. Chavez hasn't killed anyone and he's been president since 1998. Chavez also respects the people who voted down his last reform amendments and has followed their Constitution to a tee. Have you ever read it? Might wanna do that before you make a pathetic non-existant "comparison." Chavez is improving everyone's lives in Venezuela: including those who hate him. Imagine that! So take your fucked up "comparison" somewhere else.

Damn girl ya better lighten up and get to know people better before ya attack the 'Queen of Mean' only when provoked mind ya!...the one and only Said1..............:corn::hide:
Where did you did that? I answered your question's so you didn't do anything. And hun I'm not a member of Code Pink dumbass. And you're a moron dumbass. You don't even know what the difference is between communism and socialism. That's still fucking hilarious to me. And you think you're some intelligent person but you have no freakin clue it's so funny!!! You're nothing but a joke to me Asshat.

I beat your ignorant ass on every front, deluded code pink moron.
Prove it or shut up. Are you going to prove it? Or just some more delusions from you? Hun Chavez isn't a dictator. Chavez was democratically elected since 1998. Sorry you don't like it but tough shit. Not your country. So either prove your slanderous claims or shut the hell up and go away to your pathetic corner and cry.

Do you believe a congress can be intimidated by a murderous thug? OR paid off to support a dictator? Do you understand the concept of lies and corruption or are you completely naive?
And if Asshat bothered to read Venezuela's Constitution the right to have enabling powers is there. Oops there's the pop to Asshat's pathetic attempts.

The referendum to establish the enabling act never passed.

Chavez already had one passed before in 2000 - it lasted a year and he barely used it until it was almost expired. It's not an uncommon thing in Venezulan politics to pass enabling acts. It's been done 4 times under various presidents and it's never lead to a dictatorship.
Nah I wouldn't go that far. As long as they're following the Constitution and international laws there shouldn't be a problem personally. I would love to someday when I'm older make it to the FBI so I'm a lil biased. ;)

Naw, I'd get rid of the CIA, FBI, and the border agency. Useless government bloat, it is.
Uh go again and look at Venezuela. I know I'm using them a lot but they're a good example right now because they're leaning more towards socialism and have a socialist president. Chavez was even popular before people really knew he was a socialist but still doing the policies. In Venezuela the people still have a vote on issues that's called the national referendum. It's where the people get to vote on federal issues that's in their Constitution. So it's nothing even close to being totaliriasm because the people still have a say and in socialism the whole point is the people deciding. Everything you mentioned is OPPOSITE of socialism. Again try reading. Even if you start off with the

Except we know that in application it never works in such a fashion as this utopic description implies. That a truly socialistic government is, in application, totalitarian. In almost every case they have gone down to the minutiae such as your religious beliefs and thoughts, including "reeducation" if you do not consistently follow the tenets espoused by the leadership.

They become owners, the elite, living large while the populations desperately stand in line hoping that this time they get some lettuce before they run out as they go home to use magazines in the bathroom because the new toilet paper won't be produced for another ten-day...

Believe me, while at DLI in Monterey, each of the teachers had another horror story. Unless you were one of the rich, usually getting that way through illegal activity, you went dry. The black markets flourish...

Socialism at such a level does not breed success, but it does give us a huge insight into the human animal and how it functions.