See I told you the right knows McCain will turn on his masters

This is exactly why..........

John got the GOP nod this time around...he can beat Hillary at her own game...just by reading all the attacks in here proves the point...;)
I ahve balls and have proven it. I am just not stupid enough to charge windmills.

Nope--you just follow the wind through the blades. That takes balls? In the past, real Americans took great pleasure in killing commie people like you in other countries--defending freedom philosophies. I bet it was a blast.
John got the GOP nod this time around...he can beat Hillary at her own game...just by reading all the attacks in here proves the point...;)

There are not enough people on welfare to support both of the socialists ---a republican--Mit Romney will win. That is my prediction. --but it is early yet.
Nope--you just follow the wind through the blades. That takes balls? In the past, real Americans took great pleasure in killing commie people like you in other countries--defending freedom philosophies. I bet it was a blast.

anyone who takes great pleasure in killing are probably ones that need killing themselves.

I know I have done considerable killing.

Ever kill anyone close up dude ?
It is is done...

There are not enough people on welfare to support both of the socialists ---a republican--Mit Romney will win. That is my prediction. --but it is early yet.

thats all I can say...but hey support your hometown boy Mitt...thats commendable...but it ain't gonna happen...he can't win the South pure and simple!
thats all I can say...but hey support your hometown boy Mitt...thats commendable...but it ain't gonna happen...he can't win the South pure and simple!

it depends on the dem alternative--may be--I hope. he is not really a home town boy. They moved out when he was a child. I don't totally trust him--but he is the best front runner we have right now.
anyone who takes great pleasure in killing are probably ones that need killing themselves.

I know I have done considerable killing.

Ever kill anyone close up dude ?

People will fight for freedom dumb azz. Expect it. Fighting for freedom feels good--and it is necessassary if you want to remain free from commies like you--- I have learned.
are not good for ones health...can we change the subject guys?

Don't worry--he has no argument that can beat freedom. I wonder how many Americans this commie killed? Nope--he would not feel good about it--commies don't fight for freedom. This guy (US"myass"Citizen) sounds like the youngest solder Hitler had. Did you fight for Hitler commie? Because you sure did not fight for freedom.

Am I being racist or something?--I know that is about to come up--because you have no argument against freedom. ya still have the psudo trump card of racisim to pull---don't forget that one.
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There is always some freak like you trying to tell us that freedom is something else than freedom. You can't define freedom with totalitarianism. That is herion induced logic that liberials typically emitt---just like DARLA saying that I might really be gay.

it is a old trick---and I know better.

Your not sharp engough for me--your too twisted to realize freedom is nothing but freedom. Free from rule of govenment----- Free from rule of government ---- Free from rule of government ---- Free from rule of governemnt;

I know---you don't get it.
you aren't even a logical anarchist. I am not telling you what freedom is. Freedom has always been the right to believe WHATEVER you want. So long as it does not pick my pocket or break my leg you can be a communist or a facist or an anarchist. That is what america has always been about. And if a majority of Americans vote for a communist or a facist or a libertarian that is the hand you have to work with.
you aren't even a logical anarchist. I am not telling you what freedom is. Freedom has always been the right to believe WHATEVER you want. So long as it does not pick my pocket or break my leg you can be a communist or a facist or an anarchist. That is what america has always been about. And if a majority of Americans vote for a communist or a facist or a libertarian that is the hand you have to work with.

That is bull shit, like a gay trying to talk a straight guy into being gay.

Really. you do realize that free people that had the balls to fight for freedom and died for this country against the types of governments you mention. It has happened all over the world! We just happened to find some prime land, and wrote our own contract called the constitution, that is suppose to eliminate the possibility of your people friendly governments.

What the hell is wrong with you?

If you don't phisically fight for freedom, some one will try to rule you. you are nothing but a commody to any other type of government than a government of the people. In all types of government you mention--none are ruled by the citizenery.

There is a difference there---What the hell is the matter with you? Do you believe a free society will vote to be ruled by a dictator? Well--it has happened---remember Hitler?

yes germany a free type people under duress form some oow economic times. Hitler came around--promised them unity--promised them prosperity if they would socialize. The people were hurting, and they bought it. The people lost their power--and it can go any direction from there if you have the military. How do you have faith in what the powers of this country will go or not go if the people do not have a say?

If a bunch of Chinese came ashore--and wanted us to stop0 voting and they will appoint a leader for us--would that be OK--as long as the Chinese were the majority (and they could easliy be) and wanted to ikll, freedom like you do. Go back to the commie government you cam from. your not taking my freedom from me without a fight--and I have more motavation than you do. Not being ruled by a government is strong motavation that humans will never stop excercising as long as rulers rule people--eithe by telling them waht to do, or taking their disposable insome.
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If McCain, gets 31% to Romeny's 30 in most Republican primaries, McCain gets 100% more delegates. Romney can take his 50% and 100% of the delegates, for all it matters.
you aren't even a logical anarchist. I am not telling you what freedom is. Freedom has always been the right to believe WHATEVER you want. So long as it does not pick my pocket or break my leg you can be a communist or a facist or an anarchist. That is what america has always been about. And if a majority of Americans vote for a communist or a facist or a libertarian that is the hand you have to work with.

I want to know what Commie college liberial university you went to! Spit it out!