Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

The best thing? The next time there is an up or down vote in the Senate to totally remove OBAMA CARE....the thumb will be in the "UP" position, no Rothchild votes next time. The Dems better well hope.....and throw EVERYTHING they have at the midterms.....if they fail and Mr. Trump retains or grows his congressional power, the dem voice will be silenced for generations to come.

I can see why all the gnashing and grinding of teeth. Its time to sing "Danny Boy", with a RINO backup. One more DEEP STATE PLANT....gone, natural causes.
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What are you going to do about it Frank? Continue to post in bold and CAP whining like a little bitch that didn't get his way. internet tough guy.

Is there anything more pathetic?

Well yea...a racist internet tough guy ...but... internet tough guy.

Is there anything more pathetic?

Well yea...a racist internet tough guy ...but...

Frank should stop being a racist internet tough guy.

I don't expect Frank to do anything but whine. Nothing to address but his big mouth that he regularly keeps on a black asshole.
The best thing? The next time there is an up or down vote in the Senate to totally remove OBAMA CARE....the thumb will be in the "UP" position, no Rothchild votes next time. The Dems better well hope.....and throw EVERYTHING they have at the midterms.....if they fail and Mr. Trump retains or grows his congressional power, the dem voice will be silenced for generations to come.

I can see why all the gnashing and grinding of teeth. Its time to sing "Danny Boy", with a RINO backup. One more DEEP STATE PLANT....gone, natural causes.

Fucking asshole Republican voters heard their candidates PROMISE to end Obamacare...FIRST DAY. From the day it was passed...Republican politicians conned their voters with bill after bill...knowing they would go down to defeat.


...and came up short.

There are few people in this world as moronic as a Republican voter.

The only decent thing a reasonable person should to laugh at them as good-naturedly as possible.

This probably is not how it should be done...but it is the way I am doing it:

The idea that the "left" is pretending that McCain is their hero is ludicrous. Does anyone remember when the Democrats were anti-war? I do. Now we have one party; it is the war party.

I'm anti-war, McCain's not my hero and I strongly disagreed with his hawkish stance. I just think dog piling on a dying man is appalling.
I'm anti-war, McCain's not my hero and I strongly disagreed with his hawkish stance. I just think dog piling on a dying man is appalling.
"don't speak ill of the dead" -not the dying and not when he is still in the Senate.

As soon as he croaks we're gonna be treated to what wonderful politico he was -no mention made of his jingoism.
He hates rock and roll, hippies,opposed the Woodstock museum that Hillary wanted.

But he does love the wars..salute his service
I'm anti-war, McCain's not my hero and I strongly disagreed with his hawkish stance. I just think dog piling on a dying man is appalling.
The same with me, I did not like McCain’s politics, but I respected his service, and feel it is terrible how some conservatives have treated him, lately.
fuck off with your moralism defending a warmonger.
If MaCain had his way Libya would just be another in a series of battlefield earth.. "bomb bomb bomb Iran"

"Bomb Iran" is a major thing w/ you - but "fire & fury that the world has never seen" is meaningless.

Get out of your bubble.
I'm anti-war, McCain's not my hero and I strongly disagreed with his hawkish stance. I just think dog piling on a dying man is appalling.

He's not my hero - but he's one of the most principled politicians I have seen in my life, and dedicated to public service & the common good. His way to get there was & is different from mine, but I never doubted his commitment.

This thread is pathetic. Trump supporters, in general, are pathetic.
"Bomb Iran" is a major thing w/ you - but "fire & fury that the world has never seen" is meaningless.

Get out of your bubble.
don't be an idiot.
The rhetoric Trump used was back and forth with kim.
Trump did something about it and now neither the missiles or the rhetoric is flying.

McCain is a warmonger to his dying days. Last thing he was saying is "we are at war with Russia"
don't be an idiot.
The rhetoric Trump used was back and forth with kim.
Trump did something about it and now neither the missiles or the rhetoric is flying.

McCain is a warmonger to his dying days. Last thing he was saying is "we are at war with Russia"

That's too thin to even dignify by calling it hairsplitting.
uh huh. Love it when you deflect!

Please explain how that's a "deflection."

Trying to characterize "bomb Iran" as warmongering and then rationalizing that "fire & fury the world has never seen" as more like playful banter with Kim is truly pathetic hairsplitting. There is no difference.

You just love Trump & hate McCain. Deflect that.
Gotta love Republican/Conservatives who will dance on the soon to be grave of one of their own because he wasn't Red enough for them while Dems/Liberals will express remorse over the "enemy's" death because someone is dying/died.

The difference between the two in a nutshell.
McCain is a warmonger to his dying days. Last thing he was saying is "we are at war with Russia"

How does speaking the truth about a country hacking our infrastructure and elections equate to "warmongering" in your mind? Or are you also denying that Russia's been hacking and meddling?
Gotta love Republican/Conservatives who will dance on the soon to be grave of one of their own because he wasn't Red enough for them while Dems/Liberals will express remorse over the "enemy's" death because someone is dying/died.

The difference between the two in a nutshell.

He's an old racist white male. You think liberals are shedding a tear for him?
How does speaking the truth about a country hacking our infrastructure and elections equate to "warmongering" in your mind? Or are you also denying that Russia's been hacking and meddling?
"we are at war with Russia" is typical Mccain. do you want war with Russia? then why defend McCain usual warmongering?
He never saw an opportunity for a war he diidn't want to happen/join.
He wanted boots in Syria FFS