Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

""we are at war with Russia" is typical Mccain. do you want war with Russia? then why defend McCain usual warmongering?
He never saw an opportunity for a war he diidn't want to happen/join.
He wanted boots in Syria FFS" a #100
I see the same facts you do.
But I reach a completely different conclusion, which happens to be far more consistent with the facts we both observe.

a) Russia is at War with the U.S. This is why U.S. presidents of both Democrat and Republican party have applied punishing sanctions against Russia.

b) There is persuasive evidence that Russia continues to interfere with the U.S. with Russian cyber-war.

c) What you call "usual warmongering" is apparently taking a responsible "America First" attitude toward U.S. national security.

McCain isn't advocating invading Moscow, or even St. Petersburg, so we can plunder Gazprom.

McCain is acknowledging the truth. And reports I've read indicate however buddy-buddy Trump may be with Putin in person, the Trump administration has been even more punitive to Russia than Obama was.

I consider the accusation that Senator McCain is a warmonger to be exceedingly ill-informed at best, and perhaps more likely, libelous.
And it shows terrible paucity of character for anyone to libel or slander anyone that has sacrificed so mightily for the slanderer's benefit.
I'm anti-war, McCain's not my hero and I strongly disagreed with his hawkish stance. I just think dog piling on a dying man is appalling.

It's all about feelings, isn't it? I care more about the following:

Saudi warplanes carried out an airstrike against the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah on Thursday, hitting a camp for internally displaced people, and killed at least 31 civilians. The slain included 22 children. 79 civilians were wounded, again overwhelmingly children.

Those weapons were stamped; "Made in USA"
I see the same facts you do.
But I reach a completely different conclusion, which happens to be far more consistent with the facts we both observe.

a) Russia is at War with the U.S. This is why U.S. presidents of both Democrat and Republican party have applied punishing sanctions against Russia.

b) There is persuasive evidence that Russia continues to interfere with the U.S. with Russian cyber-war.

c) What you call "usual warmongering" is apparently taking a responsible "America First" attitude toward U.S. national security.

McCain isn't advocating invading Moscow, or even St. Petersburg, so we can plunder Gazprom.

McCain is acknowledging the truth. And reports I've read indicate however buddy-buddy Trump may be with Putin in person, the Trump administration has been even more punitive to Russia than Obama was.

I consider the accusation that Senator McCain is a warmonger to be exceedingly ill-informed at best, and perhaps more likely, libelous.
And it shows terrible paucity of character for anyone to libel or slander anyone that has sacrificed so mightily for the slanderer's benefit.
post 5 shows you Mccain's view of battlefield earth. how is that not warmongering?
How about sending boots into Syria? or arming da rebels - which Obama was forced to stop because the armaments were being stolen by al_Nusra from the FSA types ?
Or bombing Iran? Bombing NK as he advocated? Or the destruction of Libya? do you need more examples?

how is ANY of this not warmongering???

No we are not "at war with Russia" - we are in DANGER of a real war with Russia because of NATO expansion
and the meddling in the Euromaidan, which caused the Crimea annexation. and arguable the escalation of the Donbass war.

McCain is a blunderbuss. a scattershot unfocused appetite for conflict

his hot rhetoric and willingness to war worldwide speaks for itself.
Given his druthers it wouldn't be surprising to have NATO start a war over Crimea,or Georgia or anywhere else
US/NATO/Russian forces rub up together if he had a say in any of this

Thankfully he never got the power - it doesn't mean he wasn't advocating for war.
stupid even for you.
Trump tries to make a peace with NK and you call him a warmonger. white supreme,is your standard rhetoric *yawn*

when he destroys a country like Libya get back to me

Trumptard is bombing and droning at a far higher rate than Obama ever did.
He made it illegal for any of the people that he is bombing to come here.
He is, therefore, destroying every country in Europe, where the refugees and terrorists are now forced to go, at a greatly accelerated rate.
Trump fucked the dog in NK, results matter, not trying you slippery eel.
What a stupid prick you are.
The idea that the "left" is pretending that McCain is their hero is ludicrous. Does anyone remember when the Democrats were anti-war? I do. Now we have one party; it is the war party.

McCain was the only man from either party to resist Cheney's torture initiative.
That alone makes him an American Americans, but not to shitstain Russbots.
Trumptard is bombing and droning at a far higher rate than Obama ever did.
Trump isn't bombing anyone. The drones under Obama first term included AfPak and they were higher levels
then his 2nd term or Trump.
This is all SECRET so it's impossible to say -still run by the CIA.

The problem is signature strike that drone non-identified "terrorists" as I've explained over and over.
They cause most of the "collateral damage'

Does the CIA Even Know Who Its Drones Are Killing? (2011)
CIA doesn't know either, most of the time. Says the Wall Street Journal, after interviewing what it calls "high level officials," there are two kinds of drone strikes: "Signature strikes target groups of men believed to be militants associated with terrorist groups, but whose identities aren't always known. The bulk of CIA's drone strikes are signature strikes.

He made it illegal for any of the people that he is bombing to come here
Libya is on the travel ban list , but that was Obama's bombs -not Trump.
where else is he "made it illegal for any of the people that he is bombing to come here" :rolleyes:

He is, therefore, destroying every country in Europe, where the refugees and terrorists are now forced to go, at a greatly accelerated rate.
awesome. Merkels refugee policy was caused by Trump?? :palm:
Trump fucked the dog in NK, results matter, not trying you slippery eel.
results look good to me -do you prefer air raid sirens in Hawaii, and ICBM's over Japan?
What a stupid prick you are.
you consistently win the JPP village idiot award. congrats again
McCain was the only man from either party to resist Cheney's torture initiative.
That alone makes him an American Americans, but not to shitstain Russbots.

You're just another Russophobe. Good point about the torture initiative, but that does not outweigh the damage he has done.
"post 5 shows you Mccain's view of battlefield earth. how is that not warmongering?" a #103

There isn't one quotation of McCain in #5.
Post #5

Quote Originally Posted by Fentoine Lum
Started in the op. Figures.

"do you have any sympathy for that warpig? not me.
If he had resigned the Senate like was called for I wouldn't care though" a #5
You can try again if you like. But I think you're wasting your (our) time.
I've been following Senator McCain (R-AZ) for decades. I've never seen any indication his impulse to wage war is stronger than his determination to preserve peace & protect our homeland.

There isn't one quotation of McCain in #5.

You can try again if you like. But I think you're wasting your (our) time.
I've been following Senator McCain (R-AZ) for decades. I've never seen any indication his impulse to wage war is stronger than his determination to preserve peace & protect our homeland.
clik the link below the pic in #16 brings up the article and Mccains words and "reasoning" I got the post number wrong -16 it is

don't be an idiot.
The rhetoric Trump used was back and forth with kim.
Trump did something about it and now neither the missiles or the rhetoric is flying.

McCain is a warmonger to his dying days. Last thing he was saying is "we are at war with Russia"

Trump accomplished nothing in North Korea. Kim has the bomb and said he does not need any more tests. There is evidence that his test site has collapsed. Whatever the reasons he is not testing, it has nothing to do with daffy. Trump just cancelled the NK meeting with Pompeo because the talks with them are going nowhere.

The nasty rhetoric that was soaring before, was in response to tough guy Trump threatening Kim and North Korea.
Trump accomplished nothing in North Korea. Kim has the bomb and said he does not need any more tests. There is evidence that his test site has collapsed. Whatever the reasons he is not testing, it has nothing to do with daffy. Trump just cancelled the NK meeting with Pompeo because the talks with them are going nowhere.

The nasty rhetoric that was soaring before, was in response to tough guy Trump threatening Kim and North Korea.
But, then there is this
I see the same facts you do.
But I reach a completely different conclusion, which happens to be far more consistent with the facts we both observe.

a) Russia is at War with the U.S. This is why U.S. presidents of both Democrat and Republican party have applied punishing sanctions against Russia.

b) There is persuasive evidence that Russia continues to interfere with the U.S. with Russian cyber-war.

c) What you call "usual warmongering" is apparently taking a responsible "America First" attitude toward U.S. national security.

McCain isn't advocating invading Moscow, or even St. Petersburg, so we can plunder Gazprom.

McCain is acknowledging the truth. And reports I've read indicate however buddy-buddy Trump may be with Putin in person, the Trump administration has been even more punitive to Russia than Obama was.

I consider the accusation that Senator McCain is a warmonger to be exceedingly ill-informed at best, and perhaps more likely, libelous.
And it shows terrible paucity of character for anyone to libel or slander anyone that has sacrificed so mightily for the slanderer's benefit.

anatta has no problem libelling or slandering any one.

Thanks. Blocked by WaPo 'cause I read too many this month! But here's a BBC one saying the same thing:

"On Monday, the Washington Post newspaper quoted officials as saying North Korea appeared to be building one or two new liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) at the Sanumdong facility near the capital, Pyongyang."