Secuity Cameras Caught the Break-In


Well-known member
Here's the story but it won't stop the lurid account promoted at Fox and by our former 76 year old gay baiting President who still wears his makeup and dyes his hair blonde.

"Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.

The 911 call and the struggle inside the home that followed have led to charges of attempted homicide of the speaker’s husband, and attempted kidnapping of the speaker, who is second in line to the presidency. The incident has also put a spotlight on the immensity — and perhaps the impossibility — of law enforcement’s task to protect the 535 members of Congress at a time of unprecedented numbers of threats against them."
Here's the story but it won't stop the lurid account promoted at Fox and by our former 76 year old gay baiting President who still wears his makeup and dyes his hair blonde.

"Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.

The 911 call and the struggle inside the home that followed have led to charges of attempted homicide of the speaker’s husband, and attempted kidnapping of the speaker, who is second in line to the presidency. The incident has also put a spotlight on the immensity — and perhaps the impossibility — of law enforcement’s task to protect the 535 members of Congress at a time of unprecedented numbers of threats against them."

Is that why the glass was outside the house?
Here's the story but it won't stop the lurid account promoted at Fox and by our former 76 year old gay baiting President who still wears his makeup and dyes his hair blonde.

"Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.

The 911 call and the struggle inside the home that followed have led to charges of attempted homicide of the speaker’s husband, and attempted kidnapping of the speaker, who is second in line to the presidency. The incident has also put a spotlight on the immensity — and perhaps the impossibility — of law enforcement’s task to protect the 535 members of Congress at a time of unprecedented numbers of threats against them."

Look. Volsrock, Yagina, Grokmaster, and TDAK have their organs in their hands waiting for the one important detail: Was the attacker in his underwear? That's the only thing they care about.
Is that why the glass was outside the house?

When the attacker withdrew the hammer to strike the window a second and third time the hammer encountered part of the window on the way out, pulling the window glass outside the home.

You're welcome.

ROFLMAO.. I am curious how you KNOW the glass was outside the house. Where you there? Did you see the video? Do you also believe the earth is flat and that 9/11 was an inside job?

The MAGAt geezers see a conspiracy in anything not favorable to their Master Baiter, the ex-Prez.
We never stop learning how Trump profits from the ignorance and stupidity of others.

The stupid and ignorant will certainly never learn. The fact most are elderly geezers is the primary reason why.

One thing I expect to come out of this era of political violence is to see more action taken against social media that profits from hate and lies.
Look. Volsrock, Yagina, Grokmaster, and TDAK have their organs in their hands waiting for the one important detail: Was the attacker in his underwear? That's the only thing they care about.

Well the security cameras that recorded him walking up to the house and breaking into the home has recorded that

But if he was in underwear and it’s recorded fact

They will have to deny he was in his underwear

They surely don’t want to go down with the actual facts