Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

My brother had the same thing. he died in almost exactly 7 months. It is a horrible way to go. As your brain goes day by day, your functions evaporate. Near the end, he went blind. His eyes worked fine but the brain was no longer processing the input. Every day, wondering what was next to go, knowing something would.
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My brother had the same thing. he died in almost exactly 7 months. It is a horrible way to go. As your brain goes day by day, your functions evaporate. Near the end, he went blind. His eyes worked fine but the brain was no longer processing the input. Every day, wondering hat was next to go, knowing something would.

And we have 30 million fellow citizens without healthcare so we can promote endless war across the globe and subsidize our aristocracy.
Mccain somehow got away with the Keating five. That has always mystified me. But in some ways, he wanted to attack the big problems, like campaign finance. he and Feingold did a bill to change the way big money took over our politics. But it had a couple loopholes that the wealthy exploited the shit out of.

We need a new McCain/Feingold.
Mccain somehow got away with the Keating five. That has always mystified me. But in some ways, he wanted to attack the big problems, like campaign finance. he and Feingold did a bill to change the way big money took over our politics. But it had a couple loopholes that the wealthy exploited the shit out of.

We need a new McCain/Feingold.
good point -but it can't be done. Money=political speech.
The only way is public financing of elections -Congress critters do not want to give up the gravy train
To the guno's of the world this is good news. Another (soon to be) dead racist Christian cracka. They can't die fast enough.

To me I'll always have the utmost respect for McCain for the years of torture and abuse he withstood. I couldn't imagine going through that. He's more man than me.
My brother had the same thing. he died in almost exactly 7 months. It is a horrible way to go. As your brain goes day by day, your functions evaporate. Near the end, he went blind. His eyes worked fine but the brain was no longer processing the input. Every day, wondering hat was next to go, knowing something would.

I'm so sorry for your loss. To politicize a death like that is unspeakably disgusting. But then, that's our Reichwing friends, eh?
do you have any sympathy for that warpig? not me.
If he had resigned the Senate like was called for I wouldn't care though

I have sympathy for any human being and his/her family going through this. I also have sympathy for sociopaths who lack even a molecule of empathy.
I'm so sorry for your loss. To politicize a death like that is unspeakably disgusting. But then, that's our Reichwing friends, eh?
who is politicizing? He's deadwood in the Senate. why didn't he resign?


Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack
Syria, Iraq, Russia, North Korea, and nine other nations the Arizona senator has been eager to bomb, invade,
or destabilize.

and this is old. Mccain wants economic warfare with Russia as well
I have sympathy for any human being and his/her family going through this. I also have sympathy for sociopaths who lack even a molecule of empathy.
on a personal level - sure.
McCain is a public figure by the fact he's still in the Senate. I criticize him as a public figure
He was a huge disappointment as a politician. While I have softened and will not relish in his death, I will rejoice in him no longer being in the Senate. He should have resigned his seat weeks ago.

This was a politically selfish move. Luckily he will no longer be able to do more damage than he has already done.
To me I'll always have the utmost respect for McCain for the years of torture and abuse he withstood. I couldn't imagine going through that. He's more man than me.
You'd think he understood how war hasn't solved anything for the U.S. since the Korean War. He never saw an opportunity for one he didn't like.