Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment

You Trumpsters are hateful right down to your very core!

Your hatred for Hillary has overwhelmed you and has gone now so far as to hate your very own.

It seems now, that whoever Donald Trump hates, you people hate, as if you don't even have a mind, common sense, dignity, shame, or a heart of your very own.

Let me tell you something! McCain will go down in history as as an American Hero, and a man that spent his entire life serving this nation.

While Donald Trump will go down in history as an American Traitor, a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a racist, a womanizer/abuser, an adulterer, and the most corrupt individual that ever held any public office, and the very worst example of an American President we have ever had.

He was a huge disappointment as a politician. While I have softened and will not relish in his death, I will rejoice in him no longer being in the Senate. He should have resigned his seat weeks ago.

This was a politically selfish move. Luckily he will no longer be able to do more damage than he has already done.

Do you think he would have responded to 9/11 more competently than Bush?
Trump would sit on McCain's air hose. He is an unempathetic man. He sees people as tools to make him more money. He does not care about people. He jettisons anyone working for him if they no longer are useful. Cohen would have stayed in kneepads forever if Trump had thrown him a bone after he won. But he pretended he did not know who he was.
Do you think he would have responded to 9/11 more competently than Bush?

I think he would have gotten us into more wars than Bush did. As I said, McCain was a disappointment as a politician. He may have called himself a Republican but he was no conservative. He styled himself after Teddy Roosevelt, which is fine, but Teddy Roosevelt was a self professed big government progressive.

McShamnesty belonged in the democrat party.

On the flip side, I guess I should thank McShamnesty. Without his bullshi faux conservatism, we wouldn't have Trump stirring things up and getting shit done.
I think he would have gotten us into more wars than Bush did. As I said, McCain was a disappointment as a politician. He may have called himself a Republican but he was no conservative. He styled himself after Teddy Roosevelt, which is fine, but Teddy Roosevelt was a self professed big government progressive.

McShamnesty belonged in the democrat party.

On the flip side, I guess I should thank McShamnesty. Without his bullshi faux conservatism, we wouldn't have Trump stirring things up and getting shit done.

Which wars?
good point -but it can't be done. Money=political speech.
The only way is public financing of elections -Congress critters do not want to give up the gravy train

Money is not speech. the Supremes were wrong about that.

Public financing and no outside donations would give the power back to the people. The corporations and wealthy like their power.
My brother had the same thing. he died in almost exactly 7 months. It is a horrible way to go. As your brain goes day by day, your functions evaporate. Near the end, he went blind. His eyes worked fine but the brain was no longer processing the input. Every day, wondering hat was next to go, knowing something would.
That's horrible. I'm so sorry.