Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

Thanks. Blocked by WaPo 'cause I read too many this month! But here's a BBC one saying the same thing:

"On Monday, the Washington Post newspaper quoted officials as saying North Korea appeared to be building one or two new liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) at the Sanumdong facility near the capital, Pyongyang."
Clear your cookies! Then your count starts over. Learned that on here.
It's all about feelings, isn't it? I care more about the following:

Saudi warplanes carried out an airstrike against the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah on Thursday, hitting a camp for internally displaced people, and killed at least 31 civilians. The slain included 22 children. 79 civilians were wounded, again overwhelmingly children.

Those weapons were stamped; "Made in USA"

I don't see it as having to support one or the other. I hate both.
Trump accomplished nothing in North Korea. Kim has the bomb and said he does not need any more tests. There is evidence that his test site has collapsed. Whatever the reasons he is not testing, it has nothing to do with daffy. Trump just cancelled the NK meeting with Pompeo because the talks with them are going nowhere.

The nasty rhetoric that was soaring before, was in response to tough guy Trump threatening Kim and North Korea.
you simply cannot be this stupid and still be breathing.

"the bomb" is an atomic bomb. It's useless without a delivery system.
And you can't just strap one on like Slim Pickins riding a hydrogen-tippied ICBM onto oblivion.

It has to be miniaturized, and it has to have an effective means of starting the chain reaction.
All this has to be programmed into the war head. and the warhead has to be balanced to provide a stable trajectory

even when you get that you have to have an ICBM capable of re-entry on a long glidepath -
not just up and down like NK does now.

The test site was blast sight -not a firing site.

Talks are going nowhere? no talks are in a process, but like it's been said repeatedly it isn't Trump
that caused them to delay . It's China. Not Russia, not Trump. China.

China i'm sure is cheating to put pressure on trump for the ongoing trade talks.
when trade talks start to matter -you'll see progress on denuking NK
looks like continued continued construction of the Hwasong-15

had never been seen publicly until its successful maiden test on Nov. 28, when it flew 2,780 miles above the Earth on a nearly vertical trajectory before splashing into the Sea of Japan, also known as the East Sea. The 75-foot-tall colossus was one of two intercontinental ballistic missiles to appear abruptly on North Korean launchpads last year, and the first with sufficient range to strike cities across the continental United States.
again the vertical trajectory is very high, but not long.
Clear your cookies! Then your count starts over. Learned that on here.
my tip to the way to do it is

free. …
the first thing anyone with an ailing computer should do is to make sure it's not clogged up with unnecessary data. Over time, various scraps of code build up like digital cobwebs, slowing your machine down… One program we particularly like is CCleaner. This free piece of software scours your hard drive for all the pesky files hogging your disk space, including temporary files, internet cookies and unused registry files."
my tip to the way to do it is

free. …
the first thing anyone with an ailing computer should do is to make sure it's not clogged up with unnecessary data. Over time, various scraps of code build up like digital cobwebs, slowing your machine down… One program we particularly like is CCleaner. This free piece of software scours your hard drive for all the pesky files hogging your disk space, including temporary files, internet cookies and unused registry files."
I just go to settings and clear my cookies. I don’t trust cleaners. I use just my maintence tools on my computer.
So? This was to show that according to intelligence, NK isn’t shutting anything down.
they shut down engine testing and missile testing. this is basically finishing construction of existing missiles.
But the STRATEGIC view is they are not threatening war as well. as has repeated over and over we are in a much better posture then before Trump took Office -despite all the idjits who yammered on about "giving NK recognition".

It's going to take time
I just go to settings and clear my cookies. I don’t trust cleaners. I use just my maintenance tools on my computer.
this is much better them just clearing cookies. look at the review I posted for why.

I use my desktop for work. I can't have it slow down,and I can't have it corrupted with bad downloads.
The site I gave is free from malware. it cleans the entire op system,not just cookies.

If I wasn't 100% sure it was safe, i would not recommend it
Ater installing and removing software, then browsing the Internet for a few months, all sorts of temporary information is left strewn across your hard drive. Worse, the Registry, which is a database of information about your computer, is left with erroneous entries that point to long-deleted directories, link filetypes to applications that don’t exist and even attempt to launch startup applications that were removed from your machine.

The answer is a system cleanser and there are few better tools than the free CCleaner. This tool will remove unwanted information, temporary files, your browsing history, huge log files and even the settings left behind by previously installed software. It also includes a Registry cleaner and optimiser, which will find and remove entries and streamline the database.

CCleaner doesn’t stop there. It includes some security tools such as a data eraser

they shut down engine testing and missile testing. this is basically finishing construction of existing missiles.
But the STRATEGIC view is they are not threatening war as well. as has repeated over and over we are in a much better posture then before Trump took Office -despite all the idjits who yammered on about "giving NK recognition".

It's going to take time
This is what we told all of you, you are not telling us anything we didn’t know, orcwatned you about.

I don’t think they were threatening war till Trump started with his little Kim, Rocketman rhetoric , his father, his father’s father have always postured. I don’t see Trump accomplishing anything different from previous presidents, except no other president has called him a smart, nice guy, who cares for his people and gave him a photo op.
This is what we told all of you, you are not telling us anything we didn’t know, orcwatned you about.

I don’t think they were threatening war till Trump started with his little Kim, Rocketman rhetoric , his father, his father’s father have always postured. I don’t see Trump accomplishing anything different from previous presidents, except no other president has called him a smart, nice guy, who cares for his people and gave him a photo op.
no.all the propaganda has stopped as well as the bellicose exchanges.
Missile testing as well -which predates Trump
you simply cannot be this stupid and still be breathing.

"the bomb" is an atomic bomb. It's useless without a delivery system.
And you can't just strap one on like Slim Pickins riding a hydrogen-tippied ICBM onto oblivion.

It has to be miniaturized, and it has to have an effective means of starting the chain reaction.
All this has to be programmed into the war head. and the warhead has to be balanced to provide a stable trajectory

even when you get that you have to have an ICBM capable of re-entry on a long glidepath -
not just up and down like NK does now.

The test site was blast sight -not a firing site.

Talks are going nowhere? no talks are in a process, but like it's been said repeatedly it isn't Trump
that caused them to delay . It's China. Not Russia, not Trump. China.

China i'm sure is cheating to put pressure on trump for the ongoing trade talks.
when trade talks start to matter -you'll see progress on denuking NK

You are either the worst liar, or just a simple idiot.
The talks have been cancelled because "they were going nowhere".

Fucking lying idiot
At any rate, I have and will honor John McCain's service to this country, both in war and in peace. I wish him a peaceful passage to the other side, and hopes that his family will find peace in their memories of their loved one.
You are either the worst liar, or just a simple idiot.
The talks have been cancelled because "they were going nowhere".

Fucking lying idiot
JFC.. will you PLEASE learn context? they are not "canceled".
Trump said in his tweets Friday that talks with North Korea would be put on hold until trade issues with China were resolved.