Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

good riddance to a deep state thug!

if mccain won in 2008 the liberals reaction here would be the same when trump won. You all were calling mccain a racist and a nazi back then. now you love him. hypocrites.

he was a cowardly sniveling piece of shit that was a secret democrat in rino clothing. bye bye bitch.
good riddance to a deep state thug!

if mccain won in 2008 the liberals reaction here would be the same when trump won. You all were calling mccain a racist and a nazi back then. now you love him. hypocrites.

he was a cowardly sniveling piece of shit that was a secret democrat in rino clothing. bye bye bitch.

A post that is almost 100% wrong.
A post that is almost 100% wrong.

cept it's not. The calling republicans a nazi thing and grandpa munster and racist is a boilerplate for you guys. if he beat black jesus you guys would have gone fucking as psycho then as you are now. Bill maher even made comments about this 2 years ago, about how liberals always cry wolf. same shit different day.

As for me, I prefer soldiers that DON'T get captured.
awesome. That's 1 in the plus column for McCain.
I notice you do not condemn his lust for war - you are a dullard, hypocritical, sullied, delusional.and stoopid!

John McCain is/was a grotesque proponent of bombing/destruction/war .You claim you are "antiwar"
you cannot pick and choose when you want to be anti-war,especially since you do not qualify that

You lost today.
Shut the fuck up.
To many people out there, Victoria Nuland, the woman who arrogantly and carelessly admitted in December 2013 that US spent $5 bln to subvert Ukraine and create anti-Russia out of it; the woman who orchestrated the Kiev maidan and violent coup; the woman who with a flick of her wrist dismissed and appointed Ukraine governments; the woman who said ‘f*ck Europe’ – is one scary American Zionist and neocon.
To most, she is known as Assistant US State Secretary in charge of Eurasia. Her job is to go around subverting countries, organizing violent coups and instigating color revolutions. https://futuristrendcast.wordpress....a-exceptional-american-in-1982-soviet-odessa/

post 5 shows you Mccain's view of battlefield earth. how is that not warmongering?
How about sending boots into Syria? or arming da rebels - which Obama was forced to stop because the armaments were being stolen by al_Nusra from the FSA types ?
Or bombing Iran? Bombing NK as he advocated? Or the destruction of Libya? do you need more examples?

how is ANY of this not warmongering???

No we are not "at war with Russia" - we are in DANGER of a real war with Russia because of NATO expansion
and the meddling in the Euromaidan, which caused the Crimea annexation. and arguable the escalation of the Donbass war.

McCain is a blunderbuss. a scattershot unfocused appetite for conflict

his hot rhetoric and willingness to war worldwide speaks for itself.
Given his druthers it wouldn't be surprising to have NATO start a war over Crimea,or Georgia or anywhere else
US/NATO/Russian forces rub up together if he had a say in any of this

Thankfully he never got the power - it doesn't mean he wasn't advocating for war.

I've always thought that the Crimea was Putin's Sudetenland. He clearly has expansionist goals.
I've always thought that the Crimea was Putin's Sudetenland. He clearly has expansionist goals.
Crimea is historically Russian.
Stalin turned it over to Ukraine in the 60s' (?) in an effort to placate Kyiv to accepting Soviet rule.

That is nothing like "expansionism" of the Hitler drive to conquest Europe
"I think that when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route, to chaos.” Paul Scofield as Thomas More