Sebelius stands behind end-of-life planning

yeah more like him.., that way they can write out a long and eloquent worded book just to call people stupid...

Three sentences utilizing proper grammar could hardly be construed as a "long... book". And my intention was never to humiliate you, rather to suggest ways in which your argument might be better articulated.
Three sentences utilizing proper grammar could hardly be construed as a "long... book". And my intention was never to humiliate you, rather to suggest ways in which your argument might be better articulated.

sure nuff..
I don't understand the objection to the end of life planning.

I can understand the objection to panels to control costs, but I can't see how helping people make a living will would be something to fight.

I think people are misunderstanding what end of life planning is.

quite frankly neither do I....I draw up health care power of attorneys on a regular's part of my basic estate planning package.....
End of life planning is only commone sense.
A living will to make your wishes known, estate planning, etc.
It removes confusion, stress, fussing, etc from those left behind.

End of life, meeting with your doctor to determine if the time dying will be spent at home, like my friend whose tumor was strangling his intestine and he was allowed to die at home. Hospice came in, with the counseling they were able to determine the best options for Jack. He starved to death, but was medicated and died peacefully in his own bed and not hooked up to machine in the hospital.
How does making something available mean you're forced to take it?

It is just an option for people who don't have the funds to have the option and it allows them to be advised about their options for their death, like a "don't resuscitate" order.
If a person doesn't want a friggen living will, then they don't..we don't need some damn Federal Government agency telling us about it. damn commies

Well, some people do want to be educated, but if you don't, then don't educate yourself and don't take the option when offered! No one will be forced, it is just an option that the rich get with their lawyers and the poor will get through brotherly love! You call it Socialism, I call it the Golden Rule!
it's in the bill, so what else would you call it..
I can run my own life, I don't need a Government Nanny or a Federal Government dictator..

So, don't take any of the government programs offered you, then you won't be offended! Turn down SS, and medicare and we should do away with the courts and the prison system and just go back to the Wild West! Just do away with all the government nanny programs, like the ones that check your foods and your drugs and controls crime.

It will be a great place to live, your Utopia of non-government involvement!

No, thanks, I want a little regulation in my life!
Well, some people do want to be educated, but if you don't, then don't educate yourself and don't take the option when offered! No one will be forced, it is just an option that the rich get with their lawyers and the poor will get through brotherly love! You call it Socialism, I call it the Golden Rule!

DNC is an idiot so I hate to agree with him, but making something available for those who want it does not equal the federal government coming to your parents to discuss ending their lives.

To say that it does is idiotic at best, and dishonest at worst. Americans recognize this. There are plenty of legitimate arguments to be made against government run healthcare. Make them. Stay clear of these arguments that show intellectual dishonesty or laziness.
Pretty much what I said earlier. End of life counseling is simply wise.
Pretty much what I said earlier. End of life counseling is simply wise.

However, 'certain' politicians (Palin/Grassley) and industry lobbyists don't want the issue to die so they can maintain their dishonest "death panel" ploy in order to frighten a large segment of voters..
However, 'certain' politicians (Palin/Grassley) and industry lobbyists don't want the issue to die so they can maintain their dishonest "death panel" ploy in order to frighten a large segment of voters..
The death panel has nothing to do with end of life counseling.
Yeah "wow"... They took aim at the wrong portion of the bill. IMO, it is sad when they try to do things like this hoping to have traction on emotive rather than logical arguments.

It is valid to speak of things, like Obama did, like the morality of spending money for surgeries on terminal patients. However the end of life counseling has nothing to do with that portion of the bill. This "panel" will exist in any bill, somebody will have to make decisions on cost effective treatment. The question is are you willing to leave that to an entity that exempts itself from lawsuit?
Yeah "wow"... They took aim at the wrong portion of the bill. IMO, it is sad when they try to do things like this hoping to have traction on emotive rather than logical arguments.

It is valid to speak of things, like Obama did, like the morality of spending money for surgeries on terminal patients. However the end of life counseling has nothing to do with that portion of the bill. This "panel" will exist in any bill, somebody will have to make decisions on cost effective treatment. The question is are you willing to leave that to an entity that exempts itself from lawsuit?

Yeah Wow they did, but sit back. Looks like Obama is going to be offering up Sebelius as a sacrificial lamb for her egregious error in saying the White House was considering taking the public option portion out.

The best part is Howard Dean-the-Scream is now in there to give chaste, tepid, and well thought out advice about the dangers of not allowing the government in. I am sure he will keep a cool civil head.....:eek:

The Dems are starting to implode!

This should be quite the event. Dibs on the comfy seats!!:clink: