
You can disagree all you want but I just told you I don’t hate our military so believe what you will

The only thing I’ve said about the military is I don’t believe in hero worship in regards to them

Some of them are pieces of shit and their are many of them in prison as we speak

A worship that doesn't exist? A lie against someone or some group is an attack, Tink.

In prison like the White Supremacists who attacked our Capitol on 1/6, Tink? Yes, they are pieces of shit and belong in prison. Fuck those traitors. Leave them to rot.
A worship that doesn't exist? A lie against someone or some group is an attack, Tink.

In prison like the White Supremacists who attacked our Capitol on 1/6, Tink? Yes, they are pieces of shit and belong in prison. Fuck those traitors. Leave them to rot.

Just look at My Lao in Vietnam where the Americans slaughtered 500 men, women and children after raping and mutilating them

While most military personnel are decent folk they have chosen to do a job just like everyone else who works

Calling them all hero’s is not justified
Just look at My Lao in Vietnam where the Americans slaughtered 500 men, women and children after raping and mutilating them

While most military personnel are decent folk they have chosen to do a job just like everyone else who works

Calling them all hero’s is not justified

See, Tink? This is just more proof you are not a Christian: you lie about others, you spread hate against others, you construct strawman arguments (which is a form of lying) and use those strawmen to spread hate against others.

The mass murder of unarmed civilians at My Lai is a blackmark on the United States Army, but what you are doing is akin to blaming all Christians for the Rosewood massacre in Florida and the Tulsa race massacre in Oklahoma. To do so is a deliberate misrepresentation of events, consequences and the groups involved.

In short, it's deceitful and only intended to spread hate.
See, Tink? This is just more proof you are not a Christian: you lie about others, you spread hate against others, you construct strawman arguments (which is a form of lying) and use those strawmen to spread hate against others.

The mass murder of unarmed civilians at My Lai is a blackmark on the United States Army, but what you are doing is akin to blaming all Christians for the Rosewood massacre in Florida and the Tulsa race massacre in Oklahoma. To do so is a deliberate misrepresentation of events, consequences and the groups involved.

In short, it's deceitful and only intended to spread hate.

No I am saying that not everyone in the military is deserving of the title hero

That is in no way spreading hate
No I am saying that not everyone in the military is deserving of the title hero

That is in no way spreading hate

No shit, Tink, but that's not what you said before. Name a single group where everyone is perfect and deserving the title of hero? Which groups have a higher percentage of heroes, Tink: The United States military or white supremacist militias? Police or white supremacist militias?

Disagreed, Tink. Whether you mean to or not, you spread hate like other people spread manure in their tomato beds.
No shit, Tink, but that's not what you said before. Name a single group where everyone is perfect and deserving the title of hero? Which groups have a higher percentage of heroes, Tink: The United States military or white supremacist militias? Police or white supremacist militias?

Disagreed, Tink. Whether you mean to or not, you spread hate like other people spread manure in their tomato beds.

As a Christian I hate nobody, only the sin
I am sure I side with all different people on various issues

Everyone has trends. Are you denying you are against consenting American adults living their lives as they please because of their sexual preference, lifestyle choice or skin-tone?
Scientism: Unlike the use of the scientific method as only one mode of reaching knowledge, scientism claims that science alone can render truth about the world and reality. Scientism's single-minded adherence to only the empirical, or testable, makes it a strictly scientifc worldview. Scientism sees it necessary to do away with most, if not all, metaphysical, philosophical, and religious claims, as the truths they proclaim cannot be apprehended by the scientific method. In essence, scientism sees science as the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth.

Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. the use of the,about the world and reality.

It works completely for me.

I've never had a "metaphysical" experience in my nearly eight decades of life,
so on what grounds am I supposed to believe that they exist?

I'm good with science because to this point, I haven't witnessed accessibility to anything else.
It works completely for me.

I've never had a "metaphysical" experience in my nearly eight decades of life,
so on what grounds am I supposed to believe that they exist?

I'm good with science because to this point, I haven't witnessed accessibility to anything else.

I personally know of no mathmatical equations or scientific experiments which give me the knowledge and wisdom to critique and appreciate good art and music, which instruct me on how to cultivate fairness, equity, temperance in human relationships, or which explain why I can acquire a deep and abiding appreciation for the aesthetics of sunsets, starlight, ocean air.
I personally know of no mathmatical equations or scientific experiments which give me the knowledge and wisdom to critique and appreciate good art and music, which instruct me on how to cultivate fairness, equity, temperance in human relationships, or which explain why I can acquire a deep and abiding aprecciatiky for the aesthetics of sunsets, starlight, ocean air.

If I wished to acquire understanding about these phenomena, however,
I am unaware of an alternate source beyond science,
largely because I've personally witnessed no credible alternative sources.

Every time I make a hopeless attempt at sorting these things out,
all which I can imagine
is the completely random confluence of sub-atomic particles.

That's a stretch too, but it's the best I can do.

That's me, of course.
I cannot know what others may have experienced.