
Yeah, we know you don't know what the DSM is, you don't know what the YBOCs is, you don't know anything you supposedly studied in psychology. That's sad.
Oh, Perry. I have no doubt you know a lot more about the YBOC than I'll ever know. :rofl2:

The fact you use "we" and have to lie about the DSM is further evidence of your condition, son. Sad.
Like Sybil? LOL Doubtful, but you're sure to trigger a response with comments about his mental health.

Hmmm, I wonder why. If you insult someone they tend to get pissy. Just like Cypress does. He's pissy as fuck because I've insulted his fake education. And yours, too.

You two are two frauds who barely struggled through fake degrees. Cypress isn't an earth scientist and you got a Masters in Basketweaving.
Someone has been Googling again. LOL

Did you learn about Corey in grade school, Perry?
Elias James Corey, (born July 12, 1928, Methuen, Mass., U.S.), American chemist, director of a research group that developed syntheses of scores of complicated organic molecules and winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his original contributions to the theory and methods of organic synthesis.

Perry is so proud of himself when he knows a word or name that his imagined nemesis don't. He is probably doing a victory dance.
Oh great now we have TWO armchair psychologists on the board. Greaaaaaat.

You wouldn't know a YBOCS from your anus. Just like Doc.

Almost all you do is read my threads, track me down on the forum, do research on me, and write war zone threads about Doc.

That's a cry for help, chap.
No, is not an idiot. If you give someone who hates you personal information bad things can happen.
See, Perry? That's where the paranoia comes in. Are you going to doxx me from my degree and military ID? Can you?

IMO, your paranoia stems from guilt; you know you're a liar. You don't want to give proof of your degree because you don't have one. You don't want to talk about your University because 1) you didn't go and 2) you're fearful that such information will reveal you to be a fraud.

Your constant attacks upon others as being lower than you, less educated, less intelligent and lying about their careers all reflect back to you, Perry. Your paranoia defines you.
Perry is so proud of himself when he knows a word or name that his imagined nemesis don't. He is probably doing a victory dance.

I forget whether it was Sherlock Holmes or Encyclopedia Brown who pointed out that it's possible for a smart person to imitate being a stupid one, but not the other way around.

How many times has Perry tried to fool other people thinking he was smarter than them yet only proved he's much less? The Gauguin post? Prince Andrew? This Corey thing? He's like a child who thinks he's fooling adults by claiming to be invisible. The adults play along because he's a child, but the child really believes it's working. Folly is fun in a child, but sad to see in adults because it usually means dull wittedness or mental illness.
Perry is so proud of himself when he knows a word or name that his imagined nemesis don't. He is probably doing a victory dance.

I think it's hilarious that you two aren't quite tracking on this. Doc might be but I'm having difficulty telling if I'm right or not. I'm genuinely curious, though if I am.
See, Perry? That's where the paranoia comes in. Are you going to doxx me from my degree and military ID? Can you?

You think that's what I'm trying to do? LOL.

Your constant attacks upon others as being lower than you, less educated, less intelligent and lying about their careers all reflect back to you, Perry. Your paranoia defines you.

Just like your constant attack on people's mental health status. Sucks doesn't it? Here's a replay of your shit

...I think you’re a paranoid schizophrenic.
I'm certain he is either a schizophrenic and/or bipolar
Delusional paranoid schizophrenic.
Lying Paranoid Schizophrenic.
Are you Bipolar?
...he's probably a paranoid schizophrenic.
Your slices are adding up to the picture of a sociopathic schizophrenic.
It's an act or the "dumb one" in a schizophrenic.
...paranoia is his own worst enemy.
Follow his signature links to his "forum" for insights into the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic.
...strikes me as a malevolent, unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic.
You're a schizo... a paranoid schizo...
My vote leans toward "slightly above average intelligence, but a little schizo".
I don't need any because I'm not a weak-minded loser nor a schizo.
Good example of an enraged bipolar...
... probably a non-treated bipolar...and self-medicates with alcohol.
... simply recognizing Jack's alcoholism? :)
...another JPP nutjob ...if you weren't bipolar...
I know you can't be taking medication, which is a common problem with bipolars. I also know you heavily self-medicate...which obviously isn't helping you do anything except become more hateful and violent.
Hmmm, I wonder why. If you insult someone they tend to get pissy. Just like Cypress does. He's pissy as fuck because I've insulted his fake education. And yours, too.

You two are two frauds who barely struggled through fake degrees. Cypress isn't an earth scientist and you got a Masters in Basketweaving.

True, but if you really want to piss them off, tell them the truth, Perry. It works on both you and Sybil. :thup:

Where's the struggle if we don't have degrees, Perry? I had more fun with International Relations than I would with Basketweaving, but, jobwise, it was just a resume bullet. It got me the job and promotion. It also helped me understand more about the global situation; specifically in the world of Islam ten years before 9/11.
Almost all you do is read my threads, track me down on the forum, do research on me, and write war zone threads about Doc.

Nah, I've proven I can engage in proper debate and high level conversations. But you and Doc are so unrelentingly abusive that I figured this is what you want. Et voila, I have been shown to be correct. You CONSTANTLY engage my posts. You must be OBSESSED with me. You certainly are more obsessed with my degree than even I am.

That's a cry for help. (And the fact that you seem to approve of Doc's "side hustle" is a big red flag picture)