Scripture corruption


I put this thread here instead of What Ever Goes because I believe it is worthy of a Current Event discussion. With the Da vinci Code still in heavy discussion on Cable TV.. it has inspired several offspring documentaries centering around the Judeo/Christian Scriptures. My discussion here is not intended to debate whether or not the Scriptures are an inspired text..but whether or not they have been corrupted or are now being corrupted. By this I mean ... given the new exposure of the Lost Texts ..i.e. Old Testament works such as The Book of Jubilee, The Book of Enoch, both of which are included in the Bible's of different sects around the World ...i.e. Ethiopian Christianity.., The Gnostic Texts.., The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Judas.. it begs me to ask this question …
Did the corruption take place back in the days when the scribes of the second and third centuries were ordered to keep certain texts out of the Bible … in effect sanitizing it to the ways of the Church? Or is the corruption now taking place … by bringing these rejected volumes to the forefront…and questioning the motives of the early church scribes?
Did the Church have the right to keep certain Texts out and on what authority? Interesting that these texts were often found buried as if the Monks one day knew that someone would stumble upon them and bring them back to the table of discussion… as they have been.
No it doesn't mean corruption, it just shows the neverending debate of religion and the nature of God.
The canonised gospels were decided upon by Irenaeus of Lyons in 125AD.

Which gospels were included, and the edits of the gospels were conducted for political purposes in the newly founded church.

If you are interested in a good source on this, check out Edward Gibbon's 'The Christians and the Fall of Rome'
Well if they intentionally kept them out... aka sanitizing it to the ways of the Church .. I tend to think there was the heavy hand of corruption involved.
The content in these books are very interesting... i.e. The Book of Enochs statements on the nature and deeds of the fallen angels and The Book of Thomas and the stories of Jesus adolesence.
According to Brent is is all done by the control of god and we should not question it :)
I like the texts that say for slaves to obey their earthly masters as they would god himself :)
The canonised gospels were decided upon by Irenaeus of Lyons in 125AD.

Which gospels were included, and the edits of the gospels were conducted for political purposes in the newly founded church.

If you are interested in a good source on this, check out Edward Gibbon's 'The Christians and the Fall of Rome'

You can take this statement .... "The primitive Christians perpetually trod on mystic ground, and their minds were exercised by the habits of believing the most extraordinary events. They felt, or they fancied, that on every side they were incessantly assaulted by daemons, comforted by visions, instructed by prophecy, and surprisingly delivered from danger, sickness, and from death itself, by the supplications of the church"

And now replace it with ... "The Extreme Muslims perpetually trod on mystic ground, and their minds are exercised by the habits of believing the most extraordinary events. They feel, or they fancy, that on every side they are incessantly assaulted by daemons, comforted by visions, instructed by prophecy, and surprisingly delivered from danger, sickness, and from death itself, by the supplications of the church"
Many of these books are contrary to the general theme of the other books, so it is not suprising they were not included. They don't fit.
Hmm how about the fools worshipping a piece of chocolate with the image of Mary in it ?
Some christians have changed little.
Many of these books are contrary to the general theme of the other books, so it is not suprising they were not included. They don't fit.

Not true ... Jubilees fits very well into the Old Testament ... as a matter of fact it answers many questions one may have after reading Genesis....

Of all the Old Testament....The Book of Enoch would be one of the most interesting reads ... and it would make a Great Movie too!
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Many of these books are contrary to the general theme of the other books, so it is not suprising they were not included. They don't fit.

Didn't fit the political machinations of early church leaders...
The Torah is also guilty of Omittance.. ie. The Book of Jubilees and Enoch.
As far as I understand it, the Torah is only the first five books of the Bible, they are not guilty of not including this text... It doesn't fit in that definition.
No Any, more like they didn't fit the religious machinations.

Oh, these people consider themselves fit to edit the 'word of god' do they?

Not true. Read the books before judging...

I have done, Christianity is one of my favourite mythologies.

That doesn't alter the fact that the scriptures were manipulated by early church leaders for political reasons.

Read Edward Gibbon.
The book of Judas has already been dissed from the pulpit of the local church.
I was about 9 when I got into an argument with the Youth Pastor and then later with the Pastor of our church (he sent me to him when he was at a loss with my questions)...

My argument was that Judas couldn't have betrayed Jesus when he was ordered to leave and do what he "must"... It was clear to me that had this conversation actually taken place then Jesus and Judas planned this together and Judas was doing something he didn't want to do.
As far as I understand it, the Torah is only the first five books of the Bible, they are not guilty of not including this text... It doesn't fit in that definition.

Maybe Im wrong... and I'll stand corrected... but I believe Jubilees and Enoch were part of the original scriptures ....maybe not ... or they were uncovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.... thats what it is ....
They were, but the Bible and The Torah are two separate things. The Jewish Bible still includes the text of Enoch...