Schools tell Mother, "Your child will never learn"... He's a genius...

I also have an in-law that is an idiot lawyer... But he's clearly smart enough to graduate High School!
Because stockholders are a combination of idiot and greed which is so severe as to become a mental illness. Ask any billionare what he wants most in life.

The answer is invariably "more money".

No one here had a problem with you until you started your arrogance BULLSHIT.

Let me assure you, you have nothing to be arrogant about. Do the world a favor and get an actual I.Q. test.

Not only are you arrogant, not brilliant, but you are really turning into a true piece of shit.

If you are so brilliant go up in AP and refute my posts against fracking in "foods of death". No one else has been able to yet.

Realize that I did the math in my head, but feel free to use a calculator.

Look, two idiots in desperate competition to see who can post the most stupidity in a single post!!!! I think we have a winner with this one.